Bali Bliss: A Traditional Wedding Under the Stars

Fluent Fiction – Indonesian Story Transcript: Id: Di bawah langit biru cerah, di tengah keindahan pulau Bali, berdiri seorang gadis bernama Putri. En: Under the clear blue sky, in the midst of the beauty of the island of Bali, stood a girl named Putri. Id: Putri bersemangat karena hari ini dia menghadiri upacara pernikahan…

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Stockholm Serenade: A Heartfelt Journey Through Gamla Stan

Fluent Fiction – Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Erik och Lena var på semester i Stockholm. En: Erik and Lena were on vacation in Stockholm. Sv: De vandrade genom Gamla Stan, där gatorna var smala och kullerstensbelagda. En: They wandered through Gamla Stan, where the streets were narrow and cobblestone. Sv: Solen sken, och luften…

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A Day at Bled: Adventure, Allergy Scare, and Unbreakable Bonds

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Matej, Ana in Tina so se navsezgodaj odpravili na izlet. En: Matej, Ana, and Tina set off early in the morning for a trip. Sl: Šli so na Bled. En: They went to Bled. Sl: Sonce je sijalo in bilo je toplo. En: The sun was shining,…

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Hummus Hustle: How One Woman’s Negotiation Led to a Market Frenzy

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew Story Transcript: He: בבוקר יפה בירושלים, השמש זורחת בשמים הכחולים. En: On a beautiful morning in Jerusalem, the sun was shining in the blue sky. He: יעל הולכת למכרות מחנה יהודה. En: Yael walked to the Machane Yehuda Market. He: השוק מלא צבעים, ריחות וצלילים. En: The market was full…

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After the Deluge: A Family Stands United in Bergen’s Storm

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Sofie våknet med et rykk. En: Sofie woke with a start. Nb: Regnet trommet hardt mot vinduet. En: The rain drummed hard against the window. Nb: Utenfor var Bergen mørkt og vått. En: Outside, Bergen was dark and wet. Nb: Hun gikk ned til kjøkkenet. En: She…

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Mystery of Kalemegdan: Teen Detectives Uncover Ancient Secrets

Fluent Fiction – Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: U srcu Beograda, gde se sreću prošlost i sadašnjost, nalazi se Kalemegdanska tvrđava. En: In the heart of Belgrade, where the past and present meet, lies the Kalemegdan Fortress. Sr: Jednog dana, Marko, Jelena i Vladimir krenuli su u obilazak muzeja unutar tvrđave. En: One day, Marko,…

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Harmony in Park Güell: Robots and Humans Unite in a Future Spain

Fluent Fiction – Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: Cada matí, el sol brillava sobre el Parc Güell. En: Every morning, the sun shone over Park Güell. Ca: Els colors brillants dels mosaics i l’arquitectura fantàstica creaven un paisatge de conte. En: The bright colors of the mosaics and the fantastic architecture created a fairy-tale landscape.…

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Exploring Tallinn’s Old Town: A Day of Discoveries and Delights

Fluent Fiction – Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Karl ja Liina kõndisid Tallinna vanalinna kitsaid ja käänulisi tänavaid mööda. En: Karl and Liina walked along the narrow and winding streets of Tallinn’s old town. Et: Päike paistis nende peale. En: The sun shone upon them. Et: See oli üsna külm sügispäev. En: It was quite…

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The Hidden Love of Marais: Unveiling a Parisian Secret

Fluent Fiction – French Story Transcript: Fr: Dans les ruelles étroites du Marais à Paris, le soleil se couchait en projetant une lumière dorée sur les pavés. En: In the narrow alleys of the Marais in Paris, the sun was setting, casting a golden light on the cobblestones. Fr: Camille, une jeune femme curieuse,…

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Exploring Riga: A Day of Traditional Foods at the Central Market

Fluent Fiction – Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Saulainā svētdiena rīta Māra, Jānis un Elīna devās uz Rīgas Centrāltirgu. En: On a sunny Sunday morning, Māra, Jānis, and Elīna set off for the Riga Central Market. Lv: Viņi vēlējās atrast tradicionālos latviešu ēdienu produktus. En: They wanted to find traditional Latvian food products. Lv: Tirgus…

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