Love Near the Waterfalls: A Day at Plitvice Lakes

Fluent Fiction – Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Ljetno sunce blistalo je nad Plitvičkim jezerima. En: The summer sun was shining brightly over Plitvice Lakes. Hr: Slaven i Ivana šetali su kroz prekrasne staze, okruženi zelenilom i plavim jezerima. En: Slaven and Ivana were walking through the beautiful trails, surrounded by greenery and blue lakes.…

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One Last Hand: A Gamble for Love and Redemption

Fluent Fiction – Danish Story Transcript: Da: Der var en spænding i luften, tung som røgen, der hang over pokerbordet. En: There was a tension in the air, heavy like the smoke hanging over the poker table. Da: Lars sad ved bordet, hans øjne flakkede mellem de andre spillere og hans egne kort. En:…

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High Stakes in Warsaw: Ania’s Gamble to Save Her Family

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Lubię Warszawę latem. En: I like Warsaw in the summer. Pl: Miasto tętni życiem, a ciepłe, wieczorne powietrze pełne jest zapachów i dźwięków. En: The city is bustling with life, and the warm evening air is filled with scents and sounds. Pl: Nasza historia zaczyna się w…

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High Stakes and Heartstrings: A Night of Poker and Redemption

Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: Димът от цигарите се носеше в нощния клуб “София”, като облак, който тежеше над всички. En: The cigarette smoke drifted through the “Sofia” nightclub like a cloud hanging over everyone. Bg: Лятната горещина отвън влизаше през вратите и правеше атмосферата още по-напрегната. En: The summer heat from…

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Leaping Above Fear: A Love Story on the Gauja River

Fluent Fiction – Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Karstā jūlija dienā Ievas un Artūra ceļi krustojās uz augstās platformas virs Gaujas upes. En: On a hot July day, the paths of Ieva and Artūrs crossed on a high platform above the Gauja River. Lv: Apkārt bija sulīgi zaļi meži, un saules stari izgaismoja visu ainavu…

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From Poker to Math: An Unlikely Friendship Triumphs

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Влітку, коли сонце палало, а повітря було сповнене ароматом цвітіння, школа була майже порожня. En: In the summer, when the sun was blazing, and the air was filled with the scent of blooming flowers, the school was almost empty. Uk: Але в одному кутку стояла ізольована кімната,…

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High-Stakes Night in Budapest: A Gamble for Redemption

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: A hideg pince Budapest egyik titkos szívében helyezkedik el. En: The cold cellar is located in one of Budapest’s hidden hearts. Hu: Nyár van, de itt lent a fülledt meleg hiánya ellenére is feszültség van a levegőben. En: It is summer, but down here, despite the absence…

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Mystery of Ancient Parchment: Trust in Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar

Fluent Fiction – Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: İstanbul’un kalbi olan Kapalıçarşı, yazın ortasında her zamankinden daha hareketliydi. En: The Grand Bazaar, the heart of Istanbul, was busier than ever in the middle of summer. Tr: Baharat kokuları havayı dolduruyor, tüccarların sesi kulaklarda çınlıyordu. En: The air was filled with the scent of spices, and…

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Rekindling Bonds: A Reunion, A Festival, A Night of Rediscovery

Fluent Fiction – Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: बारिश की बूंदे खिड़की के शीशों पर टिप-टिप करतीं थीं। En: Raindrops were pattering on the window panes. Hi: यह दिन खास था। En: It was a special day. Hi: स्कूल का रीयूनियन था और साथ ही रक्षाबंधन का त्योहार भी। En: It was both the school…

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Poker Night Reunion: A Sibling’s Unexpected Gamble

Fluent Fiction – Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Letná noc bola teplá. En: The summer night was warm. Sk: Hustý dym zaplňoval miestnosť. En: Thick smoke filled the room. Sk: Pokerový stôl bol osvetlený slabým svetlom. En: The poker table was illuminated by dim light. Sk: Marek sedel pri stole, oči uprené na karty. En:…

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