Summer Confessions: Love Blooms Under the Festival Lanterns

Fluent Fiction – Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: ショッピングモールは夏の午後、賑やかでした。 En: The shopping mall was bustling on this summer afternoon. Ja: ところどころに飾られた色とりどりのちょうちんが、祭りの音楽に合わせて揺れています。 En: Colorful lanterns decorated here and there swayed in time with the festival music. Ja: ハルとは、子供のころからの友達、ユイと一緒に、オボン祭りのための浴衣を探していました。 En: Haruto was looking for a yukata for the Obon festival with his childhood friend, Yui. Ja: 「ハルと、どの色が好き?」ユイが明るく尋ねます。…

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Family Ties Tested: A Summer Polling Station Reunion

Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Saulė švietė ryškiai virš mažo miestelio, o vietos bendruomenės centras tapo politinių aistrų centru. En: The sun shone brightly over the small town, where the local community center had become the hub of political passions. Lt: Ruta stovėjo eilėje prie balsavimo vietos, nervingai gniauždama savo rankinėlę. En:…

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Summer of Democracy: Students Ensuring Fair Votes in Seoul

Fluent Fiction – Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 서울 도심의 선거 장소는 항상 활기차다. En: The election sites in downtown Seoul are always bustling with activity. Ko: 투표소는 넓고 시원한 홀이고, 투표 부스와 사람들로 가득하다. En: The polling station is a spacious and cool hall, filled with voting booths and people. Ko: 벽에는 참여를 독려하는…

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Overcoming Election Day Chaos: A Story of Unity and Patience

Fluent Fiction – French Story Transcript: Fr: Le soleil d’été brillait intensément sur le centre communautaire transformé en bureau de vote. En: The summer sun shone intensely on the community center, which had been transformed into a polling station. Fr: Élodie, une travailleuse dévouée, vérifiait les derniers détails avant l’ouverture des portes. En: Élodie,…

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Hope and Heroes: An Unexpected Election Day in Dubrovnik

Fluent Fiction – Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: U srcu ljeta, zrak u Dubrovniku bio je težak i sladak od mirisa mora. En: In the heart of summer, the air in Dubrovnik was heavy and sweet with the scent of the sea. Hr: Povijesna zgrada blizu Starog Grada postala je privremeno biralište. En: A historic…

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Gareth’s Voting Lesson: A Story of Confidence and Community

Fluent Fiction – Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Y bore oedd heulog yr haf, gwres yn llenwi’r awyr dros Gymru. En: The summer morning was sunny, with heat filling the air over Wales. Cy: Roedd Gareth yn sefyll tu allan i neuadd yr ysgol gymunedol yng Nghaerdydd. En: Gareth stood outside the community school hall…

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Voting Day in Riga: Tradition Meets New Ideas in the Market

Fluent Fiction – Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Saulains vasaras rīts Rīgā, Līgo svētku priekšvakarā. En: A sunny summer morning in Riga, on the eve of Midsummer festivities. Lv: Daina un Ivars stāv nelielajā tirgū, kas atrodas blakus vēlēšanu iecirknim. En: Daina and Ivars are standing in a small market next to a polling station.…

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Rina’s Rise: Earning Leadership, Friendship, and Love

Fluent Fiction – Indonesian Story Transcript: Id: Matahari bersinar terik di langit. En: The sun blazed fiercely in the sky. Id: Angin kering berhembus lembut di halaman sekolah. En: A dry wind blew gently across the school grounds. Id: Di dalam gymnasium sekolah, suasana ramai dan meriah. En: Inside the school gymnasium, the atmosphere…

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A Village United: The Day Giovanni’s Vote Became a Lifesaver

Fluent Fiction – Italian Story Transcript: It: Il sole splendeva alto nel cielo estivo. En: The sun shone high in the summer sky. It: Il centro comunitario del piccolo paese italiano era pieno di vita. En: The community center of the small Italian village was full of life. It: La gente chiacchierava animatamente, aspettando…

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Small Village Hero: A Doctor’s Courage and Compassion in Crisis

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: У ті літні дні, коли сонце ніжно прогрівало землю, у невеликому селищі у Карпатських горах, всі знали один одного. En: In those summer days when the sun gently warmed the earth, in a small village in the Carpathian Mountains, everyone knew each other. Uk: В центрі селища…

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