Airport Encounter: Lost & Found That Saved the Day

Fluent Fiction – Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Tallinna lennujaam oli täis suveaja reisisuminat. En: Tallinn Airport was abuzz with the hum of summer travel. Et: Suured klaasseinad lasid päikesekiirtel valgustada elavat terminali. En: Large glass windows let the sun’s rays illuminate the lively terminal. Et: Kohvrite rataste rullimise ja jutu hääled täitsid õhku. En:…

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When Plan B Prevails: A Day at Franjo Tuđman Airport

Fluent Fiction – Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Sunce je visoko na nebu nad Zagrebom. En: The sun is high in the sky over Zagreb. Hr: Ljeto je u punom jeku. En: Summer is in full swing. Hr: Franjo Tuđman Međunarodna zračna luka je puna ljudi. En: Franjo Tuđman International Airport is full of people.…

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Love Over Dreams: Life-Changing Decision at Riga Airport

Fluent Fiction – Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Rīgas Starptautiskā lidosta vasaras dienā ir pilna ar ceļotājiem. En: The Riga International Airport is bustling with travelers on a summer day. Lv: Saule spīd cauri lielajiem stikla logiem, radot garas ēnas uz flīžu grīdas. En: The sun shines through the large glass windows, casting long shadows…

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Reunion at Kyiv Airport: A Tale of Sibling Forgiveness

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Літній вечір у Київському міжнародному аеропорту був особливий. En: A summer evening at the Kyiv International Airport was special. Uk: Люди квапливо пересувалися терміналами, чути було звуки коліс багажу і оголошення по гучномовцю. En: People hurriedly moved through the terminals, the sounds of luggage wheels and loudspeaker…

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Mistaken Bags at Cape Town: Unexpected Connections

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Die vertrekbord by Kaapstad Internasionale Lughawe het helder verligte letters vertoon. En: The departure board at Cape Town International Airport displayed brightly lit letters. Af: Passasiers het heen en weer gestap, besig en geïrriteerd. En: Passengers paced back and forth, busy and irritated. Af: Dit was winter,…

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Unlocking Secrets of Alexandria: A Summer Adventure of Discovery

Fluent Fiction – Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Knihy v Aleksandrijskej knižnici boli staré a vzácne. En: The books in the Library of Alexandria were old and precious. Sk: Vzduch voňal po prachu a pergamene. En: The air smelled of dust and parchment. Sk: Obrovské police sa tiahli do výšky stropu. En: Enormous shelves stretched…

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Eclipse Over Sarmizegetusa: An Archaeological Breakthrough

Fluent Fiction – Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: Sub soarele dogoritor al verii, în inima Munților Apuseni, Dragos și Luminita pășeau cu grijă printre ruinele antice de la Sarmizegetusa Regia. En: Under the scorching summer sun, in the heart of the Apuseni Mountains, Dragos and Luminita carefully stepped among the ancient ruins of Sarmizegetusa Regia.…

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Faith and Discovery: An Unlikely Encounter at the Western Wall

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew Story Transcript: He: השמש התחילה לשקוע בירושלים העתיקה, צבעה זהוב על אבני הכותל המערבי. En: The sun began to set over ancient Jerusalem, casting a golden hue on the stones of the Western Wall. He: טליה, אישה דתית, עמדה מול הכותל והתפללה בלב שבור. En: Talia, a religious woman, stood…

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Ancient Greek Markets: A Journey of Wisdom and Healing

Fluent Fiction – Irish Story Transcript: Ga: I margaí ársa na Gréige, bhí an lá te agus an ghrian ag taitneamh go hard sa spéir. En: In the ancient markets of Greece, the day was hot and the sun was shining high in the sky. Ga: Bhí boladh spíosraí trom san aer agus an…

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Journey to the Stars: A Scientist’s Quest for Cosmic Truths

Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Saulė kyla virš dykumos kraštovaizdžio. En: The sun rises over the desert landscape. Lt: Smėlio vėjas pučia aplink, šildantis orą. En: Sand winds blow around, warming the air. Lt: Linas eina lėtai, bet pasiryžęs. En: Linas walks slowly but determinedly. Lt: Jis jaunas mokslininkas. Jo siela kupina…

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