Unveiling Lisbon’s History: A Journey Through Jerónimos Monastery

Fluent Fiction – Portuguese 🇵🇹 www.FluentFiction.org/portuguese-pt Story Transcript: Pt: Guiomar ajustou os óculos e sorriu para o grupo de turistas. En: Guiomar adjusted her glasses and smiled at the group of tourists. Pt: O dia estava ensolarado em Lisboa, e o Mosteiro dos Jerónimos brilhava sob a luz dourada. En: It was a sunny day…

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The Enigma of Shadows: A Treasure Hunt at the Book Fair

Fluent Fiction – Portuguese 🇧🇷 www.FluentFiction.org/portuguese-br Story Transcript: Pt: O sol brilhava intensamente na feira do livro. En: The sun was shining brightly at the book fair. Pt: Entre as tendas coloridas e o cheiro de páginas novas, Tomás estava sentado em uma mesa com uma pilha de livros à sua frente. En: Among the…

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Pitch Perfect: How a Startup Trio Secured Their Future

Fluent Fiction – Romanian www.FluentFiction.org/Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: Într-o după-amiază caldă de vară, la un incubator de startup-uri din București, birourile moderne erau pline de tineri antreprenori. En: On a warm summer afternoon, at a startup incubator in Bucharest, the modern offices were filled with young entrepreneurs. Ro: Zgomotul tastelor și conversațiile entuziaste umpleau aerul.…

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Burnout and Breakthrough: A Summer Night’s Journey to Balance

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian www.FluentFiction.org/Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: Forró nyári nap volt. En: It was a hot summer day. Hu: A napfény beáramlott az Innovatív Központ nagy üvegablakain. En: Sunlight streamed through the large glass windows of the Innovation Center. Hu: A levegőt a munka izgalma töltötte meg. En: The air was filled with the…

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From Software Engineer to Visionary Innovator: Niamh’s Bold Leap

Fluent Fiction – Irish www.FluentFiction.org/Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Niamh stánadh amach fhuinneog mhór na hoifige, an ghrian samhraidh ag soilsiú ar aghaidh. En: Niamh stared out the large office window, the summer sun illuminating her face. Ga: Bhí an atmaisféar athghníomhach. En: The atmosphere was electrifying. Ga: D’aithin sí an meascán de dhíograis agus imní…

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Morning Crossroads: A Tale of Unexpected Connections

Fluent Fiction – Turkish www.FluentFiction.org/Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: Güneş yavaşça doğarken, Boğaziçi Köprüsü’nde koşan Elif, kalbinin hızla attığını hissediyordu. En: As the sun rose slowly, Elif, running on the Bosphorus Bridge, could feel her heart racing. Tr: Sabahın sessizliği ona huzur veriyordu. En: The morning silence brought her peace. Tr: Yaz mevsimi olduğu için hava…

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Smart Resilience: A Startup’s Humorous Pitch in Ljubljana

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian www.FluentFiction.org/Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Ljubljana. Poletni dan. Začetniški inkubator je živahen. Mlade podjetnike obdaja energija. Med njimi sta Luka in Petra. Sijaj sonca skozi velika okna osvetljuje moderna delovna mesta. Na beli tabli se lesketajo ideje. En: Ljubljana. A summer day. The startup incubator is bustling. Young entrepreneurs are surrounded by…

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Startup Blunder: A Love Email Sent to Everyone!

Fluent Fiction – Thai www.FluentFiction.org/Thai Story Transcript: Th: ในเช้าวันร้อนของฤดูร้อนที่สตาร์ทอัพอินคิวเบเตอร์ อาทิตย์กำลังนั่งที่โต๊ะทำงานในมุมสอง En: On a hot summer morning at the startup incubator, Arthit was sitting at his desk in corner two. Th: มุมนี้เต็มไปด้วยแสงแดดที่ส่องมาอบอุ่น En: This corner was bathed in warm sunlight. Th: อาทิตย์เป็นนักธุรกิจเทคที่หัวใจคอยพร่ำเพ้อถึงความรักมากกว่าธุรกิจใหม่ของเขา En: Arthit was a tech entrepreneur whose heart often longed for love more than…

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Love Misfire: A Tech Startup’s Chaotic Valentine’s Day

Fluent Fiction – Croatian www.FluentFiction.org/Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Luka je nervozno zurio u ekran. En: Luka was nervously staring at the screen. Hr: Svijetao sunčev zrak prodiralo je kroz velike prozore Startup Inkubatora u Zagrebu. En: Bright sunlight streamed through the large windows of the Startup Incubator in Zagreb. Hr: Na zaslonu je treperila poruka…

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At the Heart of Innovation: Agnė’s Midsummer Triumph

Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian www.FluentFiction.org/Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Vilnius, vasaros vidurdienis. En: Vilnius, a summer midday. Lt: Įsibėgėjantis Joninių pasiruošimas maišo mieste su įtempta energija „Startup Incubator” pastate. En: Preparations for the midsummer festival Joninės blend with intense energy in the “Startup Incubator” building. Lt: Stiklinės sienos atskleidžia ryškius startuolių susitikimus. En: Glass walls reveal…

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