Strength in Vulnerability: Isabela’s Journey Through El Yunque

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: Isabela caminaba por el Bosque Nacional El Yunque en un caluroso día de verano. En: Isabela was walking through El Yunque National Forest on a hot summer day. Es: Las hojas brillaban bajo el sol, y el canto de los pájaros llenaba el aire. En: The leaves…

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Laughter and History at Prague’s Old Town Square

Fluent Fiction – Czech Story Transcript: Cs: Na Staroměstském náměstí v Praze bylo léto v plném proudu. En: At the Old Town Square in Prague, summer was in full swing. Cs: Slunce svítilo a náměstí bylo plné turistů a místních obyvatel. En: The sun was shining, and the square was filled with tourists and…

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Finding Balance in Błędowska: A Family’s Desert Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Błędowska pustynia była pełna piasku, słońca i cichych szumów wiatru. En: The Błędowska Desert was full of sand, sunlight, and the quiet whispers of the wind. Pl: Katarzyna stała przy swoim namiocie, patrząc na listę zadań. En: Katarzyna stood by their tent, looking at a list of…

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Sunlit Marketplace: A Quest for Heritage and Unexpected Bonds

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Сонце палило над Херсонським ринком, кидаючи гострі тіні на піщані вулиці. En: The sun blazed over the Kherson market, casting sharp shadows on the sandy streets. Uk: Олексій проходив між яскравими лавками, де продавці гукали до перехожих. En: Oleksiy walked among the bright stalls where vendors called…

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Braving the Sahara: Calliope’s Unyielding Quest for Climate Truth

Fluent Fiction – Greek Story Transcript: El: Κατά τη διάρκεια του καυτού καλοκαιριού, στον απέραντο, χρυσό ωκεανό άμμου της Σαχάρας, η Καλλιόπη εργάζεται σκληρά. En: During the scorching summer, in the vast, golden ocean of sand in the Sahara, Calliope works tirelessly. El: Η Καλλιόπη είναι κλιματολόγος. En: Calliope is a climatologist. El: Θέλει…

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The Hidden Caves of Kornati: A Tale of Bravery and Friendship

Fluent Fiction – Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Luka i Ivan stajali su na brodu, gledajući prema otocima Kornatskog arhipelaga. En: Luka and Ivan stood on the boat, gazing at the islands of the Kornati archipelago. Hr: More je bilo kristalno plavo, a sunce je sjalo visoko na nebu. En: The sea was crystal blue,…

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Nadia’s Unexpected Discovery: Embracing Surprises at Borobudur

Fluent Fiction – Indonesian Story Transcript: Id: Borobudur berdiri megah di bawah sinar matahari musim kemarau. En: Borobudur stood majestically under the dry season sunshine. Id: Candi kuno ini dihiasi dengan ukiran hiasan dan patung Buddha yang tenang. En: This ancient temple adorned with ornamental carvings and tranquil Buddha statues. Id: Suasananya penuh penghormatan…

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Lost in the Thar: Raj’s Captivating Search for the Wishing Oasis

Fluent Fiction – Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: थार रेगिस्तान का सूरज आसमान में जल रहा था। En: The sun of the Thar Desert was blazing in the sky. Hi: रेत के टीलों पर चमकती धूप की लहरें जीवित मालूम होती थीं। En: The shimmering waves of sunlight on the sand dunes appeared to be…

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A Thrilling Encounter: Milan’s Adventure on the Uvac River

Fluent Fiction – Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Летње сунце је обасјавало кањон реке Увац. En: The summer sun illuminated the canyon of the Uvac River. Sr: Ветар је лагано миловао лишће дрвећа, стварајући мелодију коју је само природа могла да ослика. En: The wind gently caressed the tree leaves, creating a melody that only…

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Surviving the Kalahari: Karel’s Unconventional Desert Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Die Kalahari Woestyn strek wyd en ver, met golwende duine en min skaduwee. En: The Kalahari Desert stretches far and wide, with rolling dunes and little shade. Af: Dit is winter, en die lug is onverwags koud. En: It is winter, and the air is unexpectedly cold.…

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