Archive for June 2024
From Barbecue to Rainbow: A Memorable Day in Stellenbosch
Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Dit was ‘n pragtige Saterdagmiddag in Stellenbosch. En: It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon in Stellenbosch. Af: Die son skyn helder oor die wingerde, en die lug was skoon en vars. En: The sun shone brightly over the vineyards, and the air was clean and fresh. Af:…
Read MoreA Market Adventure: Friendship Amid Flavors and Allergies
Fluent Fiction – Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: Budapest piacának nagy csarnokában mindig zajlik az élet. En: In the grand hall of Budapest’s market, life is always bustling. Hu: Az emberek jönnek-mennek, vásárolnak, kóstolnak finomságokat. En: People come and go, shop, and taste delicacies. Hu: Egy nap, Eszter és Bence baráti délutánt szerveztek itt. En:…
Read MoreMystery at Charles Bridge: Jakub’s Quest to Recover the Statue
Fluent Fiction – Czech Story Transcript: Cs: Bzučení ranní Prahy. En: The Buzz of Morning in Prague. Cs: Slunce vstává. En: The sun rises. Cs: Jakub šel přes Karlův most. En: Jakub walked across Charles Bridge. Cs: Byl klidný, den začal. En: He was calm; the day had begun. Cs: Ale něco bylo divné.…
Read MoreA Feast by Mistake: How Luca’s Error Created a Unforgettable Day
Fluent Fiction – Italian Story Transcript: It: La piazza del piccolo paese era piena di sole quel giorno, e l’aria profumava di pane appena sfornato. En: The small town square was full of sunshine that day, and the air smelled of freshly baked bread. It: Luca, Giulia e Marco decisero di andare a pranzo…
Read MoreSecrets Beneath Bratislava: Marek’s Historic Discovery
Fluent Fiction – Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Na vrchole dňa, slnko svietilo nad Bratislavským hradom. En: At the peak of the day, the sun shone over Bratislava Castle. Sk: Marek sa prechádzal po starodávnych chodbách. En: Marek wandered through the ancient corridors. Sk: Miloval históriu a obdivoval majestátnosť hradu. En: He loved history and…
Read MoreUnveiling Hidden Wonders: Linh and Huy’s Halong Bay Treasure Hunt
Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Trời Hạ Long hôm nay đẹp như tranh. En: Halong Bay’s weather today was picturesque. Vi: Nước biển xanh ngắt, trời trong vắt. En: The sea was a deep blue, and the sky was crystal clear. Vi: Linh và Huy đang tận hưởng chuyến du lịch tại…
Read MoreUnexpected Guests: A Day at Jongmyo’s Traditional Wedding
Fluent Fiction – Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 지호와 민서가 종묘에 도착했어요. En: Jiho and Minseo arrived at Jongmyo. Ko: 그들은 유난히 아름다운 날씨를 즐기며 종묘를 둘러봤어요. En: They enjoyed the exceptionally beautiful weather as they looked around Jongmyo. Ko: 종묘는 고요하고 신비로운 곳이었어요. En: Jongmyo was a quiet and mysterious place. Ko: 그날은 특별한…
Read MoreNegotiating Treasures: Emre’s Grand Bazaar Adventure Unfolds
Fluent Fiction – Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: Kapalıçarşı’nın renkli ve kalabalık sokaklarında, Emre bir dükkana girdi. En: In the colorful and crowded streets of the Grand Bazaar, Emre entered a shop. Tr: Bu dükkan, el yapımı halılar satan küçük bir mağazaydı. En: This shop was a small store selling handmade carpets. Tr: Her yerden…
Read MoreThriving Through Heat: A Day at Chatuchak Market
Fluent Fiction – Thai Story Transcript: Th: ท้องฟ้าสดใสในวันเสาร์วันหนึ่ง ที่ตลาดจตุจักร En: The sky was clear on a Saturday at Chatuchak Market. Th: พี่สมศักดิ์, พี่พรทิพย์, และอาทิตย์ เดินซื้อของ En: P’Somsak, P’Pornthip, and Arthit were shopping. Th: พี่สมศักดิ์ชอบปลูกต้นไม้ พี่พรทิพย์ชอบศิลปะ อาทิตย์ชอบสัตว์เลี้ยง En: P’Somsak likes to plant trees, P’Pornthip likes art, and Arthit likes pets. Th: สามคนเดินทั่วตลาด ตั้งแต่เช้า En: The…
Read MoreAoife’s Eco-Miracle: Drones Transforming Cliffs of Moher
Fluent Fiction – Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Aoife ag an Aillte MhothairAr lá breá amháin, bhí Aoife ag siúl go sásta ar imeall na nAillte Mhothair in iarthar na hÉireann. En: Aoife at the Cliffs of Moher On one fine day, Aoife was happily walking along the edge of the Cliffs of Moher in…
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