Archive for June 2024
Lost Tourist Crowned as Knight: A Lisbon Monastery Adventure
Fluent Fiction – Portuguese 🇵🇹 Story Transcript: Pt: No coração de Lisboa, em um dia ensolarado, Gonçalo e Beatriz decidiram visitar o Mosteiro dos Jerónimos. En: In the heart of Lisbon, on a sunny day, Gonçalo and Beatriz decided to visit the Jerónimos Monastery. Pt: O céu estava azul e sem nuvens, e o…
Read MoreFamily Bonding and Hidden Treasures: A Weekend Escape to Serenity
Fluent Fiction – Portuguese 🇧🇷 Story Transcript: Pt: No horizonte brilhava um sol laranja. En: On the horizon, a bright orange sun was shining. Pt: Liliane e Otávio desciam a trilha de areia, segurando as mãos de Martin. En: Liliane and Otávio walked down the sandy trail, holding Martin’s hands. Pt: Chegaram à praia…
Read MoreDive into History: Unearthing Lake Balaton’s Sunken Secrets
Fluent Fiction – Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: A Balaton-tó vízét csillogó napsugarak játszottak, amikor László, Zsófia és István a parton álltak. En: The shimmering rays of the sun played on the waters of Lake Balaton as László, Zsófia, and István stood on the shore. Hu: Az emberek a tó körül napoztak és fürdőztek, de…
Read MoreTeamwork Triumph: Unveiling Finland’s Path to Independence
Fluent Fiction – Finnish Story Transcript: Fi: Kaisa, Juhani ja Aino astuivat sisään Helsingin Keskustakirjasto Oodiin. En: Kaisa, Juhani, and Aino walked into Helsinki’s Central Library Oodi. Fi: He olivat innokkaita, mutta myös hieman hermostuneita. En: They were eager, but also a bit nervous. Fi: Heidän piti valmistella esitys historian tunnille. En: They had…
Read MoreA Hike in Lahemaa: An Unexpected Battle with Nature
Fluent Fiction – Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Päike paistis eredalt Lahemaa rahvuspargi metsade vahel. En: The sun shone brightly between the forests of Lahemaa National Park. Et: Kalev, Maarika ja Tiina olid tulnud matkama. En: Kalev, Maarika, and Tiina had come for a hike. Et: Ilus ilm ja värske õhk rõõmustasid kõiki. En: The…
Read MoreRekindling History: Restorers at Prague Castle in Action
Fluent Fiction – Czech Story Transcript: Cs: V srdci Prahy, v majestátním Pražském hradě, pracují Jan a Eva. En: In the heart of Prague, in the majestic Prague Castle, Jan and Eva work. Cs: Slunce září na zlaté věže a turisté se procházejí po nádvoří. En: The sun shines on the golden towers and…
Read MoreCliffs of Moher: Uncovering Hidden Treasures
Fluent Fiction – Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Bhí an ghrian ag taisteal síos sa spéir. En: The sun was traveling down in the sky. Ga: Bhí an tráthnóna go hálainn ag Aillte an Mhothair. En: The evening was beautiful at the Cliffs of Moher. Ga: Bhí an fharraige ag crith faoin gaoithe mhín. En:…
Read MoreFlying Taxis and Quick Thinking: An Adventure in Future Shanghai
Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 在未来的上海,有一对年轻的朋友,明华和丽娜。 En: In the future Shanghai, there are two young friends, Minghua and Lina. Zh: 他们住在这座科技发达的城市中。在这里,人们不用开车上班,而是乘坐飞行出租车。 En: They live in this technologically advanced city, where people don’t drive to work but take flying taxis. Zh: 这种飞行出租车像小型飞机,可以在城市的天空中飞翔。 En: These flying taxis, resembling small airplanes, can soar…
Read MoreBergen to Fjords: Adventure on the Flåm Railway
Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: En lys morgen i Bergen våknet Ingrid tidlig. En: On a bright morning in Bergen, Ingrid woke up early. Nb: Hun gledet seg til dagen. En: She was excited about the day. Nb: Lars, hennes bestevenn, hadde kjøpt billetter til en tur på Flåmsbanen. En: Lars, her…
Read MoreTrakai Castle Adventure: Friendship, Missteps, and Care
Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Saulė švietė virš Trakų pilies, dangus buvo mėlynas. En: The sun was shining over Trakai Castle, and the sky was blue. Lt: Rūta ir Mantas atėjo į seną pilį. En: Rūta and Mantas came to the old castle. Lt: Jie turėjo gerą nuotaiką. En: They were in…
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