Rising Above Rivals: Pimchanok’s Triumph in the Floating Market

Fluent Fiction – Thai www.FluentFiction.org/Thai Story Transcript: Th: ในตลาดน้ำ พิมพ์ชนกยืนขายสินค้าของเธอในฤดูร้อน En: At the floating market, Pimchanok stood selling her goods during the summer. Th: น้ำในคลองใสสะท้อนแสงแดดทำให้ตลาดน้ำดูมีชีวิต En: The clear water in the canal reflected the sunlight, making the market feel alive. Th: พิมพ์ชนกขายงานฝีมือแบบดั้งเดิม En: Pimchanok sold traditional handmade crafts. Th: เธอคิดเสมอว่าความฝันของเธอคือการเป็นศิลปินที่มีชื่อเสียง แต่ตลาดนี้มีการแข่งขันมาก En: She always thought…

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A Harvest of Hearts: Sibling Rivals Settle at Lughnasa Festival

Fluent Fiction – Irish www.FluentFiction.org/Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Fáilte go dtí an tuath glas na hÉireann, áit a raibh an fómhar ag druidim linn le Lughnasa le feiceáil sna sléibhte. En: Welcome to the green countryside of Ireland, where the harvest was approaching with Lughnasa visible in the mountains. Ga: Bhí an fhéile le tosú…

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Merchant’s Tale: Teamwork and Chaos in the Market

Fluent Fiction – German www.FluentFiction.org/German Story Transcript: De: Der Marktplatz war voller Leben. En: The marketplace was bustling with life. De: Es war Sommer, und die Sonne schien hell über den bunten Ständen. En: It was summer, and the sun shone brightly over the colorful stalls. De: Händler riefen laut ihre Waren aus, und der…

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Forging Triumph: Brynn’s Battle in the Blaze

Fluent Fiction – Welsh www.FluentFiction.org/Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Roedd Brynn yn gweithio yn y gweithdy gof ar ganol yr haf poethaf yn y pentref canoloesol. En: Brynn was working in the blacksmith’s workshop in the midst of the hottest summer in the medieval village. Cy: Roedd y gweithdy yn le prysur, llawn offer a darnau…

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Journey Through Shadows: Unveiling a Family’s Lost Legacy

Fluent Fiction – Greek www.FluentFiction.org/Greek Story Transcript: El: Η ζέστη του καλοκαιριού έκανε τον αέρα βαριά και τα πουλιά κελαηδούσαν χαρούμενα στο δάσος. En: The summer heat made the air heavy, and the birds were singing happily in the forest. El: Κάτω από τον καφκάσικο ήλιο, ο Νίκος, η Ηλέκτρα και η Θάλεια περπατούσαν μέσα…

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From Tradition to Transformation: A Heartfelt Olsok Journey

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian www.FluentFiction.org/Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Ingrid og Lars gikk nedover Bryggen kaien, fylt med spenning og forventning. En: Ingrid and Lars walked down the Bryggen dock, filled with excitement and anticipation. Nb: Det var Olsok, feiringen av St. Olavs dag, og solen skinte på de gamle, fargerike bygningene fra middelalderen. En: It…

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Innovation in the Square: A Blacksmith and Weaver’s Tale

Fluent Fiction – Slovak www.FluentFiction.org/Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Jasné letné popoludnie zalievalo trh na námestí v srdci Bratislavy. En: A bright summer afternoon bathed the market in the square at the heart of Bratislava. Sk: Slnko sa odrážalo od kamenných budov s drevenými trámami. En: The sun reflected off the stone buildings with wooden beams.…

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Love and Defiance: A Summer’s Tale of Courage and Heart

Fluent Fiction – Romanian www.FluentFiction.org/Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: Cerul era senin, iar soarele de vară strălucea puternic peste biserica fortificată din Biertan. En: The sky was clear, and the summer sun shone brightly over the fortified church in Biertan. Ro: Dealul era plin de verdeață, și zidurile înalte ale bisericii se înălțau mărețe. En: The…

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Milan’s Midnight Dash: A Blacksmith’s Tale of Love and Duty

Fluent Fiction – Serbian www.FluentFiction.org/Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Дубоко унутар старог српског замка, звуци веселе музике и смеха испуњавали су зидове локалне таберне. En: Deep inside the old Serbian castle, the sounds of cheerful music and laughter filled the walls of the local tavern. Sr: Милан, млади шегрт ковача, седео је у ћошку, губећи се…

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Courage in the Castle: Zinta’s Heroic Performance Shines

Fluent Fiction – Latvian www.FluentFiction.org/Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Rīgas viduslaiku pils stāvēja lepnībā. En: The medieval castle of Riga stood in grandeur. Lv: Tās augstās akmens sienas un izteiktās torņi apskāva bagātīgi dekorētas zāles. En: Its high stone walls and pronounced towers embraced richly decorated halls. Lv: Šī bija ideāla vieta vēstures atpūtas nometnei. En:…

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