Conflict to Collaboration: Winter at Urban Zoo Library

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Die biblioteek van die Stedelike Dieretuin was vol lewe. En: The library of the Urban Zoo was full of life. Af: Studente het boeke gelees, besig met hul studies, en die geluid van omblaai van bladsye weerklink deur die ruimte. En: Students were reading books, engaged in…

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Strawberries, Art, and the Power of Friendship in Caerphilly

Fluent Fiction – Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Cael Haf bywiog oedd. En: It was a lively summer. Cy: Caerffili Marchnad yn llawn bywyd. En: Caerphilly Market was brimming with life. Cy: Stondinau’n gweiddi gyda lliwiau a synau. En: Stalls shouting with colors and sounds. Cy: Rai stondin gyda ffrwythau. En: Some stalls with fruits.…

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Friendship Over Formulas: A Summer’s Lesson in Belgrade

Fluent Fiction – Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Pod vrelim beogradskim suncem, Kalemegdan je sijao u svojoj letnjoj slavi. En: Under the scorching Belgrade sun, Kalemegdan shone in its summer glory. Sr: Tamo, među starim zidinama i bujnim zelenilom, tri prijatelja su pokušavala završiti poslednje pripreme za završne ispite. En: There, amidst the ancient walls…

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Finding Home: A Heartwarming Journey in Shanghai’s Glow

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 上海地铁里,人来人往,大家都在享受端午节的气氛。 En: In the Shanghai metro, people came and went, all enjoying the atmosphere of the Dragon Boat Festival. Zh: 美玲、欣怡和家豪三个人挤在地铁里,准备去外滩散步。 En: Meiling, Xinyi, and Jiahao squeezed into the train, preparing to go for a walk at the Bund. Zh: “我好想家啊,”欣怡轻声说。 En: “I really miss…

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Midsummer Magic: Tradition Meets Modernity in Helsinki

Fluent Fiction – Finnish Story Transcript: Fi: Helsingin kaupunkiviidakon keskellä on kuuma kesäpäivä. En: In the urban jungle of Helsinki, it is a hot summer day. Fi: Kauniit, vihreät puut ja kirkas sininen taivas luovat täydellisen tunnelman. En: Beautiful green trees and a bright blue sky create the perfect atmosphere. Fi: Aino, Henrik ja…

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Finding Confidence: Hana’s Journey Through Shibuya’s Yukata Shops

Fluent Fiction – Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 東京の賑やかな渋谷、交差点には人がいっぱいです。 En: In the bustling Shibuya of Tokyo, the crosswalk is full of people. Ja: ネオンライトが光り、車や人々の声が響き渡ります。 En: Neon lights shine brightly, and the sounds of cars and people’s voices resonate all around. Ja: 夏の暖かい風が街を包み、遠くから七夕祭りの準備の音が聞こえてきます。 En: The warm summer breeze envelops the city, and from afar, the sounds…

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Shyness to Heroism: Marin’s Unforgettable Day

Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: Слънцето блестеше ярко през листата на дърветата в Борисова градина. En: The sun shone brightly through the leaves of the trees in Borisova Garden. Bg: Въздухът беше пълен с песни на птици и смях на деца. En: The air was filled with the songs of birds and…

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Rescue in Cișmigiu: Rediscovering Hope and Heroism

Fluent Fiction – Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: Soarele strălucea puternic deasupra Grădinii Cișmigiu din București. En: The sun was shining brightly over Cișmigiu Garden in Bucharest. Ro: Pe aleile parcului treceau oameni veseli, copii alergând și bătrâni plimbându-se încet. En: Cheerful people, children running, and elderly folks walking slowly passed by on the park’s…

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A Spark of Validation: Oriol’s Night of Sant Joan Triumph

Fluent Fiction – Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: La Rambla brillava sota la llum de les guirnaldes i els focs artificials. En: La Rambla glistened under the light of garlands and fireworks. Ca: La música omplia l’aire mentre Oriol, un jove artista, muntava la seva petita parada amb quadres i dibuixos. En: Music filled the…

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Sparks in the Urban Garden: A Tale of Rediscovered Inspiration

Fluent Fiction – Greek Story Transcript: El: Η πόλη έπαιρνε ανάσα κάτω από τον καυτό καλοκαιρινό ήλιο. En: The city took a breath under the scorching summer sun. El: Οι άνθρωποι αναζητούσαν σκιά και δροσιά. En: People sought shade and coolness. El: Ένα από τα πιο δροσερά σημεία ήταν το Urban Garden Café, ένα…

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