Unearthed Bonds: Trust and Treasures in Roman Ruins

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian www.FluentFiction.org/Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Solen glødet over de gamle romerske ruinene. En: The sun glowed over the ancient Roman ruins. Nb: Steinsøylene kastet lange skygger, og luften var tørr med en duft av støv og historie. En: The stone columns cast long shadows, and the air was dry with a scent…

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Anong’s Quest: Treasures of Ancient Ayutthaya

Fluent Fiction – Thai www.FluentFiction.org/Thai Story Transcript: Th: ฝนพรำเบาๆ ในวันหนึ่งที่อยุธยาโบราณ En: A light rain was falling one day in ancient Ayutthaya. Th: อนงค์เดินเข้าไปในตลาดที่ครึกครื้นด้วยเสียงพ่อค้าแม่ค้าเรียกขายของ En: Anong walked into the bustling market filled with the calls of vendors selling their goods. Th: พื้นดินเปียกชื้นจากฝนที่ตกต่อเนื่อง En: The ground was damp from the continuous rain. Th: นางอนงค์เป็นนักสะสมของเก่า มีตาแหลมคมในการดูของโบราณ En: Anong…

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Secrets Among Ruins: Ana’s Bold Archaeological Quest

Fluent Fiction – Croatian www.FluentFiction.org/Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Ana je stajala među drevnim ruševinama Salone, osjetivši čaroliju prošlih vremena oko sebe. En: Ana stood among the ancient ruins of Salona, feeling the magic of past times around her. Hr: Vjetar je nizao njezinu kosu dok je gledala prema morskom horizontu. En: The wind tousled her…

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The Sandwich Splash: Unveiling Laughter in Ancient Roman Baths

Fluent Fiction – Serbian www.FluentFiction.org/Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Врело летње поподне у бањи, Радован се одлучио да проведе у древним римским бањама. En: On a hot summer afternoon at the spa, Radovan decided to spend time in the ancient Roman baths. Sr: Бање су биле смештене у скривеном кутку Србије, окружене добро очуваним каменим рушевинама…

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Unearthing Legends: Hiroshi’s Quest in the Ancient Temple

Fluent Fiction – Japanese www.FluentFiction.org/Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 雪が降る山奥に、古代の文明が眠る古い神殿があった。 En: In the remote mountains where snow continuously falls, there stood an ancient temple housing a dormant civilization. Ja: 冬の冷たい風が吹く中、考古学者のヒロシはその神殿を目指していた。 En: Amidst the cold winter wind, archaeologist Hiroshi was making his way toward that temple. Ja: 彼の心の中には、歴史を書き換えるような驚くべき遺物を見つけるという強い願望があった。 En: Within his heart burned a strong desire to…

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Forbidden City Shenanigans: Summer’s Ultimate TikTok Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese www.FluentFiction.org/Mandarin Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 紫禁城的夏天, 天空湛蓝,阳光灿烂。 En: The summer at the Forbidden City featured a clear blue sky and brilliant sunshine. Zh: 美、欣和晨,三个表兄妹并肩走在宫殿间,假扮成普通游客。 En: Mei, Xin, and Chen, three cousins, walked side by side among the palaces, pretending to be ordinary tourists. Zh: 美是个冒险的女孩,总是寻求刺激。 En: Mei was an adventurous…

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Passion and Patience: Unearthing Treasures in Roman Ruins

Fluent Fiction – French www.FluentFiction.org/French Story Transcript: Fr: Sous un soleil brûlant d’été, l’air était lourd et chaud sur le site archéologique. En: Under the blazing summer sun, the air was heavy and hot at the archaeological site. Fr: Louis et Isabelle travaillaient ensemble au cœur des ruines d’un forum romain. En: Louis and Isabelle…

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Sibling Quest: The Summer Journey to Save Their Father

Fluent Fiction – Korean www.FluentFiction.org/Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 지호와 미나는 언덕 마을에 살고 있었습니다. En: Jiho and Mina lived in a hillside village. Ko: 여름이 깊어가고, 아버지가 점점 더 아파지기 시작했습니다. En: As summer deepened, their father started becoming increasingly ill. Ko: 지호는 아버지를 살리기 위해 희귀한 약초를 찾아야 했습니다. En: Jiho needed to find…

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Unearthing Secrets: An Adventure in Carthage’s Timeless Ruins

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans www.FluentFiction.org/Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Onder ‘n koel, helder winterhemel het die ruïnes van Kartago in stilte lê. En: Under a cool, clear winter sky, the ruins of Carthage lay in silence. Af: Die vars lug het oor die gebreekte kolomme en verweerde standbeelde gewaai. En: The fresh air blew over the…

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Ancient Thracian Secrets: A Life-Saving Quest Amid Ruins

Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian www.FluentFiction.org/Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: Лъчите на лятното слънце пробиваха през листата на дърветата, осветявайки древните тракийски руини. En: The rays of the summer sun pierced through the leaves of the trees, illuminating the ancient Thracian ruins. Bg: Симеон, професор по история, беше на колене, изследвайки каменните останки. En: Simeon, a history…

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