Love and Friendship Under the Kalemegdan Sun

Fluent Fiction – Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Kalemegdan tvrđava, uz reku, blistala je pod letnjim suncem. En: The Kalemegdan Fortress, by the river, glistened under the summer sun. Sr: Stefan, Milena i Ivan hodali su preko starog kamenog mosta. En: Stefan, Milena, and Ivan walked across the old stone bridge. Sr: Stefan je nosio…

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Discovering Family Secrets: Ruta’s Midsummer Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Rūta staigāja pa Doma laukumu. En: Ruta walked through Dome Square. Lv: Saulīte spīdēja, un gaiss bija pildīts ar ziedu smaržu. En: The sun was shining, and the air was filled with the scent of flowers. Lv: Cilvēki dejoja un dziedāja Jāņu dziesmas. En: People danced and…

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From Sketches to Journeys: The Adventure of Hannah and Lukas

Fluent Fiction – German Story Transcript: De: Die Sonne warf goldenes Licht auf die sanften Wellen des Rheins. En: The sun cast a golden light on the gentle waves of the Rhine. De: Das Café mit den efeubewachsenen Wänden schien vor Ruhe und Charme zu strahlen. En: The café, with its ivy-covered walls, seemed…

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Sparks in the Garden: A Hilarious First Date Blooms

Fluent Fiction – Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: Soarele strălucea deasupra Grădinii Botanice din București. En: The sun was shining above the Botanical Garden in Bucharest. Ro: Era o zi perfectă de vară, cu cerul senin și florile înflorind în culori vibrante. En: It was a perfect summer day, with clear skies and flowers blooming…

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Midsummer Sparks: A Evening of Fireworks and Laughter

Fluent Fiction – Finnish Story Transcript: Fi: Mikä ilta se oli. En: What an evening it was. Fi: Taivas oli maalattu kauniilla oranssiin sävyillä, ja juhannuskokko loimusi kirkkaasti järven rannalla. En: The sky was painted in beautiful shades of orange, and the midsummer bonfire blazed brightly by the lake. Fi: Tuomo käveli hermostuneena kohti…

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A Summer Love Confession: Romance at the Top of Qutub Minar

Fluent Fiction – Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: धूप कड़ी थी और आसमान साफ था। En: The sun was strong, and the sky was clear. Hi: क़ुतुब मीनार अपनी पूरी शान में खड़ी थीं। En: The Qutub Minar stood tall in all its glory. Hi: हरे-भरे बाग़ोन के बीच, पर्यटक कैमरे और यादें सँजो रहे…

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Heartfelt Hiccups in Saigon: A Date Overcomes Wallet Woes

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Trưa hè tại khu chợ nhộn nhịp phố Sài Gòn, Minh và Hạnh dạo bước. En: A Summer Noon at a Busy Saigon Market, Minh and Hanh Stroll Through the Hustle. Vi: Hơi nóng hòa quyện cùng những mùi thơm nức từ các quầy thức ăn, làm…

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From Spills to Thrills: A Delightful Café Encounter in Cardiff

Fluent Fiction – Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Mae’n ddiwrnod braf yn nghanol haf yng Nghaerdydd. En: It’s a fine day in mid-summer in Cardiff. Cy: Roedd Bryn yn nerfus. En: Bryn was nervous. Cy: Roedd ef yn athro hanes, ychydig yn swil a gyda’r arfer o golli pethau. En: He was a history teacher,…

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The Golden Discovery: Unveiling Family Secrets in the Old Market

Fluent Fiction – Arabic Story Transcript: Ar: في السوق القديم، تحت أشعة الشمس الذهبية، كان فارس ونبيلة يتجولان. En: In the old market, under the golden rays of the sun, Fares and Nabila were wandering around. Ar: كانا يستمتعان برؤية البضائع القديمة. En: They were enjoying the sight of ancient goods. Ar: فجأةً، لفت…

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Birch Secrets: Vasily’s Twist Revamps Banya Nights

Fluent Fiction – Russian Story Transcript: Ru: Легкий пар поднимался в воздухе, окружая деревянные стены уютной русской бани. En: A light steam rose in the air, surrounding the wooden walls of the cozy Russian banya. Ru: Василий и Инна с нетерпением готовились к банным процедурам. En: Vasily and Inna eagerly prepared for the bathing…

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