Voting Day Heroes: Overcoming Struggles and Making New Friends

Fluent Fiction – Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: Het was een warme zomerdag en de zon straalde fel in de lucht. En: It was a warm summer day, and the sun shone brightly in the sky. Nl: Het gemeenschapscentrum was druk met mensen die kwamen stemmen. En: The community center was bustling with people who…

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Polling Day Triumph: Emre’s Journey to Inspire Democracy

Fluent Fiction – Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: Güneşli bir yaz sabahıydı. En: It was a sunny summer morning. Tr: Emre, erken kalktı ve yola koyuldu. En: Emre woke up early and set off. Tr: Bugün Ulusal Seçim Günü’ydü. En: Today was National Election Day. Tr: Emre, kent meydanındaki oy kullanma merkezinde gönüllü olarak çalışıyordu.…

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From Home to History: Siblings Find Harmony in Legacy

Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: В разгара на лятото, в обществената градина, когато слънцето сияеше ярко и цветовете на цветята танцуваха на лекия бриз, две сенки се срещнаха под голям кестен. En: In the height of summer, in the public garden, when the sun shone brightly and the colors of the flowers…

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Chaos at the Polls: Cookies vs. Ballots in Valle Blanco

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: En el pequeño pueblo de Valle Blanco, el aire invernal traía consigo la fragancia dulce de las galletas recién horneadas de la panadería de Martina. En: In the small town of Valle Blanco, the winter air carried with it the sweet fragrance of freshly baked cookies from…

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Voting for Change: A Teacher’s Powerful Decision in Tel Aviv

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew Story Transcript: He: הקולות במרכז ההצבעה בתל אביב התערבבו, מלאי חיים. En: The sounds at the voting center in Tel Aviv were lively and vibrant. He: בקיץ, האוויר החם חדר דרך הדלתות הפתוחות וריח קלוש של בניין קהילתי ישן היה מורגש. En: In the summer, the warm air seeped through…

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First-Time Voter: Emil’s Journey to Civic Fulfillment

Fluent Fiction – Danish Story Transcript: Da: Solen skinnede stærkt på denne midsommerdag. En: The sun shone brightly on this midsummer day. Da: Emil stod i køen ved rådhuset, hvor valgstedet var. En: Emil stood in line at the town hall where the polling station was. Da: Det summede af liv omkring ham. En:…

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Votes of Hope: How A Single Ballot United Two Lost Souls

Fluent Fiction – Czech Story Transcript: Cs: Letní slunce zářilo do komunitního centra. En: The summer sun shone into the community center. Cs: Lidé přicházeli a odcházeli hlasovat. En: People were coming and going to vote. Cs: Lucie stála u vchodu, rozdávala letáky a usmívala se na všechny kolemjdoucí. En: Lucie stood at the…

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Mandela Day Voting: Annelie’s Journey of Hope and Civic Duty

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Op ‘n koue winteroggend in die suide van Suid-Afrika, stap Annelie warm aangetrek na die gemeenskapsaal. En: On a cold winter morning in the south of South Africa, Annelie, warmly dressed, walks to the community hall. Af: Dit is Mandela-dag, en die koue lug steek haar wange…

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The Heirloom Hunt: An Athens Summer Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Greek Story Transcript: El: Η Αθήνα ήταν ζωντανή αυτό το καλοκαίρι. En: Athens was lively that summer. El: Ο Κώστας και η Ελένη περπατούσαν γρήγορα μέσα στην αγορά της πόλης, αναζητώντας έναν σημαντικό πωλητή. En: Kostas and Eleni were walking quickly through the city market, searching for an important vendor. El:…

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High Stakes and Hidden Identities: A Tokyo Poker Night Unraveled

Fluent Fiction – Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 夏の夜、東京の高級ペントハウスでは、特別なポーカーゲームが始まろうとしていた。 En: On a summer night, in a luxury penthouse in Tokyo, a special poker game was about to begin. Ja: 窓の外には夏の熱気が漂い、街の明かりがきらめいていた。 En: Outside the window, the summer heat lingered, and the city’s lights sparkled. Ja: 部屋にはお盆の飾りが並び、華やかさと緊張感が共存していた。 En: Inside the room, Bon Festival decorations were displayed, creating…

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