Li Wei’s Bold Step: Turning Hard Work into Opportunity

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 夏天的中午,烈日当头。 En: At midday in the summer, the sun was blazing overhead. Zh: 李伟坐在办公室的窗边,热浪透过大玻璃窗扑面而来,令他感到一丝不安。 En: Li Wei sat by the office window, heat waves coming through the large glass spread across his face, causing him some unease. Zh: 今天是季度业绩评估的日子。 En: Today was the day for…

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Secrets, Betrayal, and Redemption in Warsaw’s Hottest Summer

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Letnie słońce oświetlało biuro na dziesiątym piętrze nowoczesnego wieżowca w centrum Warszawy. En: The summer sun illuminated the office on the tenth floor of a modern skyscraper in the center of Warsaw. Pl: Klimatyzacja ledwo nadążała, a pracownicy byli zmęczeni gorącem. En: The air conditioning was barely…

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From Colleagues to Companions: A Blossoming Office Romance

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Linh đứng trước tấm bảng trắng lớn ở văn phòng. En: Linh stood before the large whiteboard in the office. Vi: Cô đang trình bày một kế hoạch marketing mới. En: She was presenting a new marketing plan. Vi: Ánh mặt trời mùa hè chiếu sáng rực…

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Office Antics: How Rina and Wira Spiced Up Their Workday

Fluent Fiction – Indonesian Story Transcript: Id: Di pagi musim dingin yang dingin, kantor perusahaan Bagian Pemasaran mulai sibuk. En: On a chilly winter morning, the Marketing Department office began to buzz with activity. Id: Rina dan Wira duduk di meja mereka, mencoba untuk tetap fokus pada pekerjaan masing-masing. En: Rina and Wira were…

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Summertime Synergy: Finding Harmony in the Office Supply Aisle

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Visok poletni dan je prebudil Ljubljano. En: A high summer day woke up Ljubljana. Sl: Stopinje so se že povzpele nad trideset, mesto pa je dihalo v vroči sapici. En: The temperature had already soared above thirty, and the city was breathing in the hot breeze. Sl:…

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Ivana’s Triumph: Overcoming Fear and Winning Over Management

Fluent Fiction – Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Ivana je sjedila za svojim stolom, osjećajući srce kako joj udara u grudima. En: Ivana sat at her desk, feeling her heart pound in her chest. Hr: Sunčeva svjetla ulazila su kroz staklene zidove zgrade, osvjetljavajući moderan ured. En: Sunlight streamed through the glass walls of the…

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Courageously Unveiled: The Whistleblower Who Changed Everything

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew Story Transcript: He: ביום קיץ חמים במנהטן, נועה ישבה בתוך משרדה בענק הבינלאומי להשקעות בקומה ה-37. En: On a warm summer day in Manhattan, Noa sat in her office on the 37th floor of the international investment giant. He: מבחוץ, המשרד נראה כמו בית זכוכית עצום המשקיף על העיר היפהפייה…

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Rivalry at Work: Luc’s Unexpected Ally in a Race Against Time

Fluent Fiction – French Story Transcript: Fr: C’était un mardi d’été, et le soleil brillait intensément à travers les grandes fenêtres de l’entreprise. En: It was a summer Tuesday, and the sun was shining brightly through the large office windows. Fr: Le bureau était moderne, avec des espaces de travail ouverts et des employés…

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The Perfect Balance: Spontaneity Meets Planning in a Summer BBQ

Fluent Fiction – Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Vasaras saulē, zaļā un sakoptā kopienā, kur Mārtiņš un Līga dzīvoja, valdīja gaišas un dzīvespriecīgas noskaņas. En: In the summer sun, in a green and well-kept community where Mārtiņš and Līga lived, bright and cheerful moods prevailed. Lv: Tur bija perfektas zālītes un rūpīgi apkopoti dārzi. En:…

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From Plans to Joy: How a Neighborhood BBQ United Us All

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 夏天的一个早晨,阳光明媚,鸟儿在歌唱, En: One summer morning, the sun was shining brightly, and the birds were singing. Zh: 北京的一个高档社区里,细致的夏雨正在计划一场完美的烧烤活动。 En: In an upscale neighborhood in Beijing, meticulous Xia Yu was planning a perfect barbecue event. Zh: 她希望通过这场烧烤让邻居们更加团结和睦。 En: She hoped this barbecue would bring the neighbors closer…

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