Archive for June 2024
Adventures and Mishaps in The Heart of Chandni Chowk
Fluent Fiction – Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: चाँदनी चौक की सुबह हमेशा बहुत व्यस्त होती है। En: The mornings in Chandni Chowk are always very busy. Hi: भीड़भाड़, दुकानें, और मसालों की सुगंध हर तरफ फैली होती है। En: Crowds, shops, and the smell of spices are everywhere. Hi: एक चमकदार रविवार की सुबह,…
Read MoreUnforgettable Adventures: A Day at Cardiff Market
Fluent Fiction – Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Mae’r haul yn disgleirio dros Farchnad Caerdydd. En: The sun is shining over Cardiff Market. Cy: Mae Dylan, Carys, a Gwion yn cerdded drwy’r strydoedd prysur. En: Dylan, Carys, and Gwion are walking through the busy streets. Cy: Mae’r aer yn llawn aroglau blasus o fwyd lleol…
Read MoreTulips and Friendship: A Blossoming Day in Keukenhof
Fluent Fiction – Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: Op een zonnige lentedag gingen Sophie, Joris en Lieke naar de Keukenhof. En: On a sunny spring day, Sophie, Joris, and Lieke went to Keukenhof. Nl: Het park was vol met kleurrijke tulpen. En: The park was filled with colorful tulips. Nl: De lucht rook zoet en…
Read MoreSkyward Adventures: A Magical Day in Old Town Vilnius
Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Vilniaus senamiestyje oras kvepėjo stebuklais ir nuotykių pažadais. En: In the old town of Vilnius, the air was filled with the scent of miracles and promises of adventure. Lt: Giedrė ir Mantas vaikščiojo senamiesčio gatvėmis, kai netikėtai pastebėjo kažką neįprasto. En: Giedrė and Mantas were walking through…
Read MoreStep Into Copenhagen’s Past: A Magical Virtual Reality Voyage
Fluent Fiction – Danish Story Transcript: Da: Tivoli Gardens var fyldt med glade mennesker. En: Tivoli Gardens was filled with happy people. Da: Farvede lys blinkede, og duften af popcorn hang i luften. En: Colored lights blinked, and the smell of popcorn hung in the air. Da: Freja, Magnus og Sofie stod i kø.…
Read MoreHandcrafted Treasures: A Day in Krakow’s Main Square
Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Słońce delikatnie wschodziło nad Krakowem. En: The sun was gently rising over Krakow. Pl: Na Rynku Głównym panowała cisza, która nie potrwała długo. En: The Main Square was quiet, but that wouldn’t last long. Pl: Anna i Piotr przygotowywali swój stragan z rękodziełem. En: Anna and Piotr…
Read MoreFrom Market Stalls to Culinary Success: An Athens Tale
Fluent Fiction – Greek Story Transcript: El: Η αυγή φωτίζει την Κεντρική Αγορά της Αθήνας. En: Dawn lights up the Central Market of Athens. El: Οι άνθρωποι ξυπνούν νωρίς, ανοίγουν τα καταστήματά τους και αρχίζουν το καθημερινό τους έργο. En: People wake up early, open their shops, and start their daily work. El: Η…
Read MoreFestival Frenzy: Friendship & Garlic in Brașov
Fluent Fiction – Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: În centrul orașului Brașov, într-o clădire veche cu acoperiș roșu și geamuri mari, se afla un restaurant tradițional românesc. En: In the center of Brașov, in an old building with a red roof and large windows, there was a traditional Romanian restaurant. Ro: Acolo, Mihai, Anca și…
Read MoreHow Honey Met Fish: A Market Day to Remember
Fluent Fiction – Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Rīgas centrāltirgū vienmēr bija dzīve – cilvēki, smaržas, skaņas. En: At Riga Central Market, there was always life – people, scents, sounds. Lv: Jānis stāvēja pie zivju stenda, kur parasti palīdzēja tirgot zivis. En: Jānis stood by the fish stall, where he usually helped to sell fish.…
Read MoreFirst Day Excitement: New School Adventures in Dubrovnik
Fluent Fiction – Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Ana je brzo koračala. En: Ana walked quickly. Hr: Njezin bijeli ruksak visio je preko ramena. En: Her white backpack hung over her shoulder. Hr: Bio je prvi dan nove školske godine. En: It was the first day of the new school year. Hr: Dubrovnik je blistao…
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