Museum Madness: Secrets, Space Dreams, and a Private Mars Preview

Fluent Fiction – Indonesian Story Transcript: Id: Di tengah kegembiraan musim kemarau, Raka dan Dini berada di Museum Sains Jakarta. En: Amidst the excitement of the dry season, Raka and Dini were at the Jakarta Science Museum. Id: Sinar matahari yang cerah menyinari pintu kaca besar saat mereka memasuki aula yang penuh anak sekolah.…

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Mystery Unveiled: The Forgotten Nobel Laureate of Stockholm

Fluent Fiction – Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Solen sken starkt över Stockholm och dess gator var fyllda med turister och lokalbor. En: The sun shone brightly over Stockholm, and its streets were filled with tourists and locals. Sv: Mitt i stadens hjärta stod Nobelprismuseet, en elegant byggnad med stora fönster som släppte in det…

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Unlocking Family Moments at Cardiff’s Techniquest Museum

Fluent Fiction – Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Tecawyd yn y Haf: Taith i Amgueddfa TechniquestMae’r haul yn gwenu dros Gaerdydd. En: Summer Adventure: A Trip to the Techniquest Museum The sun is beaming over Cardiff. Cy: Mae’r haf yma, ac mae’r strydoedd yn llawn pobl hapus. En: Summer is here, and the streets are…

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Unity Under Stormy Skies: A Village’s Fight for Tradition

Fluent Fiction – Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Útesy letného slnka rozplývali sa na starodávnych kamenných uličkách horskej dedinky. En: The rays of the summer sun melted over the ancient stone alleyways of the mountain village. Sk: V tejto dedine s názvom Radost, každý vedel o referende, ktoré malo vziať miesto dnes. En: In this…

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Summer Serendipity: Unexpected Connections at the Széchényi Bath

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: A forró nyári nap sugarai tükröződtek a Széchényi Fürdő kristálytiszta medencéiben. En: The rays of the hot summer sun reflected off the crystal-clear pools of the Széchényi Bath. Hu: A fürdő tele volt emberekkel, akik élvezni akarták a nyár örömeit. En: The bath was full of people…

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Balancing Love and Duty: A Qixi Festival Election Tale

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 夏日的阳光洒在社区中心,鲜花的香气沁人心脾。 En: The summer sunlight spilled over the community center, with the fragrance of flowers permeating the air. Zh: 今天是七夕节,然而整个投票中心却比往常更加热闹。 En: Today was Qixi Festival, but the voting center was busier than usual. Zh: 李伟正忙着帮社区居民们登记投票,他的额头上已经冒出了汗珠。 En: Li Wei was busy helping community residents register to…

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Monsoon Votes: Uniting Mumbai for a Brighter Future

Fluent Fiction – Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: मुंबई में चुनाव का दिन था। En: It was election day in Mumbai. Hi: मॉनसून की बौछारें हर तरफ थीं। बारिश की बूंदों से धरती सज गई थी। En: Monsoon showers were everywhere, adorning the earth with droplets of rain. Hi: सड़कों पर पानी की धाराएँ बह…

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Sparks Fly at the Polls: A Tale of Trust and New Beginnings

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Lato w Krakowie było upalne. En: The summer in Krakow was hot. Pl: Słońce świeciło przez ogromne okna lokalnego centrum wyborczego. En: The sun was shining through the large windows of the local voting center. Pl: Miejsce tętniło życiem. En: The place was buzzing with activity. Pl:…

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Rivals in Friendship: A Student Council Election Drama

Fluent Fiction – Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Bhí lá grianmhar an samhradh i nGaillimh. En: It was a sunny summer day in Galway. Ga: Bhí an scoil lán le fuadar. En: The school was bustling with activity. Ga: Ba lá tábhachtach é. En: It was an important day. Ga: Bhí toghchán don uachtarán an…

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Choosing Freedom: Nirun’s Stand Amidst Thailand’s Rainy Election

Fluent Fiction – Thai Story Transcript: Th: ฝนตกหนักในช่วงฤดูฝนของประเทศไทย En: Heavy rain falls during Thailand’s rainy season. Th: ผู้คนแออัดบังฝนใต้ร่มนับสิบใบ หน้าสถานที่เลือกตั้งท้องถิ่น En: People huddle under umbrellas, numbering in the dozens, in front of the local election venue. Th: กลิ่นอาหารข้างถนนลอยมาตามลม เปียกปนกับกลิ่นดินเปียก En: The smell of street food wafts through the air, mingling with the scent of wet…

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