Archive for June 2024
Magical Moments at the Balatonfüred Summer Festival
Fluent Fiction – Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: A nap sütött, és a tó vize csillogott. En: The sun was shining, and the water of the lake was sparkling. Hu: Balatonfüred nyári fesztiválra készült. En: Balatonfüred was preparing for the summer festival. Hu: Az emberek izgatottan sétáltak a parton. En: People were excitedly walking along…
Read MoreZoo Mischief: The Day a Monkey Borrowed a Backpack
Fluent Fiction – Arabic Story Transcript: Ar: كان يومٌ ذي شمسٍ ساطعة في حديقة الحيوانات. En: It was a sunny day at the zoo. Ar: دانيه، تامر، ومحمود قرروا زيارة حديقة الحيوانات لقضاء يوم ممتع. En: Daniyah, Tamer, and Mahmoud decided to visit the zoo to have a fun day. Ar: كانوا يتنقلون بين…
Read MoreExploring Russian Crafts: A Day at Izmailovsky Market
Fluent Fiction – Russian Story Transcript: Ru: Никита, Алина и Сергей собрались у школы. En: Nikita, Alina, and Sergei gathered near the school. Ru: Они были одноклассниками. En: They were classmates. Ru: Сегодня у них важное задание – проект о традиционных русских ремёслах. En: Today they had an important assignment – a project about…
Read MoreHoliday Heroes: A Vacation Turned Life-Saving Adventure
Fluent Fiction – Portuguese 🇵🇹 Story Transcript: Pt: O sol estava brilhante no céu azul, e a brisa do Tejo trazia frescura ao ar. En: The sun was shining brightly in the blue sky, and the breeze from the Tagus brought freshness to the air. Pt: Tatiana, Miguel e Lucas estavam no Mosteiro dos…
Read MoreCourage and Friendship: A São Paulo Hospital Journey
Fluent Fiction – Portuguese 🇧🇷 Story Transcript: Pt: O relógio marcava 9h da manhã. Luíza estava no Hospital das Clínicas, em São Paulo. En: The clock read 9 a.m. Luíza was at the Hospital das Clínicas in São Paulo. Pt: Ela era uma estudante de medicina no terceiro ano. En: She was a third-year…
Read MoreSpa Serenity: Meaningful Encounters & New Beginnings Weekend
Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Bil je čaroben vikend v termalnem zdravilišču, kjer sta se Zala in Matej srečala. En: It was a magical weekend at the thermal spa where Zala and Matej met. Sl: Zala je prispela prva. En: Zala arrived first. Sl: Potrebovala je počitek. En: She needed rest. Sl:…
Read MoreFamily Adventure: Conquering Montserrat’s Majestic Peaks
Fluent Fiction – Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: El dia començava a trencar quan Martí, Laia i Pau es preparaven per pujar a Montserrat. En: The day was beginning to break when Martí, Laia, and Pau were getting ready to climb Montserrat. Ca: L’aire fresc del matí els acompanyava mentre carregaven les motxilles amb aigua…
Read MoreGrand Bazaar Adventures: A Fresh Start to a New School Year
Fluent Fiction – Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: Gün yeni başlıyordu. En: The day was just beginning. Tr: Ahmet, Elif ve Murat, Kapalıçarşı’nın kalabalık sokaklarında yürüyorlardı. En: Ahmet, Elif, and Murat were walking through the crowded streets of the Grand Bazaar. Tr: Bugün okullar açılıyordu. En: Today, schools were reopening. Tr: Yeni bir okul yılı…
Read MoreHarmony in Vrindavan: A Musical Journey Begins
Fluent Fiction – Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: हरे-भरे वृन्दावन के जंगलों में एक पारंपरिक संगीत समारोह का आयोजन हुआ। En: In the lush green forests of Vrindavan, a traditional music festival was organized. Hi: सूरज धीरे-धीरे ढल रहा था और शाम की ठंडी हवा बहने लगी थी। En: The sun was gradually setting, and…
Read MoreScaling Dreams: A Journey Through the Tatra Mountains
Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Pod wielką, błękitną chmurą, Marek i Agnieszka wędrowali przez góry. En: Under the vast blue cloud, Marek and Agnieszka hiked through the mountains. Pl: Zakopane było w oddali, a Tatra czekały na ich przygodę. En: Zakopane was in the distance, and the Tatra Mountains awaited their adventure.…
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