Healing Bonds: A Himalayan Sibling Reunion Amidst Adversity

Fluent Fiction – Hindi www.FluentFiction.org/Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: गर्मी का मौसम था और रक्षाबंधन का त्योहार नजदीक था। En: It was the summer season, and the festival of Raksha Bandhan was approaching. Hi: हिमालय की पहाड़ियों में एक गुप्त बंकर था। En: In the Himalayas, there was a secret bunker. Hi: वहाँ अरुण और कविता…

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Reviving Echoes: A Shrine’s Hidden Legacy Unearthed

Fluent Fiction – Japanese www.FluentFiction.org/Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 蝉の声が夏の空気に満ち、それは古い神社の静寂を崩した。 En: The sound of cicadas filled the summer air, disrupting the quiet of the old shrine. Ja: 神社は山の斜面に隠れるように立っていた。木々に囲まれ、自然に飲み込まれたように見える。 En: The shrine stood concealed on the mountainside, surrounded by trees and seemingly swallowed by nature. Ja: 古い鳥居が入り口に立ち、石の道は草に覆われていた。 En: An old torii gate marked the entrance, and the…

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Gideon’s Storm: A Tale of Brave Youth and Family Wisdom

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans www.FluentFiction.org/Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Die winterwinde het gehuil deur die bome soos ‘n woeste dier. En: The winter winds howled through the trees like a wild beast. Af: Sneeu het begin val, wit en dik. En: Snow began to fall, white and thick. Af: In ‘n klein dorp êrens in Suid-Afrika,…

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Buda Castle’s Hidden Wartime Secrets

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian www.FluentFiction.org/Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: A Buda Vár alatti titkos bunker rejtélyei mindig is izgatták Pétert. En: The mysteries of the secret bunker under Buda Castle always intrigued Peter. Hu: Nyár volt, az iskolaév utolsó kirándulása. En: It was summer, the last school trip of the year. Hu: Péter, Dalma és Adrienn…

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Blending Traditions: Brothers Find Harmony at Wat Arun

Fluent Fiction – Thai www.FluentFiction.org/Thai Story Transcript: Th: สายน้ำของแม่น้ำเจ้าพระยาส่องประกายระยับภายใต้แสงแดดอันร้อนแรงของบ่ายฤดูร้อน ส่วนวัดอรุณราชวรารามตั้งอยู่ตระหง่านอยู่ริมแม่น้ำ En: The waters of the Chao Phraya River shimmered under the scorching summer afternoon sun, while Wat Arun Ratchawararam stood majestically by the riverbank. Th: นีรันต์และชัยพี่น้องสองคนเดินเข้ามาในวัดเพื่อทำบุญถวายปู่ย่าตายายของพวกเขา ที่ฝากให้ทั้งสองทำหน้าที่นี้แทนครอบครัว En: Nirun and Chai, two brothers, entered the temple to perform a merit-making ceremony in honor of their…

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Underground Sparks: A Seoul Cafe’s Unexpected Creative Duo

Fluent Fiction – Korean www.FluentFiction.org/Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 서울의 한적한 뒷골목에 있는 비밀벙커 카페는 독특한 매력을 가지고 있었다. En: The secret bunker cafe in a quiet back alley of Seoul had a unique charm. Ko: 조명을 낮춘 지하 카페는 나무 가구와 신선한 커피 향기, 그리고 오래된 책 냄새가 어우러져 있었다. En: The underground cafe, with…

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Uncovering Hidden Histories: A Cold War Secret Revealed

Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian www.FluentFiction.org/Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: Лятното слънце огряваше София, когато Ивайло и Радослава се срещнаха пред стоманената врата на таен бункер. En: The summer sun shone brightly over Sofia when Ivaylo and Radoslava met in front of the steel door of a secret bunker. Bg: Ивайло беше студент по история, а Радослава…

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Surviving the Secret Bunker: A Test of Courage and Friendship

Fluent Fiction – Italian www.FluentFiction.org/Italian Story Transcript: It: Luca e Giulia camminavano nel bunker segreto. En: Luca and Giulia walked through the secret bunker. It: L’estate era calda, ma nel bunker c’era sempre freddo. En: The summer was hot, but inside the bunker, it was always cold. It: Le pareti di pietra erano fredde al…

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Secrets of the Cu Chi Tunnels: A Journey Through Time and Rain

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese www.FluentFiction.org/Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Dưới bầu trời mùa hè nặng nề, cơn mưa bỗng đổ ập xuống không báo trước. En: Under the heavy summer sky, the rain suddenly poured down without warning. Vi: Tại địa đạo Củ Chi cổ kính, An và Minh đang khám phá những ngóc ngách bí…

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Haunting Discovery: The Perils of Unearthing Secrets

Fluent Fiction – Catalan www.FluentFiction.org/Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: Amagat sota una vella masia catalana, Jordi es trobava al secret bunker. En: Hidden beneath an old Catalan farmhouse, Jordi found himself in the secret bunker. Ca: Era estiu, i la calor feia l’aire dens i insuportable. En: It was summer, and the heat made the air…

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