Mystery in the Museum: The Tale of Summer Intrigue and Trust

Fluent Fiction – Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Ljeto u Zagrebu bilo je vruće. En: Summer in Zagreb was hot. Hr: Posjetitelji su hrlili u Muzej znanosti, tražeći hladovinu i zanimljive izložbe. En: Visitors flocked to the Science Museum, seeking shade and interesting exhibits. Hr: Petra, kustosica muzeja, ubrzano je hodala kroz hodnike. En: Petra,…

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Aisling’s Artistic Awakening: Finding Inspiration in Ancient Art

Fluent Fiction – Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Lá álainn samhraidh a bhí ann. En: It was a beautiful summer day. Ga: Bhí an ghrian ag taitneamh go hard sa spéir agus bhí Aisling ag tabhairt faoin Leabharlann Náisiúnta na hÉireann – Stair Nádúrtha. En: The sun was shining high in the sky and Aisling…

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Race Against Time: Saving Kyiv’s Science Museum Exhibition

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Сонце високо стояло на небі, його проміння пронизувало великі вікна Київського наукового музею. En: The sun was high in the sky, its rays piercing through the large windows of the Kyiv Science Museum. Uk: Йшло літо, і вся команда музею була зосереджена на підготовці до нової виставки.…

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Lost in Curiosity: A Science Museum Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 짙은 여름 햇볕이 내리쬐는 날, 지수와 해민은 과학박물관을 방문했습니다. En: On a day when the intense summer sun was shining down, Jisoo and Haemin visited the science museum. Ko: 지수는 과학을 사랑하는 호기심 많은 소년이고, 해민은 지수의 책임감 있는 누나입니다. En: Jisoo is a curious boy who…

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Unspoken Bonds: A Young Girl’s Passion Sparks Family Connection

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: Era un día caluroso de verano en Madrid. En: It was a hot summer day in Madrid. Es: El sol brillaba fuerte y el aire olía a vacaciones. En: The sun shone brightly, and the air smelled of vacations. Es: María, una niña de diez años con…

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Unveiling Tesla’s Secret: A Summer Adventure in Belgrade

Fluent Fiction – Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Био је врел летњи дан када су Марко и Јелена ушли у Музеј Николе Тесле у Београду. En: It was a hot summer day when Marko and Jelena entered the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade. Sr: Марко, студент машинства са великом љубављу према Теслиним изумима, и Јелена,…

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Adventures in Postojna Cave: Summer of Discovery & Courage

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Svetloba poletnega sonca je osvetljevala pokrajino na poti do Postojnske jame. En: The light of the summer sun illuminated the landscape on the way to the Postojna Cave. Sl: Nina, Matej in Petra so sedeli v avtobusu, ki je peljal proti njihovemu cilju. En: Nina, Matej, and…

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Mending Hearts at the Warsaw Zoo: A Family’s Journey

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Warszawski Ogród Zoologiczny tętnił życiem. En: The Warsaw Zoo was bustling with life. Pl: Wszędzie słychać było śmiech dzieci, a egzotyczne zwierzęta przyciągały wzrok gości. En: Everywhere you could hear children laughing, and exotic animals drew the attention of visitors. Pl: Tego letniego dnia, Piotr postanowił zabrać…

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Adriana’s Secret Discovery: Unearthing Da Vinci’s Hidden Lab

Fluent Fiction – Italian Story Transcript: It: Adriana camminava lentamente tra le gallerie del Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci a Milano. En: Adriana walked slowly through the galleries of the Leonardo da Vinci National Museum of Science and Technology in Milan. It: Era estate, il sole splendeva attraverso le…

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Secrets Unveiled: A Day of Rediscovery at Oslo’s Science Museum

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Midt i sommerens varme bris og blant lyden av glade turister, glitret The Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology i Oslo som en skattkiste. En: In the midst of the summer’s warm breeze and among the sounds of happy tourists, The Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology…

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