Rhodri’s Turning Point: From Anxiety to Triumph in a Day

Fluent Fiction – Welsh www.FluentFiction.org/Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Roedd heulwen yr haf yn gwawrio ar adeilad modern y swyddfa. En: The summer sunshine was dawning on the modern office building. Cy: Roedd y ffenestri gwydr yn llawn sglein, gan adlewyrchu’r haul llachar. En: The glass windows were gleaming, reflecting the bright sun. Cy: Y tu…

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Mystery in the Rain: A Night of Honest Ambition and Cooperation

Fluent Fiction – Hindi www.FluentFiction.org/Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: बारिश की बूंदे बड़े कांच के खिड़कियों पर गिर रहीं थीं। En: Raindrops were falling on the large glass windows. Hi: बाहर की हलचल अंदर के सन्नाटे से बिल्कुल उलट थी। En: The bustle outside was the complete opposite of the silence inside. Hi: शहर के दिल…

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A Breath of Change: How a Crisis Transformed an Office Team

Fluent Fiction – Greek www.FluentFiction.org/Greek Story Transcript: El: Καθώς ο ήλιος έλαμπε στο φως του καλοκαιριού, το σύγχρονο γραφείο έμοιαζε να λάμπει ακόμα περισσότερο. En: As the sun shone in the light of summer, the modern office seemed to glow even more. El: Ήταν μια πολυάσχολη ημέρα στον κόσμο της εταιρίας, με τον ήχο από…

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Team Triumph: How Collaboration Saved the Big Presentation

Fluent Fiction – Estonian www.FluentFiction.org/Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Maarja kummardus üle oma sülearvuti klaviatuuri, ekraanilt vastu peegelduvad andmed helkisid tema prilliklaasidel. En: Maarja leaned over her laptop keyboard, the data reflected on the screen glinting off her glasses. Et: Korporatiivkontor oli täis elu – inimesed sebisid ringi, arutelud käisid ja kliimaseade sumises taustal. En: The…

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Furry Disruptions: A Dog’s Impact on Office Vibes

Fluent Fiction – Dutch www.FluentFiction.org/Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: Het was een warme zomerdag bij het moderne kantoor van de Firma Zorgeloos, waar glaswanden, open werkplekken en een grote vergaderruimte met de nieuwste videovergaderequipment de werkomgeving bepaalden. En: It was a warm summer day at the modern office of Firma Zorgeloos, where glass walls, open workspaces,…

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The Heartbeat of the Office: Love and Leadership Tested

Fluent Fiction – Spanish www.FluentFiction.org/Spanish Story Transcript: Es: La ciudad brillaba con el sol de verano, y en un edificio alto de cristal y acero, Lorenzo trabajaba en su oficina. En: The city shone with the summer sun, and in a tall building of glass and steel, Lorenzo worked in his office. Es: Era un…

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From Shadows to Spotlight: Astrid’s Triumph in the Modern Office

Fluent Fiction – Danish www.FluentFiction.org/Danish Story Transcript: Da: Solen skinnede stærkt gennem de store vinduer i det topmoderne kontor. En: The sun shone brightly through the large windows in the ultramodern office. Da: Det var en varm sommerdag, og kontoret summede af aktivitet. En: It was a warm summer day, and the office buzzed with…

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Navigating Office Politics: Lars’ Journey to Triumph

Fluent Fiction – Swedish www.FluentFiction.org/Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Det var en varm sommardag, och kontoret var fullt av aktivitet. En: It was a warm summer day, and the office was buzzing with activity. Sv: Lars satt vid sitt skrivbord i den moderna kontorsbyggnaden. En: Lars sat at his desk in the modern office building. Sv:…

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Oona’s Coffee Machine Crisis: A Spark in Any Career

Fluent Fiction – Finnish www.FluentFiction.org/Finnish Story Transcript: Fi: Kesäinen aamu alkoi aurinkoisena ja lämpimänä. En: A summer morning began sunny and warm. Fi: Oona astui sisään moderniin toimistoon, jossa oli lasiseiniä ja minimalistisia huonekaluja. En: Oona stepped into the modern office, which had glass walls and minimalist furniture. Fi: Hän hymyili itsekseen, tietäen, että tänään…

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Navigating Office Dynamics: From Tradition to Innovation

Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian www.FluentFiction.org/Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Viduryje vasaros Vilniuje, moderniame ofiso pastate, darbai virė. En: In the middle of summer in Vilnius, in a modern office building, work was in full swing. Lt: Dominykas buvo užimtas organizuojant svarbų renginį. En: Dominykas was busy organizing an important event. Lt: Jis norėjo, kad viskas pavyktų…

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