Archive for June 2024
Magic of the Grand Bazaar: School Talent Show Triumph
Fluent Fiction – Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: Kapalıçarşı ışıl ışıl parlıyordu. En: The Grand Bazaar was shining brightly. Tr: Ahmet, Elif ve Mehmet bu büyüleyici yerde geziniyordu. En: Ahmet, Elif, and Mehmet were wandering around this enchanting place. Tr: Onların okulunda dönem sonu yetenek gösterisi vardı. En: Their school had an end-of-term talent show.…
Read MoreGyeongbokgung: Hidden Treasure & Unforgettable Adventure
Fluent Fiction – Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 서울의 경복궁은 항상 아름다웠습니다. En: Gyeongbokgung Palace in Seoul was always beautiful. Ko: 특히 문화 축제 때는 더욱 빛났습니다. En: It shone even more brightly during the cultural festival. Ko: 축제에서 진짜 모험이 시작됩니다. En: The real adventure began at the festival. Ko: 지현, 민재, 그리고 하나는…
Read MoreA Crisis in Rome: Gianna’s Unexpected Cafe Encounter
Fluent Fiction – Italian Story Transcript: It: Nella città eterna, tra i vicoli antichi e le piazze animate, c’era una giovane donna di nome Gianna. En: In the eternal city, amidst the ancient alleys and lively squares, there was a young woman named Gianna. It: Era una mattina soleggiata quando Gianna decise di visitare…
Read MoreA Day in Bloom: Magic at Keukenhof Gardens
Fluent Fiction – Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: De zon scheen helder over de velden met tulpen. En: The sun shone brightly over the fields of tulips. Nl: Sophie, Jasper en Emma stonden bij de ingang van de Keukenhof Gardens. En: Sophie, Jasper, and Emma stood at the entrance of the Keukenhof Gardens. Nl: Het…
Read MoreDiscovering Hidden Ruins: A Hike Through Lahemaa National Park
Fluent Fiction – Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Sügisene hommik oli varajane ja jahe. En: The autumn morning was early and cool. Et: Kalev ja Liina otsustasid minna matkama Lahemaa rahvusparki. En: Kalev and Liina decided to go hiking in Lahemaa National Park. Et: Nad armastasid loodust ja värske õhk oli alati teretulnud. En: They…
Read MoreSunday Mornings at the Corner Bakery: A Heartwarming Tradition
Fluent Fiction – French Story Transcript: Fr: Le soleil se lève doucement sur le petit village. En: The sun rises gently over the small village. Fr: La lumière dorée du matin éclaire les rues. En: The golden morning light illuminates the streets. Fr: La boulangerie du coin a déjà ouvert ses portes. En: The…
Read MoreSunlit Success: Artists Shine at Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra Exhibition
Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Ранкове сонце золотило куполи Києво-Печерської Лаври. En: The morning sun gilded the domes of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. Uk: Маленький двір наповнювався світлом. En: The small courtyard filled with light. Uk: Олена, Андрій та Максим готувалися до виставки малюнків. En: Olena, Andriy, and Maksym were preparing for the…
Read MoreMagical Day at Trakai Castle: A Journey Back in Time
Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Saulėtas sekmadienis rytas buvo tobulas apsilankymui Trakų pilyje. En: A sunny Sunday morning was perfect for a visit to Trakai Castle. Lt: Gabija, Dovydas ir Aušra džiaugėsi savo kelione. En: Gabija, Dovydas, and Aušra were delighted with their trip. Lt: Jie jautėsi laimingi ir susijaudinę. En: They…
Read MoreTime Travel Under Bratislava Castle: Friends Uncover a Hidden Lab
Fluent Fiction – Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Začalo to jedného slnečného rána. En: It started on a sunny morning. Sk: Jana, Peter a Miroslav sa stretli pred hradom Bratislava. En: Jana, Peter, and Miroslav met in front of Bratislava Castle. Sk: Boli to najlepší priatelia a milovali dobrodružstvá. En: They were best friends and…
Read MoreClimbing Table Mountain: A Journey of Beauty and Responsibility
Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Die son het pas begin uitkom agter die hoë berge. En: The sun had just begun to emerge from behind the high mountains. Af: Johan het sy rugpak gegryp en begin stap. En: Johan grabbed his backpack and started walking. Af: Vandag was die dag. En: Today…
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