Lost in Midsummer: A Tourist’s Accidental Dance Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Swedish www.FluentFiction.org/Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Skansen luktade sommar. En: Skansen smelled like summer. Sv: Grönska, blommor och glada röster fyllde luften. En: Greenery, flowers, and cheerful voices filled the air. Sv: Det var midsommarfirande och hela Skansen var fullt av liv. En: It was Midsummer celebrations, and all of Skansen was full…

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Journey Through Crawford Market: Finding the Perfect Sherwani

Fluent Fiction – Hindi www.FluentFiction.org/Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: मुंबई की गर्मी की दोपहर में, क्रॉफर्ड मार्केट की गलियों में हलचल मची हुई थी। En: On a hot Mumbai afternoon, the streets of Crawford Market were bustling with activity. Hi: लोग अपनी ज़रूरत की चीज़ें खरीद रहे थे। En: People were busy buying their necessities. Hi:…

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From Facts to Friendship: The School Project That United Us

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian www.FluentFiction.org/Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Ljubljana je bila tistega poletnega popoldneva prelepa. En: Ljubljana was beautiful that summer afternoon. Sl: Dragonjski most je stal veličastno, okrašen z ikoničnimi kipa zmajev. En: The Dragon Bridge stood majestically, adorned with its iconic dragon statues. Sl: Luka, Nika in Anže so se srečali tam za…

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From Shelves to Stage: Dovydas Finds His Voice in Vilnius

Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian www.FluentFiction.org/Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Saulė švietė ryškiai Vilniaus senamiestyje. En: The sun shone brightly in the old town of Vilnius. Lt: Tai buvo karšta vasaros diena. En: It was a hot summer day. Lt: Žmonės vaikščiojo akmeninėmis gatvėmis, džiaugėsi spalvingomis vėliavėlėmis ir klausėsi įvairios muzikos. En: People were walking on the…

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Budget-Friendly Adventures: A Fun Camping Journey in the City!

Fluent Fiction – Italian www.FluentFiction.org/Italian Story Transcript: It: Luca, Martina e Silvia erano in un negozio nel cuore della città. En: Luca, Martina, and Silvia were in a store in the heart of the city. It: Il grande magazzino di attrezzatura per l’outdoor era pieno di colori vivaci e personale energico. En: The large outdoor…

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Hanoi’s Hidden Artifact: A Tale of Friendship and Discovery

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese www.FluentFiction.org/Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Khi trời mùa hè nóng bức và ồn ào, Hà Nội báo hiệu một cảnh tượng sống động. En: When the hot and noisy summer arrives, Hanoi signals a vibrant scene. Vi: Đường phố tấp nập, tiếng nhộn nhịp của xe máy và giọng nói của người…

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A Day in Tivoli: Freja’s Unforgettable Moments with Lars

Fluent Fiction – Danish www.FluentFiction.org/Danish Story Transcript: Da: Sommerens solstråler varmede Tivoli Haven i København. En: The summer sunbeams warmed Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen. Da: Det var en travl dag med glade mennesker og mange aktiviteter. En: It was a busy day with happy people and many activities. Da: Freja og hendes lille søn Lars…

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Bravery in the Bustling Market: Olena’s Heroic Rescue

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian www.FluentFiction.org/Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Серед гамірного ринку в Києві, де кольорові кіоски виставили свої товари, літня спека укривала все навколо теплом і ароматом свіжих овочів, квітів і людей. En: Amidst the bustling market in Kyiv, where colorful stalls displayed their wares, the summer heat enveloped everything in warmth and the scent…

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Unveiling the Hidden Bunker: Ivana and Marko’s Historic Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Croatian www.FluentFiction.org/Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Ivana i Marko stajali su ispred srednjovjekovne tvrđave. En: Ivana and Marko stood in front of the medieval fortress. Hr: Bilo je ljeto, sunce je zalazilo. En: It was summer, and the sun was setting. Hr: Ivana je držala svoj bilježnicu i olovku. En: Ivana held her…

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Finding Balance: Love and Adventure at the Cliffs of Moher

Fluent Fiction – Irish www.FluentFiction.org/Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Bhí an ghrian ag spalpadh ar maidin agus an t-aer lán le teas an tsamhraidh. En: The sun was blazing in the morning and the air was full of the summer heat. Ga: Bhí Niamh agus Cillian ag tiomáint go dtí na hAillte Mhothair. En: Niamh and…

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