Discovering the Enchanted Market: Time-Travel Adventures Await

Fluent Fiction – Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: U srcu Splita, stara kaldrma vodi do skrivenog trga. En: In the heart of Split, an old cobblestone path leads to a hidden square. Hr: Na tom trgu postoji čudesna tržnica. En: In that square, there is a magical market. Hr: Ivan i Mia bili su najbolji…

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Heartfelt Moments in Stockholm: Emma’s Market Adventures

Fluent Fiction – Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Solens strålar speglade sig i kullerstenen. En: The sun’s rays reflected off the cobblestones. Sv: Emma promenerade längs de smala gatorna i Gamla Stan, Stockholm. En: Emma walked along the narrow streets of Old Town, Stockholm. Sv: Doften av nybakat bröd fyllde luften. En: The smell of…

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Inside Barcelona’s Joyous Gothic Quarter Festival

Fluent Fiction – Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: El sol brillava a través dels estrets carrers del Barri Gòtic de Barcelona. En: The sun shone through the narrow streets of Barcelona’s Gothic Quarter. Ca: Pau, Marina i Oriol caminaven ràpidament, amb somriures a les seves cares. En: Pau, Marina, and Oriol walked quickly, smiles on…

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From Kraków’s Cafe to Exam Triumph: A Student Journey

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Kraków, piękne i historyczne miasto, tętniło życiem na Rynku Głównym. En: Kraków, a beautiful and historic city, was bustling with life in the Main Square. Pl: Słońce świeciło jasno, a turyści z całego świata podziwiali zabytki. En: The sun shone brightly, and tourists from all over the…

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West Lake Boat Ride: An Unforgettable Day of Friendship

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 阳光明媚的一天,李华、王强和张敏决定去杭州西湖游玩。 En: On a sunny day, Li Hua, Wang Qiang, and Zhang Min decided to visit West Lake in Hangzhou. Zh: 他们早上八点就到了西湖边,准备乘坐一艘小船游湖。 En: They arrived at the edge of the lake at eight in the morning, ready to take a small boat ride. Zh: 李华说:“今天的天气真好,适合游湖。”…

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New Beginnings at Lviv School: A Heartwarming Tale of Friendship

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Біля великої, старовинної будівлі Львівської школи №5 стояли учні. En: Near the grand, old building of Lviv School No. 5, students were gathered. Uk: Сонце весело світило, і ранок був теплий та приємний. En: The sun was shining cheerfully, and the morning was warm and pleasant. Uk:…

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Unveiling Ancient Mysteries: A Hike to Historic Discovery

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Die son het helder geskyn oor Tafelberg. En: The sun shone brightly over Table Mountain. Af: Johann, Annelie en Kobus het opgewonde om die berg begin stap. En: Johann, Annelie, and Kobus began their hike up the mountain with excitement. Af: Die vars berglug het hul longe…

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Friends’ Day Out at Lake Bled: A Twist of Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Na obali Blejskega jezera je sonce siječe sijalo in nebo je bilo kristalno jasno. En: On the shore of Lake Bled, the sun was shining brightly, and the sky was crystal clear. Sl: Matej, Anja in Tina so se odločili za sproščujoč dan ob jezeru. En: Matej,…

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Mystical Journey: A Day at Fushimi Inari Taisha in Kyoto

Fluent Fiction – Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 京都の伏見稲荷大社で、家族が参拝をしており、鳥居の道を散策します。 En: At Fushimi Inari Taisha in Kyoto, a family is visiting the shrine and strolling along the path of torii gates. Ja: 青空が広がるこの日に、ハルトとユイは大きな山門の前に立っていました。 En: On this day, with blue skies stretching out above, Haruto and Yui stood before the grand mountain gate. Ja: 「ここが伏見稲荷か、すごいね!」とハルトが言いました。 En: “This…

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Chasing the Wind: An Epic Adventure on the Cliffs of Moher

Fluent Fiction – Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Sá bhá na maidine, bhí Saoirse ag siúl cois na gCoirp ag Gairbhthrá. En: In the morning light, Saoirse was walking beside the Bodies at Gairbhthrá. Ga: Bhí suaimhneas ar an aer agus radharc álainn ag na hAillte Móire. En: There was tranquility in the air and…

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