Archive for June 2024
From Tourists to Guides: A Day of Medieval Fun in Krakow
Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Na Rynku Głównym w Krakowie zawsze było tłoczno. En: In the Main Market Square in Krakow, it was always crowded. Pl: Marzena i Wojtek, para z Warszawy, postanowili spędzić tam weekend. En: Marzena and Wojtek, a couple from Warsaw, decided to spend the weekend there. Pl: Była…
Read MoreZoltán’s First Day: Finding Friendship in Budapest’s Schoolyard
Fluent Fiction – Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: Egy meleg szeptemberi reggel volt Budapesten. En: It was a warm September morning in Budapest. Hu: Zoltán az új iskolájába tartott. En: Zoltán was heading to his new school. Hu: Kicsit izgult, mert nem ismert senkit. En: He was a little nervous because he didn’t know anyone.…
Read MoreHow a Tiny Tapas Bar Became La Rambla’s Hidden Gem
Fluent Fiction – Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: El sol brillava suaument sobre La Rambla de Barcelona. En: The sun was shining gently over La Rambla in Barcelona. Ca: Era un matí d’estiu. En: It was a summer morning. Ca: La brisa marina feia ballar les fulles dels arbres. En: The sea breeze made the…
Read MoreLove Sparkles Amidst Tallinn’s Enchanting Christmas Market
Fluent Fiction – Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Karge talveõhtu kattis Tallinna Raekoja platsi hõbedase lumega. En: A barren winter evening covered Tallinn’s Town Hall Square with a silver layer of snow. Et: Festivali tuled särasid erksalt ja jõuluturul oli rahvas sumisemas. En: The festival lights shone brightly, and the Christmas market was buzzing with…
Read MoreTranquil Trails: A Day of Friendship and Resilience at Lake Bled
Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Sončni žarki so svetili na Lake Bled in odsevali v mirni vodi. En: The sun’s rays shone on Lake Bled and reflected in the calm water. Sl: Ana, Matej in Tina so se zbrali ob robu jezera. En: Ana, Matej, and Tina gathered at the edge of…
Read MoreJourney Through Time: VR Adventures at Bratislava Castle
Fluent Fiction – Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Jana a Marek boli nadšení. En: Jana and Marek were thrilled. Sk: Stáli pred vstupom do Bratislavského hradu. En: They stood at the entrance of Bratislava Castle. Sk: Bol krásny letný deň a oni sa tešili na nové dobrodružstvo. En: It was a beautiful summer day, and…
Read MoreEaster Magic in Lviv: A Day of Joy, Tradition, and Togetherness
Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Сонечко зійшло над Львовом, і площа Ринок засяяла яскравими кольорами. En: The sun rose over Lviv, and Rynok Square sparkled with bright colors. Uk: Багато людей заповнили її, готуючись до святкування Великодня. En: Many people filled the square, preparing to celebrate Easter. Uk: Олена, Андрій і Світлана…
Read MoreSunshine Strolls: A Perfect Day at Cardiff Market
Fluent Fiction – Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Y bore Sadwrn hwnnw, roedd y haul yn tywynnu’n braf dros Gaerdydd. En: That Saturday morning, the sun was shining beautifully over Cardiff. Cy: Roedd Carys a Dylan yn cerdded law yn llaw drwy Ganolbwynt Marchnad Caerdydd. En: Carys and Dylan were walking hand in hand through…
Read MoreA Splash of Laughter: Carlos and Lucía’s Day at Retiro Park
Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: El sol brillaba alto en el cielo de Madrid. En: The sun shone high in the Madrid sky. Es: Carlos y Lucía decidieron pasar el día en el Parque del Retiro. En: Carlos and Lucía decided to spend the day at Retiro Park. Es: Era su lugar…
Read MoreA Day in the Grand Bazaar: Ayşe’s Quest for the Perfect Gift
Fluent Fiction – Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: Kapalıçarşı’nın renkli koridorlarında bir gün başladı. En: A new day began in the vibrant corridors of the Grand Bazaar. Tr: Parlak ışıklar altında altın, gümüş ve ipek parlıyordu. En: Under the bright lights, gold, silver, and silk were shining. Tr: Dükkan sahipleri, sabahın erken saatlerinde tezgahlarını kurdu.…
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