Student’s Kindness Saves the Day at the Pool

Fluent Fiction – Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 뜨거운 여름날, 미니 주택 단지 수영장 주변에는 늘 활기가 넘쳤다. En: On a hot summer day, the area around the swimming pool in the mini housing complex was always bustling with activity. Ko: 미니 주택 단지는 울창한 정원과 잘 가꾸어진 잔디밭으로 둘러싸여 있고, 반짝이는 파란색 수영장이 더운…

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Summer BBQ in Ljubljana: A Tale of Healing and Community

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Sončno poletno popoldne je grelo lično urejeno naselje v Ljubljani. En: A sunny summer afternoon warmed the neatly arranged neighborhood in Ljubljana. Sl: Hiše so bile moderne, toda s pridihom tradicionalne slovenske arhitekture. En: The houses were modern, yet retained a touch of traditional Slovenian architecture. Sl:…

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Lessons from the Summer Market: A Journey to Embrace Spontaneity

Fluent Fiction – German Story Transcript: De: Das Leben in der abgeschlossenen Gemeinschaft war ruhig und ordentlich. En: Life in the secluded community was quiet and orderly. De: Der Sommermarkt öffnete seine Tore, und Hannelore und Klaus machten sich bereit, frisches Obst und Gemüse zu kaufen. En: The summer market opened its doors, and…

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United by the Storm: A Community’s Battle and Bond in Brașov

Fluent Fiction – Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: Într-o după-amiază liniștită de vară, comunitatea închisă din Brașov era un loc idilic. En: On a quiet summer afternoon, the gated community of Brașov was an idyllic place. Ro: Casele frumoase, cu acoperișuri roșii, erau înconjurate de grădini îngrijite. En: The beautiful houses with red roofs were…

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Summer School Secrets: Friendship, Dreams, and Self-Discovery

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: A nap forrón ragyogott a Budapest külvárosában található elkerített közösségre. En: The sun was shining brightly on the gated community located in the outskirts of Budapest. Hu: A Nyári Iskola kezdete mindhárom barát számára fontos pillanat volt. En: The start of Summer School was an important moment…

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Summer Rescue: Paramedic Saves a Life in Quiet Valley

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: У теплий літній день, коли здається, що нічого не може піти не так, спокійний ритм життя мирного поселення під назвою “Тиха долина” раптово переривається тривожним дзвінком. En: On a warm summer day, when it seemed nothing could go wrong, the peaceful rhythm of life in a settlement…

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Healing Waves: Sibling Bonding in Times of Turmoil

Fluent Fiction – Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: Els raigs del sol jugaven sobre l’aigua cristal·lina de la platja de Llafranc, creant milers de lluentors com diamants. En: The sunbeams danced over the crystal-clear water at Llafranc beach, creating thousands of sparkles like diamonds. Ca: Mariona i el seu germà petit, Pere, estaven asseguts a…

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A New Hope: When Two Lonely Hearts Find Community Magic

Fluent Fiction – Greek Story Transcript: El: Ο ήλιος έλαμπε πάνω από την περιφραγμένη κοινότητα. En: The sun was shining over the gated community. El: Τα σπίτια ήταν όμορφα και οι δρόμοι γεμάτοι δέντρα. En: The houses were beautiful, and the streets were lined with trees. El: Ήταν καλοκαίρι και οι κάτοικοι ετοίμαζαν το…

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Stockholm Summer: Astrid’s Heartwarming Crayfish Party

Fluent Fiction – Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Astrid stod vid sitt köksbord och blickade ut över trädgården. En: Astrid stood by her kitchen table, gazing out over the garden. Sv: Det var en varm sommardag, och solen lyste över de prydliga husen i det lilla, avskilda området i Stockholm. En: It was a warm…

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From Routine to Adventure: The Journey of Hasan and Ayla

Fluent Fiction – Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: Hasan her sabah kapıda nöbet başlar başlamaz, kapıdaki görevine titizlikle devam ederdi. En: Hasan diligently continued his duty at the gate every morning as soon as his shift began. Tr: Gated community, büyük bahçeli modern evlerin yer aldığı, sakin ve yeşil bir mahalleydi. En: The gated community…

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