Secret Adventure in the Estonian National Museum

Fluent Fiction – Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Eesti Rahva Muuseum säras suvepäikese käes. En: The Estonian National Museum glimmered under the summer sun. Et: Kooliekskursioon oli just alanud. En: The school excursion had just begun. Et: Mart ja Kaja imetlesid suuri klaasaknaid ja kauneid väljapanekuid. En: Mart and Kaja admired the large glass windows…

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Stardust and Love: A Summer Encounter at the Science Museum

Fluent Fiction – Czech Story Transcript: Cs: V letním dni, kdy slunce pražilo ulicemi Prahy, se Lukáš rozhodl navštívit Muzeum vědy. En: On a summer day, when the sun was scorching the streets of Prague, Lukáš decided to visit the Science Museum. Cs: Miloval prostor kolem, plný knih a vzdělávacích pomůcek. En: He loved…

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Finding Healing Amidst Fossils: A Heartfelt Journey in Bucharest

Fluent Fiction – Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: Pietrele pașilor lor apăsate cu greutate scoteau sunete mohohite pe dalele reci ale muzeului Grigore Antipa din București. En: The stones beneath their weighted steps emitted muffled sounds on the cold tiles of the Grigore Antipa Museum in Bucharest. Ro: Aerul verii pătrundea prin fereastră, aducând o…

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Greta Saves the Day: A Heroic Tale from the Science Museum

Fluent Fiction – German Story Transcript: De: Im Wissenschaftsmuseum herrschte reges Treiben. En: In the science museum, there was bustling activity. De: Es war Sommer, die Sonne schien hell durch die riesigen Fenster, und Touristen bestaunten die vielen Ausstellungen. En: It was summer, the sun shone brightly through the huge windows, and tourists marveled…

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Quantum Meets Literature: Science at Bratislava Museum

Fluent Fiction – Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Letné slnko žiarilo nad bratislavským vedeckým múzeom. En: The summer sun shone over the Bratislava Science Museum. Sk: Ladislav kráčal rýchlo do vnútra. En: Ladislav walked quickly inside. Sk: Vždy ho fascinovala fyzika. En: He had always been fascinated by physics. Sk: “Dnes je ten deň,” pomyslel…

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Chasing Stars: A Young Girl’s Museum Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Rīga, vasara. En: Riga, summer. Lv: Zinātnes muzejs ir pilns ar tūristiem un skolēniem. En: The Science Museum is full of tourists and schoolchildren. Lv: Anda, vienpadsmit gadus veca meitene, stāv pie muzeja ieejas. En: Anda, an eleven-year-old girl, stands at the museum entrance. Lv: Viņa ir…

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The Day Jonas Found His Voice and His Confidence at the Museum

Fluent Fiction – Danish Story Transcript: Da: Solen skinnede klart over Nationalmuseet i Danmark den sommerdag. En: The sun shone brightly over the National Museum in Denmark on that summer day. Da: Jonas, Freja og Liv gik langsomt ind i den store bygning sammen med deres klasse. En: Jonas, Freja, and Liv walked slowly…

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Unlocking Amsterdam: The Hidden Medallion Quest

Fluent Fiction – Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: De zon scheen fel boven Amsterdam. En: The sun shone brightly over Amsterdam. Nl: Het was zomer en de lucht was helder blauw. En: It was summer and the sky was a clear blue. Nl: In het NEMO Science Museum werkte Sander als curator. En: At the…

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From Ancient Artifacts to Modern Masterpieces: A Family’s Journey

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew Story Transcript: He: ברחובות ירושלים היה יום קיץ חמים של תשעה באב. En: In the streets of Jerusalem, it was a warm summer day of Tisha B’Av. He: מוזיאון ישראל היה מלא מבקרים. En: The Israel Museum was filled with visitors. He: בין האנשים הרבים, התקדמו משפחה קטנה: תמר, שירה…

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Museum Madness: Secrets, Space Dreams, and a Private Mars Preview

Fluent Fiction – Indonesian Story Transcript: Id: Di tengah kegembiraan musim kemarau, Raka dan Dini berada di Museum Sains Jakarta. En: Amidst the excitement of the dry season, Raka and Dini were at the Jakarta Science Museum. Id: Sinar matahari yang cerah menyinari pintu kaca besar saat mereka memasuki aula yang penuh anak sekolah.…

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