Archive for June 2024
Snowdonia Adventure: A Rescue Mission of Friendship and Survival
Fluent Fiction – Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Roedd hi’n ddiwrnod braf yn Eryri ac roedd yr haul yn tywynnu dros y mynyddoedd. En: It was a fine day in Snowdonia, and the sun was shining over the mountains. Cy: Roedd Gareth a Carys yn crwydro’r llwybrau prydferth gyda’i gilydd. En: Gareth and Carys were…
Read MoreBulgaria’s Forgotten Monastery: Unveiling Hidden Treasures
Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: Беше рано утро в Рилския манастир. En: It was early morning at the Rila Monastery. Bg: Слънцето се издигаше над планините и обагряше стените в златисто. En: The sun was rising over the mountains, tinting the walls in golden hues. Bg: Иван, млад археолог, разглеждаше старите книги…
Read MoreReunion at Oktoberfest: A Family’s Journey to Connection
Fluent Fiction – German Story Transcript: De: Die goldenen Blätter tanzten im Wind, als Johann, Greta und Lukas tief im Schwarzwald ankamen. En: The golden leaves danced in the wind as Johann, Greta, and Lukas arrived deep in the Black Forest. De: Es war Oktoberfest. Eine besondere Zeit des Jahres. En: It was Oktoberfest,…
Read MoreHandcrafted Love: A Day in Tallinn’s Historic Market
Fluent Fiction – Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Küpsetel sügishommikutel Tallinnas paistab päike vana- ja hallide katuste kohal. En: On crisp autumn mornings in Tallinn, the sun shines over the old, gray rooftops. Et: Maarika ja Toomas jalutavad käsikäes mööda munakivitänavaid. En: Maarika and Toomas walk hand in hand along the cobblestone streets. Et: Tallinna…
Read MoreRediscovered Love: A Family’s Journey Through an Old Letter
Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Lá thư cũ đã ngủ yên trong trang sách gia đình từ rất lâu. En: The old letter had been resting quietly in the family’s book for a long time. Vi: Hôm nay, Hương mở chiếc hộp gỗ cũ mà bà cô để lại. En: Today, Hương…
Read MoreMystery at Amber Fort: The Great Royal Crown Heist Unveiled
Fluent Fiction – Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: सबसे ऊँचाई पर, जोधपुर के नील पत्थरों से सजी हुई, जयपुर का ऐतिहासिक अंबर किला खड़ा था। En: At its highest point, adorned with the blue stones of Jodhpur, stood Jaipur’s historic Amber Fort. Hi: यहाँ हर साल हजारों सैलानी आते थे। En: Thousands of tourists visited…
Read MoreHeartfelt Reunion: A Family Reunites at Gyeongbokgung Palace
Fluent Fiction – Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 서울의 아름다운 아침, 하늘은 맑고 햇볕이 밝았다. En: In the beautiful morning of Seoul, the sky was clear and the sunlight was bright. Ko: 경복궁의 웅장한 문은 사람들을 환영했다. En: The majestic gates of Gyeongbokgung Palace welcomed the people. Ko: 그곳에서 특별한 만남이 기다리고 있었다. En: A…
Read MoreUnforgettable Excursion: 8th Graders’ Day at the Eiffel Tower
Fluent Fiction – French Story Transcript: Fr: Le soleil brille sur Paris ce matin-là. En: The sun shines over Paris that morning. Fr: Les rues sont pleines de voitures et de touristes. En: The streets are filled with cars and tourists. Fr: Élodie, Nicolas et Julien sont très excités. En: Élodie, Nicolas, and Julien…
Read MoreA Heritage Celebrated: Family Tales at the Great Cliff
Fluent Fiction – Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Bhí an ghrian ag taitneamh go láidir ar an Aill Mhór an lá sin. En: The sun shone brightly on the Great Cliff that day. Ga: Bhí an ghaoth ag séideadh go bog thar an domhan mór carraigeach. En: The wind was blowing gently over the vast…
Read MoreFrom Madrid to Paris: Friends Plan the Ultimate Summer Adventure
Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: En un día soleado en Madrid, el Parque del Retiro estaba lleno de vida. En: On a sunny day in Madrid, the Retiro Park was full of life. Es: Los árboles verdes y los pájaros cantaban felices. En: The green trees and the birds sang happily. Es:…
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