Pim’s Rainy Market Adventure: Negotiating for a Silk Treasure

Fluent Fiction – Thai www.FluentFiction.org/Thai Story Transcript: Th: พิมเดินบนสะพานไม้เก่าในตลาดน้ำ En: Pim walked on the old wooden bridge at the floating market. Th: เธอยิ้มกับผู้คนรอบๆ En: She smiled at the people around her. Th: เรือพายสีสันสวยงาม บรรทุกผลไม้ ผักสด และงานฝีมือเสื้อผ้า En: Beautifully colored rowing boats carried fruits, fresh vegetables, and handcrafted clothing. Th: น้ำในคลองไหลช้าๆ กลิ่นหอมของอาหารทะเลย่างลอยมาตามลม En: The water in…

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Reunion at the Summer Market: A Tale of Family and Survival

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian www.FluentFiction.org/Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: A nyári nap meleg sugarai éppen rásütöttek a kis falusi piacra, ahol emberek zsibongtak. En: The warm rays of the summer sun were shining down on the small village market, where people were bustling about. Hu: Mindenki friss zöldséget, gyümölcsöt és kézműves termékeket árult. En: Everyone was…

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How Marek Saved the Farm: A Journey of Perseverance and Community

Fluent Fiction – Czech www.FluentFiction.org/Czech Story Transcript: Cs: Marek stál na prahu svého domu a díval se na rozlehlou farmu. En: Marek stood on the threshold of his house and looked out over the sprawling farm. Cs: Bylo léto a vůně čerstvého sena byla ve vzduchu. En: It was summer, and the scent of fresh…

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Sunflower Surprises: A Summer of Love and Laughter

Fluent Fiction – German www.FluentFiction.org/German Story Transcript: De: Hans und Greta arbeiteten auf einem Sonnenblumenhof. En: Hans and Greta worked on a sunflower farm. De: Es war Sommer, und der Himmel war klar und blau. En: It was summer, and the sky was clear and blue. De: Überall wuchsen riesige, goldene Sonnenblumen. En: Everywhere, huge…

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Kowalski Family’s Summer: Balancing Dreams and Heritage

Fluent Fiction – Polish www.FluentFiction.org/Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Na obrzeżach małej wsi, w dolinie pełnej soczystych pól i pachnących kwiatów, stało małe gospodarstwo rodziny Kowalskich. En: On the outskirts of a small village, in a valley full of lush fields and fragrant flowers, stood the small farmstead of the Kowalski family. Pl: Było lato, a…

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Brotherly Bonds and Summer Festivals: A Tale of Courage and Love

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese www.FluentFiction.org/Mandarin Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 夏天的阳光洒在农场的绿色田野上,空气中弥漫着草香和微风。 En: The summer sunlight sprinkled over the green fields of the farm, filling the air with the scent of grass and a gentle breeze. Zh: 姐姐杰和弟弟明住在这片美丽的农场上,每天忙碌而幸福。 En: Sister Jie and brother Ming lived on this beautiful farm, busy and happy every day. Zh: 杰是一个勤劳、细心的少年,经常帮助家里做农活。…

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Midsummer Miracles: Embracing Laughter and Connection by the Lake

Fluent Fiction – Finnish www.FluentFiction.org/Finnish Story Transcript: Fi: Juhannuksen aurinko paistoi kirkkaasti kauniin järven yllä. En: The Midsummer sun shone brightly over the beautiful lake. Fi: Ilmari, Leena ja Aimo olivat juuri saapuneet kesämökilleen. En: Ilmari, Leena, and Aimo had just arrived at their summer cottage. Fi: Ilma oli lämmin, ja järvi kimmelsi kuin timantti.…

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Love and Dreams in Lavender: A Tale of Provence

Fluent Fiction – French www.FluentFiction.org/French Story Transcript: Fr: Sous le ciel bleu de Provence, les champs de lavande s’étendent à perte de vue. En: Under the blue sky of Provence, fields of lavender stretch as far as the eye can see. Fr: Les fleurs violettes ondulent doucement sous la brise estivale, et le parfum sucré…

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A Day on Jutland: Love, Courage, and a Summer’s Revelation

Fluent Fiction – Danish www.FluentFiction.org/Danish Story Transcript: Da: Som den varme sommersol steg over gården i Jylland, skinnede dens stråler gennem køkkenvinduet og fyldte det hyggelige rum med lys. En: As the warm summer sun rose over the farm in Jutland, its rays shone through the kitchen window and filled the cozy room with light.…

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Reconnecting Roots: Sibling Bonds and Farm Life in Rural Romania

Fluent Fiction – Romanian www.FluentFiction.org/Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: Într-o dimineață de vară, soarele strălucea puternic peste dealurile aurii ale României rurale. En: One summer morning, the sun shone brightly over the golden hills of rural Romania. Ro: Laviniu stătea pe marginea drumului prăfuit, privind către ferma familiei sale. En: Laviniu stood by the edge of…

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