Dreams Blossoming: Maarja’s Graduation and Taavi’s Art Revelation

Fluent Fiction – Estonian www.FluentFiction.org/Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Maarja seisis lastekodu ees suurel murul. En: Maarja stood on the large lawn in front of the orphanage. Et: Oli suvepäev. En: It was a summer day. Et: Päike paistis eredalt ja lilled aias õitsesid. En: The sun was shining brightly, and the flowers in the garden…

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Finding Hope: Luka’s Journey to a Loving Family

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian www.FluentFiction.org/Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Poletni veter je nežno pihal skozi okna velike, stare sirotišnice. En: The summer breeze gently blew through the windows of the large, old orphanage. Sl: Zidovi so bili obrabljeni, a čisti in okrašeni s pisanimi risbami otrok. En: The walls were worn but clean, decorated with colorful…

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The Market Gamble: Chef Veselin’s Bold Culinary Leap

Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian www.FluentFiction.org/Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: Ранната сутрин в София е топла и оживена. En: The early morning in Sofia is warm and bustling. Bg: Слънцето залива с пъстрите си лъчи отворения пазар. En: The sun floods the open market with its colorful rays. Bg: Навсякъде има щандове, натоварени с плодове и зеленчуци.…

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Hope in Letters: A Summer of Unexpected Connections

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese www.FluentFiction.org/Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Giữa cái nóng oi bức của mùa hè, Linh vội vàng bước vào Bưu điện Trung tâm Sài Gòn. En: In the sweltering heat of summer, Linh hurriedly stepped into the Central Saigon Post Office. Vi: Tòa nhà với lối kiến trúc Pháp cổ kính, trần cao…

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Capturing Dreams: A Youth’s Journey in Kruger National Park

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans www.FluentFiction.org/Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Dit was ‘n koue oggend in die Kruger Nasionale Park. En: It was a cold morning in Kruger National Park. Af: Die lug was kraakvars, en die son het net begin opkom oor die horison. En: The air was crisp, and the sun was just beginning to…

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Uncovering Family Roots: A Summer Quest in Copenhagen

Fluent Fiction – Danish www.FluentFiction.org/Danish Story Transcript: Da: Sommeren var varm i København. En: The summer was warm in Copenhagen. Da: Amalienborgs hvide bygninger skinnede i solen. En: The white buildings of Amalienborg shone in the sun. Da: Turister tog billeder og hestevogne kørte forbi. En: Tourists took pictures and horse-drawn carriages passed by. Da:…

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A Day at the Market: Sacrifices and Strength in Amsterdam

Fluent Fiction – Dutch www.FluentFiction.org/Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: Op een zonnige zomerdag wandelde Femke door de drukke markt van Amsterdam. En: On a sunny summer day, Femke walked through the busy market of Amsterdam. Nl: De geur van versgebakken brood en rijpe tomaten vulde de lucht. En: The scent of freshly baked bread and ripe…

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Healing Hearts Against the Aegean: A Summer Orphanage Tale

Fluent Fiction – Greek www.FluentFiction.org/Greek Story Transcript: El: Η καλοκαιρινή ζέστη και το άρωμα της θάλασσας αγκάλιαζαν το ορφανοτροφείο στο μικρό ελληνικό νησί. En: The summer heat and the scent of the sea embraced the orphanage on the small Greek island. El: Το λευκό κτίριο με τα φωτεινά άνθη βουκαμβίλιας, που στόλιζαν τους τοίχους, έμοιαζε…

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Anja’s Journey: Market to Festival of Kindness

Fluent Fiction – Croatian www.FluentFiction.org/Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Sunce je sjalo iznad Zagreba. En: The sun shone over Zagreb. Hr: Topli ljetni dan bio je na vrhuncu, a ulice su bile pune ljudi. En: The warm summer day was at its peak, and the streets were full of people. Hr: Mirisi cvijeća i hrane širili…

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Rising Above: Giulia’s Journey to Gondola Glory in Venice

Fluent Fiction – Italian www.FluentFiction.org/Italian Story Transcript: It: Venezia brillava sotto il sole estivo. En: Venice sparkled under the summer sun. It: L’acqua dei canali era calma, riflettendo il cielo azzurro. En: The canal waters were calm, reflecting the blue sky. It: Giulia, giovane e determinata gondoliera, manovrava la sua gondola con maestria. En: Giulia,…

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