United at the Polls: A Family’s Journey Through Hope and Tension

Fluent Fiction – Finnish www.FluentFiction.org/Finnish Story Transcript: Fi: Aurinko paistaa kirkkaasti, ja kesäinen tuuli tuo mukanaan kukkien tuoksun. En: The sun is shining brightly, and the summer breeze carries the scent of flowers. Fi: Aino, Eero ja Vilma kävelevät kohti koulurakennusta, joka toimii tänään äänestyspaikkana. En: Aino, Eero, and Vilma are walking towards the school…

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Unity in the Heat: A Day of Change and Compromise in Girona

Fluent Fiction – Catalan www.FluentFiction.org/Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: El sol d’estiu brillava intensament sobre Girona. En: The summer sun shone intensely over Girona. Ca: La calor era intensa, però no podia refredar l’emoció que es respirava a la ciutat. En: The heat was scorching, but it couldn’t cool the excitement that filled the city. Ca:…

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Village Unity in Greece: A Tale of Tradition and Change

Fluent Fiction – Greek www.FluentFiction.org/Greek Story Transcript: El: Ήταν καλοκαίρι στο μικρό χωριό της Ελλάδας. En: It was summer in the small village of Greece. El: Ο ήλιος έλαμπε ζεστός και οι κάτοικοι γιόρταζαν την Παναγία. En: The sun was shining warmly, and the villagers were celebrating the Feast of the Virgin Mary. El: Στο…

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The Power of One Vote: Maarja’s Determined Journey

Fluent Fiction – Estonian www.FluentFiction.org/Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Maarja astus rahvarohkesse gümnaasiumi võimlasse, mis oli muutunud valimisjaoskonnaks. En: Maarja stepped into the crowded high school gymnasium, which had been transformed into a polling station. Et: Seinu kaunistasid kandidaatidest tehtud plakatid. En: Posters of the candidates decorated the walls. Et: Õues säras suvine päike ja Maarja…

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The Teacher Who Believed: A Vote for the Future

Fluent Fiction – Romanian www.FluentFiction.org/Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: Alexandru stătea la coada lungă și aglomerată din fața unei școli vechi din București. En: Alexandru was standing in the long, crowded line in front of an old school in Bucharest. Ro: Era vară, iar soarele ardea intens, încălzind trotuarul sub picioarele sale. En: It was summer,…

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Finding Hope: A Summer Day at the Community Center

Fluent Fiction – German www.FluentFiction.org/German Story Transcript: De: Das Gemeindezentrum war an diesem sonnigen Sommertag voller Leben. En: The community center was full of life on this sunny summer day. De: Menschen standen in einer langen Schlange, um ihre Stimmen abzugeben. En: People stood in a long line to cast their votes. De: Lukas, ein…

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Team Triumph: How Three Students Saved the Election Day

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese www.FluentFiction.org/Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Linh, Quang và Mai là ba người bạn cùng lớp học về công dân. En: Linh, Quang, and Mai are three classmates studying civics. Vi: Mùa hè này, họ được giao nhiệm vụ tình nguyện tại một trung tâm bầu cử trong khu phố đông đúc. En:…

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How a Market Conversation Inspired Votes in Belgrade

Fluent Fiction – Serbian www.FluentFiction.org/Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Београд је био жив летњег јутра. En: Belgrade was bustling on that summer morning. Sr: Мирис свежег воћа и поврћа ширио се пијацом код бирачког места. En: The smell of fresh fruits and vegetables spread through the market at the polling place. Sr: Људи су журили да…

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Mystery Ballot: Uncovering Hidden Truths at Ljubljana’s Polls

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian www.FluentFiction.org/Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Ljubljana je bila to poletje polna življenja. En: Ljubljana was full of life this summer. Sl: Najbolj živahen je bil volilni center v središču mesta. En: The busiest place was the polling center in the heart of the city. Sl: Bojan, srednjih let, se je pred kratkim…

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Voting Day Heroes: Overcoming Struggles and Making New Friends

Fluent Fiction – Dutch www.FluentFiction.org/Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: Het was een warme zomerdag en de zon straalde fel in de lucht. En: It was a warm summer day, and the sun shone brightly in the sky. Nl: Het gemeenschapscentrum was druk met mensen die kwamen stemmen. En: The community center was bustling with people who…

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