From Strangers to Friends: A Day on Prague’s Charles Bridge

Fluent Fiction – Czech Story Transcript: Cs: Na Karlově mostě v létě bylo živo. En: On the Charles Bridge in the summer, there was a lot of activity. Cs: Turisté fotili, hudebníci hráli, malíři kreslili. En: Tourists were taking photos, musicians were playing, and painters were drawing. Cs: Hana, pečlivá konzervátorka umění, obdivovala sochy.…

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Courage and Connection: A Summer’s Tale on Margaret Island

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: A forró nyári napon László, Zsófia és András találkoztak a Margit-szigeten. En: On a hot summer day, László, Zsófia, and András met on Margaret Island. Hu: A sziget zöld oázisa élénk élettel teli volt. En: The green oasis of the island was teeming with vibrant life. Hu:…

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A Summer’s Courage: Overcoming Shyness in Urban Park

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: På en varm sommerdag var Urban Park full av liv. En: On a warm summer day, Urban Park was full of life. Nb: Teppet Sindre satt på var blått. En: The blanket Sindre sat on was blue. Nb: Rundt ham lå vennegjenger på tepper, like glade og…

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Markets of Life: How a Medical Student Saved a Vendor’s Life

Fluent Fiction – Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Rīgas Centrāltirgus vienmēr bija darbīgs. En: Riga Central Market was always bustling. Lv: Tirgotāji skaļi piedāvāja savas preces. En: The vendors loudly offered their goods. Lv: Gaisa smaržoja pēc svaigas maizes un ziediem. En: The air smelled of fresh bread and flowers. Lv: Saule spīdēja spoži, un…

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Unexpected Paths: Love and Inspiration at the Cliffs of Moher

Fluent Fiction – Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Sa chathair bhríomhar Ghailimh, bhí an ghrian ag taitneamh go glórmhar agus na sráideanna beo le turasóirí agus ceoltóirí sráide. En: In the vibrant city of Galway, the sun was shining gloriously, and the streets were alive with tourists and street musicians. Ga: Bhí Cillian agus Niamh…

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Barcelona Serendipity: Rediscovering Love and Independence

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: Era un día caluroso de verano en Barcelona. En: It was a hot summer day in Barcelona. Es: El mercado de La Boqueria vibraba de energía. En: The La Boqueria market buzzed with energy. Es: Los colores brillantes de las frutas y verduras llenaban el espacio. En:…

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Hidden Treasures of Chatuchak: Sriya’s Quest for a Special Gift

Fluent Fiction – Thai Story Transcript: Th: ตลาดนัดจตุจักรในวันเสาร์อาทิตย์เต็มไปด้วยคนเดินทางมาเดินซื้อของ En: Chatuchak Weekend Market is crowded with people shopping for goods. Th: สริยาคือหนึ่งในคนเหล่านั้น En: Sriya is one of them. Th: เธอเป็นนักศึกษาศิลปกรรมที่มุ่งมั่น มีความฝันลึกๆ ที่จะสะสมของเก่าหายาก En: She is a dedicated art student with a deep dream of collecting rare antiques. Th: และวันนี้ภารกิจของเธอคือหาของขวัญที่พิเศษมากสำหรับอาจารย์ที่กำลังจะไปต่างประเทศเร็วๆ นี้ En: Today, her mission is…

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Cooking Up Memories: A Journey Through Carmel Market

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew Story Transcript: He: בשוק הכרמל בתל אביב, החום של הקיץ הורגש בכל פינה. En: At the Carmel Market in Tel Aviv, the summer heat was felt in every corner. He: יעל, אבי וטליה התקדמו בין הדוכנים הצבעוניים, מחפשים את המצרכים המושלמים לארוחת ערב משפחתית מיוחדת. En: Yael, Avi, and Talia…

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Journey Through Crawford Market: Finding the Perfect Sherwani

Fluent Fiction – Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: मुंबई की गर्मी की दोपहर में, क्रॉफर्ड मार्केट की गलियों में हलचल मची हुई थी। En: On a hot Mumbai afternoon, the streets of Crawford Market were bustling with activity. Hi: लोग अपनी ज़रूरत की चीज़ें खरीद रहे थे। En: People were busy buying their necessities. Hi:…

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Discovering the Heartbeat of Art: A Montmartre Tale

Fluent Fiction – French Story Transcript: Fr: Les rues pavées de Montmartre étaient animées en cet été chaud. En: The cobblestone streets of Montmartre were bustling in this hot summer. Fr: Le soleil brillait fort et les touristes affluaient pour admirer les artistes de rue et les galeries pleines de créativité. En: The sun…

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