Perilous Ascent: Lessons from the Andes Winter Expedition

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: El mundo del invierno en los Andes era hermoso pero peligroso. En: The winter world in the Andes was beautiful yet dangerous. Es: Montañas altas, cubiertas de nieve, se alzaban contra el cielo gris. En: Tall, snow-covered mountains rose against the gray sky. Es: Hugo, un montañista…

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Secret Bunkers and Unexpected Bonds: A Summer of Discovery

Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Kampe slėpėsi didysis bunkeris, slepiantis daugybę paslapčių nuo Antrojo pasaulinio karo laikų. En: In the camp, there was a large bunker hiding many secrets from World War II. Lt: Buvo vasara, oras lauke karštas, o viduje šaltas ir drėgnas. En: It was summer, hot outside, but cold…

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From Ruins to Radiance: How a Festival United a Community

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Ciepłe promienie słońca wpadały przez dziury w dachu opuszczonej fabryki. En: Warm rays of the sun shone through the holes in the roof of the abandoned factory. Pl: Zrujnowane ściany były świadkami dawnych lat świetności, teraz jednak tętniły nowym życiem. En: The ruined walls witnessed the former…

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The Hidden Bunker: Courage and Friendship in Midsummer Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Finnish Story Transcript: Fi: Oli Midsummer ja metsässä oli lämmin. En: It was Midsummer, and the forest was warm. Fi: Mika oli löytänyt vanhan kartan isovanhempiensa ullakolta. En: Mika had found an old map in his grandparents’ attic. Fi: Kartta näytti salaisen bunkkerin. En: The map showed a secret bunker. Fi:…

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Mystery and Romance Unfold Under Norway’s Midnight Sun

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Fjorden lå stille under den glødende midnattssolen. En: The fjord lay still under the glowing midnight sun. Nb: Eirik, Sigrid og Lars hadde vandret i flere timer. En: Eirik, Sigrid, and Lars had been wandering for hours. Nb: De var tre gode venner på en sommerferie i…

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Secrets Unearthed: Alys and Gareth’s Hidden Bunker Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Mae’r haul yn tywynnu trwy’r coed trwchus, gan greu cysgodion ar hyd llawr y goedwig. En: The sun shone through the dense trees, casting shadows along the forest floor. Cy: Alys a Gareth cerdded yn araf tuag at fynedfa cudd y bunkeri gyfrinachol. En: Alys and Gareth…

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Rediscovering Bonds: A Summer Journey at Karlštejn Castle

Fluent Fiction – Czech Story Transcript: Cs: Byl teplý letní den na Svátky svatých Cyrila a Metoděje. En: It was a warm summer day on the Feast of Saints Cyril and Methodius. Cs: Karlštejnský hrad stál majestátně na kopci, obklopený hustým lesem. En: The Karlštejn Castle stood majestically on a hill, surrounded by dense…

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Harmony in Bloom: The Tulip Museum’s Perfect Duo

Fluent Fiction – Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: Het was een warme zomerdag in Amsterdam. En: It was a warm summer day in Amsterdam. Nl: In het Tulpenmuseum hing een opgewonden sfeer. En: An excited atmosphere filled the Tulip Museum. Nl: Marijke liep snel door de gangen van het museum. En: Marijke walked quickly through…

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Unlocking Grandma’s Legacy: A Tale of Love and Secrets

Fluent Fiction – Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: Marius urcă pe poteca îngustă, printre copacii deasă. En: Marius climbs the narrow path, among the dense trees. Ro: Aerul de vară este cald și umed. En: The summer air is warm and humid. Ro: Marius se oprește și privește în jos. En: Marius stops and looks…

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Teacher Uncovers Secret Bunker: A Journey into Hidden History

Fluent Fiction – German Story Transcript: De: An einem heißen Sommertag stand Klaus, ein Geschichtslehrer, vor der alten Schule. En: On a hot summer day, Klaus, a history teacher, stood in front of the old school. De: Die Fenster waren zerbrochen, und Unkraut wuchs wild ringsum. En: The windows were broken, and weeds grew…

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