Navigating Ambition: A Story of Mutual Respect in the Workplace

Fluent Fiction – Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Bhí an ghrian ag taitneamh go geal tríd na fuinneoga móra gloine sa tobair oibre. En: The sun was shining brightly through the large glass windows of the office. Ga: Bhí Conall ina shuí ina oifig, ag ullmhú don chruinniú míosúil feidhmíochta. En: Conall was sitting in…

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Skyscraper Sleuths: Unmasking Embezzlement at the Top

Fluent Fiction – Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: La etajul al treizecelea al unui zgârie-nori modern, viața la corporație părea aproape liniștită. En: On the thirteenth floor of a modern skyscraper, corporate life seemed almost peaceful. Ro: Într-o zi de vară, soarele strălucea puternic prin ferestrele mari, inundând birourile cu lumină caldă. En: On a…

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From Farewell to New Beginnings: Zoltán’s Inspiring Journey

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: A nap meleg sugarai átsütöttek a vállalat üvegtornyának masszív üvegfalain. En: The warm rays of the sun pierced through the massive glass walls of the company’s glass tower. Hu: Odabent a citromfényű iroda steril fehér falai és szürke fülkéi szinte elvakították Zoltánt. En: Inside, the lemon-bright office’s…

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Navigating Ambition: When Collaboration Sparks Success

Fluent Fiction – Czech Story Transcript: Cs: Káva voněla ve vzduchu korporátní kanceláře v Praze. En: The aroma of coffee filled the air in the corporate office in Prague. Cs: Na stěnách visely moderní obrazy. En: Modern paintings hung on the walls. Cs: Skleněné stěny konferenčních místností odkrývaly scény důležitých porad. En: Glass walls…

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Office Party Surprise: How Laughter Sparked True Friendship

Fluent Fiction – Italian Story Transcript: It: Luca osservava nervosamente. En: Luca watched nervously. It: Colorate decorazioni riempivano l’ufficio. En: Colorful decorations filled the office. It: Palloncini, festoni e tavoli pieni di cibo e bevande. En: Balloons, streamers, and tables full of food and drinks. It: Era la festa estiva dell’ufficio e tutto doveva…

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Triumphant Journey: Yuuki’s Kyoto Adventure of Growth and Grit

Fluent Fiction – Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 東京の夏。 En: Summer in Tokyo. Ja: 会社のオフィスは涼しく、外の暑さを忘れさせる。 En: The company’s office was cool, making one forget the heat outside. Ja: オフィスの一角に、優木という若い社員がいた。 En: In one corner of the office was a young employee named Yuuki. Ja: 優木は真面目で、整理整頓が得意だった。でも、新しい環境では自信が持てなかった。 En: Yuuki was earnest and good at organizing things, but he…

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When Promotions Test Friendship: A Summer in Istanbul

Fluent Fiction – Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: Mert sabah erkenden ofise geldi. En: Mert arrived at the office early in the morning. Tr: Gözleri uykusuzluktan kırmızıydı. En: His eyes were red from lack of sleep. Tr: Aylarca çok çalıştı. En: He had worked hard for months. Tr: Hep o promosyonu bekledi. En: He was…

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Surviving the Heatwave: A Team’s Triumph in a Stifling Office

Fluent Fiction – Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Rīgas karstajā vasaras birojā, kur gaisa kondicionieri cīnījās pret nedabisko siltumu, saule spoži spīdēja caur lielajiem stikla logiem. En: In the hot summer office in Riga, where air conditioners struggled against the unnatural heat, the sun shone brightly through the large glass windows. Lv: Darbinieki cīnījās ar…

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Surprise Party: When a Mistaken Meeting Turns into Office Fun

Fluent Fiction – Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: El sol de l’estiu entrava per les grans finestres de l’oficina, il·luminant les taules i les pantalles d’ordinador. En: The summer sun poured through the large office windows, illuminating the desks and computer screens. Ca: Martí, amb el seu vestit impecable, estava assegut a la seva taula…

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Rainy Day Heist: Unveiling Truths in Bangkok’s Business District

Fluent Fiction – Thai Story Transcript: Th: ฝนตกหนักที่กรุงเทพฯในเดือนกรกฎาคม En: Heavy rain fell in Bangkok in July. Th: อาคารสูงในย่านธุรกิจแน่นขนัดด้วยพนักงานที่กำลังทำงาน En: Tall buildings in the business district were crowded with employees working diligently. Th: ณ สำนักงานแห่งหนึ่ง คือสถานที่ที่เรื่องราวนี้เริ่มต้นขึ้น En: It was in one such office that this story began. Th: นรินทร์ ชายหนุ่มที่ชอบความเป็นระเบียบและค่อนข้างเงียบสงบ กำลังนั่งทำงานโดยไม่รู้ว่าชีวิตของเขากำลังมีการเปลี่ยนแปลงใหญ่ En: Narin, a young…

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