History & Nature at Rila Monastery: A Timeless Journey

Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian www.FluentFiction.org/Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: Слънцето грее ярко в небето. En: The sun shines brightly in the sky. Bg: Въздухът е чист и свеж. En: The air is clean and fresh. Bg: Иван, Елена и Димитър се събират пред Рилския манастир. En: Ivan, Elena, and Dimitar gather in front of the Rila…

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Lanterns and Heroism: A Mid-Autumn Night in Hoi An

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese www.FluentFiction.org/Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Dưới ánh hoàng hôn đẹp như tranh Hội An, ba người bạn An, Minh và Hoa gặp nhau ở cổng chùa Cầu. En: Under the sunset as beautiful as a painting in Hoi An, three friends, An, Minh, and Hoa, met at the entrance of the Japanese…

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Unexpected Heatstroke: A Summer Crisis in Nyhavn

Fluent Fiction – Danish www.FluentFiction.org/Danish Story Transcript: Da: Solen skinnede klart over Nyhavn en sommerdag. En: The sun shone brightly over Nyhavn on a summer day. Da: Frederik og Mette gik langs kanalen. En: Frederik and Mette walked along the canal. Da: De nød det fine vejr og den smukke udsigt. En: They enjoyed the…

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Snapshots and Sun Salutations: A Day at Frogner Park

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian www.FluentFiction.org/Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Eirik og Ingrid hadde en idé. En: Eirik and Ingrid had an idea. Nb: De skulle ta bilder av Vigeland-statuene i Frogner Park. En: They would take pictures of the Vigeland statues in Frogner Park. Nb: Det var sol, og alle var glade. En: It was sunny,…

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Unveiling Damascus: The Secret of Noor’s Talisman

Fluent Fiction – Arabic www.FluentFiction.org/Ar Story Transcript: Ar: تحت نور القمر الهاديء، جلست نور على شرفة منزلها. En: Under the serene moonlight, Noor sat on her home’s balcony. Ar: في يدها حقيبة قدمتها لها جدتها رحمها الله. En: In her hand was a bag given to her by her late grandmother. Ar: في الليل الهادئ،…

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Mystery on the Trans-Siberian: Quest for Ancient Treasure

Fluent Fiction – Russian www.FluentFiction.org/Ru Story Transcript: Ru: В морозный декабрьский день, поезд “Транссибирский экспресс” медленно тронулся с платформы. En: On a frosty December day, the “Trans-Siberian Express” train slowly left the platform. Ru: Людмила сидела у окна, любуясь заснеженными пейзажами. En: Lyudmila sat by the window, admiring the snowy landscapes. Ru: Рядом с ней…

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Sintra’s Enchanted Palace: Unearthing Hidden Treasures

Fluent Fiction – Portuguese 🇵🇹 www.FluentFiction.org/portuguese-pt Story Transcript: Pt: O sol brilhava sobre o Palácio da Pena em Sintra. En: The sun was shining over the Pena Palace in Sintra. Pt: Era uma manhã linda, o céu estava claro e as cores vibrantes do palácio destacavam-se. En: It was a beautiful morning, the sky was…

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The Jungle’s Test: A Thrilling Tale of Survival and Friendship

Fluent Fiction – Portuguese 🇧🇷 www.FluentFiction.org/portuguese-br Story Transcript: Pt: Nas profundezas da floresta tropical, havia sons de pássaros exóticos. En: In the depths of the rainforest, there were sounds of exotic birds. Pt: O ar era úmido e cheio de vida. En: The air was humid and full of life. Pt: Gustavo, Fabiana e Renato…

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Unplanned Hiccups: Friendship Tested at Gyeongbokgung Palace

Fluent Fiction – Korean www.FluentFiction.org/Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 서울은 정말 아름다운 도시입니다. En: Seoul is indeed a beautiful city. Ko: 진수, 민지, 서준은 오늘 경복궁 투어를 계획했습니다. En: Jinsoo, Minji, and Seojun planned a tour of Gyeongbokgung Palace today. Ko: 햇살이 밝게 비추는 날이었고, 모두가 설렜습니다. En: It was a day with bright sunshine, and…

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Sailing Adventures on Lake Balaton: A Day to Remember

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian www.FluentFiction.org/Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: A nap ragyogott a Balaton felett. En: The sun was shining over Lake Balaton. Hu: A tó vize kék és tiszta volt. En: The water of the lake was blue and clear. Hu: Balázs, Réka és Imre örömmel néztek a tájra. En: Balázs, Réka, and Imre looked…

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