Finding Courage: Lucien’s Journey from Isolation to Friendship

Fluent Fiction – French Story Transcript: Fr: Les guirlandes tricolores scintillaient dans le jardin commun de la résidence privée de Lucien. En: The tricolored garlands glittered in the shared garden of Lucien’s private residence. Fr: C’était le 14 juillet, la fête nationale de la France. En: It was July 14th, France’s national holiday. Fr:…

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Finding Harmony: A Tale of Creativity and Structure

Fluent Fiction – Danish Story Transcript: Da: I den stille gated community med manicurerede græsplæner og godt asfalterede veje boede Mikkel og Freja. En: In the quiet gated community with manicured lawns and well-paved roads lived Mikkel and Freja. Da: Det var sommer, og Midsommerfesten nærmede sig. En: It was summer, and the Midsummer…

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Rival Photographers Find Friendship Amid Fireworks at Kalemegdan

Fluent Fiction – Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Сунце је полако залазило изнад бедема Калемегданске тврђаве. En: The sun was slowly setting above the ramparts of Kalemegdan Fortress. Sr: Светлост је била савршена за фотографисање. En: The light was perfect for photography. Sr: Вук и Јована су били спремни за летњи културни фестивал. En: Vuk…

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A Summer Barbecue That Transformed a Community in Galway

Fluent Fiction – Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Bhí grian ag taitneamh go hard sa spéir. En: The sun was shining high in the sky. Ga: Bhí an phobal i bhfolach taobh istigh de theorainn an phobail áille i nGaillimh. En: The community was hidden within the beautiful confines of the village in Galway. Ga:…

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Finding Friendship in a New School: Alondra and Ignacio’s Journey

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: Alondra caminaba despacio por la acera del vecindario. En: Alondra walked slowly along the neighborhood sidewalk. Es: Sus manos temblaban un poco por el frío del invierno. En: Her hands trembled a little from the winter cold. Es: La primera semana de clases siempre le ponía nerviosa.…

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Unveiling Shadows: Dominika’s Quest for Peace in Warsaw

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: W ciepłe letnie popołudnie Dominika spacerowała po spokojnych alejkach osiedla. En: On a warm summer afternoon, Dominika was strolling through the peaceful pathways of her neighborhood. Pl: Drzewa szeleściły delikatnie na wietrze, a ptaki śpiewały w gałęziach. En: The trees rustled gently in the breeze, and birds…

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Winter Blossoms: A Tale of Perseverance and Innovation

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Die son het lastig oor die heuwels van Kaapstad opgestyg. En: The sun rose lazily over the hills of Cape Town. Af: Luan was reeds aan die werk in die luukse omheinde gemeenskap. En: Luan was already at work in the luxurious gated community. Af: Die kille…

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Renewal by the Lake: A Journey Home to Find Solace

Fluent Fiction – Finnish Story Transcript: Fi: Aurinko oli juuri nousemassa horisontin ylle, kun Linnea avasi auton oven ja astui ulos. En: The sun was just rising above the horizon when Linnea opened the car door and stepped out. Fi: Hän hengitti syvään raikasta ilmaa. En: She took a deep breath of the fresh…

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From Safe Routes to Hidden Paths: A Journey in Unity

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Sola skinte gjennom trærne som omringet de velstelte hagene i den rolige gatede community. En: The sun shone through the trees surrounding the well-maintained gardens in the quiet gated community. Nb: Lars, Ingrid og Sigrid sto ved bilen, klare til å dra til sommerhytta i fjellene. En:…

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Hidden Garden Nights: Finding Joy in Tallinn’s Quiet Corners

Fluent Fiction – Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Kõik muutus suve öödel ühes rahulikus, turvalises kogukonnas Tallinnas. En: Everything changed during the summer nights in a quiet, safe community in Tallinn. Et: Andres, 35-aastane turvamees, seisis värava juures. En: Andres, a 35-year-old security guard, stood at the gate. Et: Töö oli rahulik, isegi igav. En:…

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