From Doubt to Triumph: Aarav’s Inspiring Journey to Success

Fluent Fiction – Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: गर्मियों की चटक धूप के बीच, अनाथालय के बगीचे में बच्चे खेल रहे थे। En: Amidst the blazing summer sun, children were playing in the orphanage garden. Hi: यह जगह Aarav के जीवन का हिस्सा थी। En: This place was a part of Aarav’s life. Hi: वह…

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Midsummer Memories: Aleksi’s Journey to Suomenlinna

Fluent Fiction – Finnish Story Transcript: Fi: Kuin taivaalta laskeva sininen verho, kesä täytti Suomenlinnan kadut ja kujat iloisella valolla. En: Like a descending blue curtain from the sky, summer filled the streets and alleys of Suomenlinna with joyous light. Fi: Aurinko hehkui korkealla taivaalla, eikä merituulen viileys vienyt sen lämpöä pois. En: The…

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Midsummer Magic: Overcoming Panic with Teamwork and Friendship

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Solveig sto ved inngangen til matbutikken. En: Solveig stood at the entrance to the grocery store. Nb: Hun pustet dypt inn. En: She took a deep breath. Nb: Sommeren var varm og lys. En: The summer was warm and bright. Nb: Magnus sto ved siden av henne,…

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Stefan’s Journey: From Caregiver to Storyteller at Sava’s

Fluent Fiction – Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Stefan je stajao u bašti Sava’s Orfanata. En: Stefan stood in the garden of Sava’s Orphanage. Sr: Sunce je letnje svetlo obasjavalo decu koja su se igrala. En: The summer sunlight illuminated the children playing. Sr: Obožavao je to mesto. En: He adored this place. Sr: Biljke…

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Unraveling Secrets & Surf: María’s Quest in Cancún

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: María caminaba descalza por la playa apartada en Cancún. En: María walked barefoot along the secluded beach in Cancún. Es: El sol de verano brillaba sobre las aguas turquesas. En: The summer sun shone over the turquoise waters. Es: La arena blanca estaba salpicada de conchas y…

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Art and Folklore: A Journey to Connection in Vilnius

Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Eglė naujame mieste jautėsi vieniša. En: Eglė felt lonely in the new city. Lt: Ji buvo neseniai persikėlusi į Vilnių ir dirbo Nacionalinėje dailės galerijoje. En: She had recently moved to Vilnius and worked at the National Art Gallery. Lt: Jos gyvenimas sukosi apie meną ir Lietuvos…

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Magic in Lviv: A Summer Evening, a Secret and a Lifeline

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Літній вечір у Львові був теплий і повний магії. En: A summer evening in Lviv was warm and full of magic. Uk: На подвір’ї кафе при вулиці Сербській вже засвітилося безліч вогників, що нагадували маленькі зірки. En: Countless little lights, resembling tiny stars, had already lit up…

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Secrets of the Garden: An Unexpected Adventure of Trust

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: El sol de invierno bañaba con luz suave el Jardín Botánico. En: The winter sun bathed the Botanical Garden with soft light. Es: Los senderos serpeaban entre plantas exóticas y el cristal del invernadero brillaba como un diamante bajo el cielo claro. En: The paths meandered among…

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Finding Bridges: A Family Reconnects in Prešeren Square

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Sončen popoldan je obsijal Prešernov trg v Ljubljani. En: A Sunny afternoon illuminated Prešeren Square in Ljubljana. Sl: Miha je stal na robu trga, gledal svojo sestro Niko, ki je prvič po mnogih letih znova obiskala Slovenijo. En: Miha stood at the edge of the square, watching…

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Midsummer Magic: Finding Love on Toompea Hill

Fluent Fiction – Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Toompea mäel, aknaklaasid peegeldamas päikeseloojangut, kohtusid kaks inimest keset Jaanipäeva hubinaid. En: On Toompea Hill, the window panes reflecting the sunset, two people met amidst the Midsummer Eve revelry. Et: Kristjan seisis rahvarõivastes inimesi ja lauluväljakuid vaadates, oodates oma kohtingukaaslast. En: Kristjan stood watching the people in…

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