Milan’s Midnight Dash: A Blacksmith’s Tale of Love and Duty

Fluent Fiction – Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Дубоко унутар старог српског замка, звуци веселе музике и смеха испуњавали су зидове локалне таберне. En: Deep inside the old Serbian castle, the sounds of cheerful music and laughter filled the walls of the local tavern. Sr: Милан, млади шегрт ковача, седео је у ћошку, губећи се…

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Secrets and Dreams: An Artistic Romance in Florence

Fluent Fiction – Italian Story Transcript: It: Il sole splendeva alto nel cielo estivo su Firenze. En: The sun shone high in the summer sky over Florence. It: La piazza del mercato era piena di vita. En: The market square was teeming with life. It: Venditori gridavano annunci di frutta fresca, stoffe colorate e…

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Secret Love in Prague Castle: Janek and Katarina’s Nightly Escape

Fluent Fiction – Czech Story Transcript: Cs: Janek seděl u stolu v knihovně. En: Janek sat at a table in the library. Cs: Listoval starými knihami. En: He was leafing through old books. Cs: Myslel na Katarinu. En: He thought of Katarina. Cs: Byla krásná a tajemná. En: She was beautiful and mysterious. Cs:…

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From Forge to Knight: Raul’s Courageous Journey

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: En lo alto de una colina, se alzaba un castillo con muros de piedra gris. En: At the top of a hill stood a castle with gray stone walls. Es: El sol de verano bañaba el castillo en una luz dorada, y el viento traía el aroma…

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Children’s Day Adventures: Lessons from the Fairy Tale Fair

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Hôm nay là ngày Tết Thiếu nhi. En: Today is Children’s Day. Vi: Thiên nhiên mùa hạ tràn đầy ánh nắng vàng rực rỡ. En: The summer sunshine is radiant and full of golden light. Vi: Hội chợ làng cổ tích được tổ chức tại ngôi làng…

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A Blacksmith’s Pact: Healing Through Forged Memories

Fluent Fiction – Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Kesk öise sumina turuplatsil, oli Kersti mustas sepikojas. En: In the midst of the buzzing night market, Kersti was in the blacksmith’s forge. Et: Suvi säras ja Jaanipäeva pidustused tõmbasid rahvamasse. En: Summer sparkled and the Midsummer festival drew crowds of people. Et: Lõhnad, naer ja laulud…

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Triumph at the Midsummer Market: Astrid and Erik’s Journey

Fluent Fiction – Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Solen sken starkt över den medeltida marknaden. En: The sun shone brightly over the medieval market. Sv: Färgglada tält stod i rader, fyllda med hantverk och doften av nybakat bröd och grillat kött. En: Colorful tents stood in rows, filled with crafts and the scent of freshly…

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Curated Chaos: How a Museum Curator Overcame Exhibition Hurdles

Fluent Fiction – Finnish Story Transcript: Fi: Aurinko paistoi kirkkaasti Science-museon suurista lasi-ikkunoista, valaisten hienoja näyttelyitä ja kilpailevia dinosaurusten luurankoja. En: The sun shone brightly through the large glass windows of the Science Museum, illuminating the exquisite exhibits and the imposing dinosaur skeletons. Fi: Heinäkuun lämpimä ilmavirta täytti valtavan näyttelyhallin, jossa monet kesäloman viettäjät…

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Katalin’s Journey: From Doubt to Determination at Science Center

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: Katalin izgatottan állt a Csopa Tudományos Központ bejáratánál. En: Katalin stood excitedly at the entrance of the Csopa Science Center. Hu: A napfény fényesen világította meg a modern üvegfalakat. En: The sunlight brightly illuminated the modern glass walls. Hu: Nyár volt, és Budapest nyüzsgött a turistáktól. En:…

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From Sibling Rivalry to Robotics: A Rainy Day Revelation

Fluent Fiction – Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: मिट्टी की सोंधी खुशबू के साथ मुंबई का साइंस म्यूजियम मानो जीवन्त हो उठा था। En: With the earthy aroma of wet soil, Mumbai’s Science Museum seemed to come alive. Hi: भारी बारिश की बूंदें म्यूजियम की बड़ी-बड़ी शीशे की खिड़कियों से टकरा रही थीं। En: Heavy…

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