Love Blossoms: A Tale of Dreams and New Beginnings

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: El sol brillaba intensamente sobre el viñedo, un rincón encantador en el campo español. En: The sun shone brightly over the vineyard, a charming corner in the Spanish countryside. Es: Las filas de viñas se extendían por el terreno, llenas de uvas maduras y jugosas. En: Rows…

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Adventures in Tara: Exploring the Untamed Wilderness

Fluent Fiction – Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Visoka stabla Tara Nacionalnog Parka su šuštala na letnjem povetarcu. En: The tall trees of Tara National Park rustled in the summer breeze. Sr: Miloš i Vesna su hodali pažljivo, prateći zvukove prirode. En: Miloš and Vesna walked carefully, following the sounds of nature. Sr: Miloš je…

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A Farmer’s Bravery: Unity and Hope in the Face of a Storm

Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Saulė vakarop tirpsta, laukus užliedama auksine šviesa. En: The sun melts towards evening, flooding the fields with golden light. Lt: Rūta skuba, skrybėlę patikrinusi, ar užtenka prie apsaugos. En: Ruta is in a hurry, checking her hat to ensure it provides enough protection. Lt: Ji jau žinojo,…

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Midsummer’s Eve: Balancing Tradition with Modern Dreams

Fluent Fiction – Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Kollasel Midsuvise hommikul seisis Maarika maantee ääres. En: On a bright Midsummer morning, Maarika stood by the side of the road. Et: Ta vaatas farmi põldudele, mis olid täis metsikuid lilli ja kõrgeid põllukultuure. En: She looked out at the farm fields, which were full of wildflowers…

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Eirik’s Midsummer Triumph: Tradition Meets Ambition

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Solen skinte sterkt ned over den grønne dalen. En: The sun shone brightly down over the green valley. Nb: Blomster blomstret, og fuglene sang ivrig. En: Flowers bloomed, and the birds sang eagerly. Nb: På en gammel bondegård midt i dalen bodde Eirik. En: On an old…

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Uncovering Secrets: A Farmer’s Quest to Save His Heritage

Fluent Fiction – Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: Op een zwoele zomernacht, bij de verlaten molenboerderij, stond Maarten peinzend in het weiland. En: On a sultry summer night, by the abandoned mill farm, Maarten stood pensively in the meadow. Nl: De zon ging langzaam onder, en lange schaduwen strekte zich uit over de stoffige grond.…

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Sunflowers and Storms: Olena’s Triumph of Dreams and Duty

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Під яскравим літнім сонцем поля восхитилися своїм розквітом у Вінницькій області. En: Under the bright summer sun, the fields bloomed beautifully in the Vinnytsia region. Uk: Гарні жовті соняшники піднімали голови до неба, немов посміхалися світу. En: Gorgeous yellow sunflowers lifted their heads to the sky, as…

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Balancing Roots & Dreams: A Sibling’s Summer in the Olive Grove

Fluent Fiction – Greek Story Transcript: El: Ο καλοκαιρινός ήλιος έλαμπε δυνατά πάνω από τον ελαιώνα. En: The summer sun shone brightly over the olive grove. El: Η Θάλεια στεκόταν εκεί, κοιτάζοντας γύρω της τα δέντρα με τις πλούσιες πράσινες ελιές. En: Thalia stood there, looking around at the trees with their rich green…

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Midsummer Dreams: A Family’s Journey of Hope and New Beginnings

Fluent Fiction – Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Djupt ute på den svenska landsbygden, en plats där solen nästan aldrig går ner under sommaren, låg Verner och Astrids vackra gård. En: Deep in the Swedish countryside, a place where the sun almost never sets during the summer, laid Verner and Astrid’s beautiful farm. Sv: Här,…

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Tuscany’s Heartbeat: Love and Survival Amidst Golden Hills

Fluent Fiction – Italian Story Transcript: It: Il sole splendeva alto sopra la fattoria di Luca e Giulia, trasformando la campagna toscana in un quadro vivente. En: The sun shone high above Luca and Giulia’s farm, turning the Tuscan countryside into a living painting. It: Le colline dorate e i campi rigogliosi circondavano la…

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