Unveiling the Lost Secrets of the Ancient Synagogue

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew www.FluentFiction.org/Hebrew Story Transcript: He: בשיאה של קיץ אחד חם, איפה שהשמש עזבה צללים זעירים, איתן, אביבה ונועם הגיעו לחורבות בית כנסת עתיק. En: At the height of one hot summer, where the sun left tiny shadows, Ethan, Aviva, and Noam arrived at the ruins of an ancient synagogue. He: העצים סביב…

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Tea Mastery Amidst Dragon Boat Festival: Mei’s Triumphant Brew

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese www.FluentFiction.org/Mandarin Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 在北京古老茶馆的地下秘密地堡内,夏天的空气却透着一丝凉意。 En: In the underground secret bunker of an ancient tea house in Beijing, the summer air carried a touch of coolness. Zh: 墙上挂满了古老的卷轴,架子上摆放着无数茶叶罐子,空气中弥漫着浓郁的茶香。 En: The walls were covered with old scrolls, and countless tea canisters lined the shelves, filling the air with a rich…

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Love Amidst Stormy Skies: A Serendipitous Encounter at Kalemegdan

Fluent Fiction – Serbian www.FluentFiction.org/Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Bilo je popodne na Vidovdan. En: It was afternoon on Vidovdan. Sr: Luka je hodao kroz Kalemegdan, razmišljajući o zadnjem raskidu. En: Luka was walking through Kalemegdan, thinking about his recent breakup. Sr: Nebo je bilo tamno, spremno za oluju. En: The sky was dark, ready for…

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Facing Fears: A Journey of Friendship and Self-Discovery

Fluent Fiction – Romanian www.FluentFiction.org/Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: Adrian, Elena și Matei urcau încet pe poteca de munte, respirând adânc aerul curat și răcoros. En: Adrian, Elena, and Matei were slowly hiking up the mountain trail, taking deep breaths of the fresh, cool air. Ro: Verdele pădurii din jur îi înconjura, iar cântecele păsărilor îi…

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From Lonely Streets to Mid-Summer Flames: A Vilnius Love Tale

Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian www.FluentFiction.org/Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Šiltą vasaros dieną Vilniaus senamiestyje buvo jauku. En: On a warm summer day, the Old Town of Vilnius felt cozy. Lt: Siauros gatvelės dvelkė senove, o grindinys glotniai atspindėjo saulės spindulius. En: The narrow streets exuded antiquity, and the cobblestone pavement reflected the sun’s rays smoothly. Lt:…

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A Flea Market Adventure: Haruto’s Heartwarming Gift Quest

Fluent Fiction – Japanese www.FluentFiction.org/Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 暑い夏の日、ハルトとアイカは小さな町のフリーマーケットにいました。 En: On a hot summer day, Haruto and Aika were at a small town’s flea market. Ja: 活気に満ちた市場は人々で混雑しており、色とりどりの屋台が並んでいました。 En: The bustling market was crowded with people and lined with colorful stalls. Ja: 手作りの工芸品や昔の収集品が展示され、どれも興味深いものでした。 En: Handmade crafts and vintage collectibles were on display, each one fascinating. Ja:…

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Llandudno Summer Fair: From Storm to Joyful Success

Fluent Fiction – Welsh www.FluentFiction.org/Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Mae orffennol Cymreig yn llenwi aer yr elusen yn Llandudno, lle mae’r môr yn cwrdd â bryniau gwyrddlas. En: The Welsh past fills the air of the charity in Llandudno, where the sea meets the verdant hills. Cy: Roedd Alys yn sefyll yn y coridor, yn edrych…

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From Strangers to Family: A Heartwarming Dragon Boat Festival

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese www.FluentFiction.org/Mandarin Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 漫长的夏天,阳光炙热,空气中弥漫着一股淡淡的糯米香味。 En: The long summer was blazing hot, and the air was filled with a faint scent of glutinous rice. Zh: 在上海孤儿院里,孩子们欢快地穿梭在小花园和厨房之间,准备即将到来的端午节。 En: In the Shanghai orphanage, the children were happily darting between the small garden and the kitchen, preparing for the upcoming Dragon Boat…

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Rain or Shine: A Heartwarming Summer Festival at the Orphanage

Fluent Fiction – Czech www.FluentFiction.org/Czech Story Transcript: Cs: Vojtěch a Klára se scházeli u branky sirotčince na okraji Prahy. En: Vojtěch and Klára met at the gate of the orphanage on the outskirts of Prague. Cs: Vojtěch byl mladý grafik, který nedávno začal pomáhat v sirotčinci. En: Vojtěch was a young graphic designer who had…

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Torn Between Two Worlds: Chloé’s Journey to Finding Family

Fluent Fiction – French www.FluentFiction.org/French Story Transcript: Fr: Chloé se tenait devant la grande fenêtre de l’orphelinat Saint-Paul, regardant les enfants jouer dans le jardin. En: Chloé stood in front of the large window of the Saint-Paul orphanage, watching the children play in the garden. Fr: La vue de la Tour Eiffel à travers les…

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