Ilona’s Discovery: Mystery in the Orphanage Archive

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: A meleg nyári nap sugarai beszűrődtek az árvaház ablakain. En: The rays of the warm summer sun filtered through the windows of the orphanage. Hu: Az évtizedes kőfalak mégis hűvösek maradtak. En: Yet, the decades-old stone walls remained cool. Hu: Ez az épület mindig is Ilona otthona…

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Torn Between Two Worlds: Chloé’s Journey to Finding Family

Fluent Fiction – French Story Transcript: Fr: Chloé se tenait devant la grande fenêtre de l’orphelinat Saint-Paul, regardant les enfants jouer dans le jardin. En: Chloé stood in front of the large window of the Saint-Paul orphanage, watching the children play in the garden. Fr: La vue de la Tour Eiffel à travers les…

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The Carrot Conundrum: A Heartwarming Tale of Oksana’s Secret

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Сонячний промінь проник через велике вікно їдальні сирітського будинку, кидаючи тепле світло на довгі столи та веселий сміх дітей. En: A sunbeam penetrated through the large window of the orphanage dining hall, casting warm light on the long tables and the cheerful laughter of the children. Uk:…

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Healing Hearts: Yael’s Journey Back to the Orphanage

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew Story Transcript: He: באמצע תל אביב, ליד גן ירוק מוקף בילדים שמשחקים וצוחקים, יש בית יתומים ישן. En: In the heart of Tel Aviv, near a green park surrounded by children playing and laughing, there is an old orphanage. He: יעל, עובדת סוציאלית, ביקרה שם בקיץ. En: Yael, a social…

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Marek’s Quest: Unveiling Secrets in the Abandoned Orphanage

Fluent Fiction – Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Letné slnko prenikalo okenicami cez rozbité sklo, osvetľovalo zaprášené miestnosti opusteného sirotinca. En: The summer sun streamed through the shutters, casting light through the broken glass and illuminating the dusty rooms of the abandoned orphanage. Sk: Márne sa schovávala stará budova na okraji hustého lesa. En: The…

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Hope Blooms: Jihoon’s Journey from Orphanage to Family

Fluent Fiction – Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 서울의 한 고아원은 여름 햇빛 속에서 환하게 빛났습니다. En: An orphanage in Seoul shone brightly under the summer sun. Ko: 안에는 아이들의 웃음소리와 장난감 소리가 가득했습니다. En: Inside, it was filled with the sounds of children’s laughter and toys. Ko: 지훈은 방 한쪽에 앉아 조용히 책을 읽고…

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Hero Amid the Flood: Niran’s Courageous Quest for Little Nueng

Fluent Fiction – Thai Story Transcript: Th: ฝนตกหนักในช่วงฤดูฝนทางซีกโลกเหนือ ทำให้ทั้งสถานเลี้ยงเด็กกำพร้าเต็มไปด้วยน้ำที่แผ่กระจายไปทั่ว En: Heavy rainfall during the rainy season in the Northern Hemisphere flooded the entire orphanage. Th: นักสังคมสงเคราะห์ที่นี่ชื่อ นีรน เป็นคนที่เอาใจใส่ดูแลเด็กๆ En: Niran, a social worker there, was devoted to taking care of the children. Th: เขามีความรู้สึกผิดในใจที่ซ่อนอยู่ เขาคิดว่าตนมีความรับผิดชอบต่อเด็กๆ ทุกคน En: He harbored a hidden guilt, feeling that…

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Unveiling Legacy: A Quest Through Ruins and History

Fluent Fiction – German Story Transcript: De: Die Sonne stand hoch am Himmel über dem Schwarzwald. En: The sun stood high in the sky over the Black Forest. De: Schatten von alten Bäumen fielen auf die Ruinen eines alten Schlosses. En: Shadows of old trees fell on the ruins of an ancient castle. De:…

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Finding Family in the Heart of Summer: Līga’s Journey of Courage

Fluent Fiction – Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Vidējos vasaras laukos mūsu brīnumainā bāreņu patversme atradās uz neliela kalna. En: In the middle of summer fields, our marvelous orphanage was located atop a small hill. Lv: No tās pavērās skats uz zaļiem laukiem un blīviem mežiem, kas vienmēr sauca bērnus piedzīvojumiem. En: From there, we…

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A Rainy Café Romance: Art and Connection in Old Town

Fluent Fiction – Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: På ett litet kafé i Gamla Stan, där regnet smattrade mot kullerstenarna utanför, satt Elin med en kopp varm choklad. En: At a small café in the Old Town, where the rain pattered against the cobblestones outside, Elin sat with a cup of hot chocolate. Sv: Hon…

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