Unlocking Grandma’s Legacy: A Tale of Love and Secrets

Fluent Fiction – Romanian www.FluentFiction.org/Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: Marius urcă pe poteca îngustă, printre copacii deasă. En: Marius climbs the narrow path, among the dense trees. Ro: Aerul de vară este cald și umed. En: The summer air is warm and humid. Ro: Marius se oprește și privește în jos. En: Marius stops and looks…

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Renewable Energy & Resilient Friendships: A Bunker Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Indonesian www.FluentFiction.org/Indonesian Story Transcript: Id: Di musim dingin di belahan bumi selatan, jauh di bawah permukaan tanah, ada sebuah bunker rahasia. En: In the winter of the southern hemisphere, far beneath the ground’s surface, there lies a secret bunker. Id: Bunker ini tidak lagi digunakan. En: This bunker is no longer in…

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Magic in the Gardens: How Summer Nights Spark Creativity and Joy

Fluent Fiction – Danish www.FluentFiction.org/Danish Story Transcript: Da: Sommeren i Tivoli var magisk. En: The summer in Tivoli was magical. Da: Blomsterne var i fuld blomst, luften var fyldt med duften af popcorn og kandiserede æbler, og der var musik i luften. En: The flowers were in full bloom, the air was filled with the…

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Secrets and Friendship in the Tatra Mountains

Fluent Fiction – Slovak www.FluentFiction.org/Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Marek stál pred vchodom do tajného bunkra v Tatrách. En: Marek stood at the entrance to a secret bunker in the Tatra Mountains. Sk: Lesy boli husté a zelený porast ho dokonale ukrýval. En: The forests were dense, and the green foliage concealed him perfectly. Sk: Bolo…

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The Secret Bunker of Kyiv: Mykola’s Unexpected Summer Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian www.FluentFiction.org/Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Влітку, коли сонце високо і жарко, у самому центрі Києва, під Майданом Незалежності, прихований таємний бункер. En: In the summer, when the sun is high and hot, in the very center of Kyiv, beneath Maidan Nezalezhnosti, lies a hidden secret bunker. Uk: Там зазвичай темно і холодно,…

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Mystery in the Midsummer Night: Love and Artifacts Uncovered

Fluent Fiction – Estonian www.FluentFiction.org/Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Leena ja Taavi seisid pimedas, niiskes punkris. En: Leena and Taavi stood in the dark, damp bunker. Et: Väljaspool särasid jaanitulede leegid, kuid siin all valitses ainult hämarus. En: Outside, the flames of the Midsummer bonfires shone brightly, but down here, there was only twilight. Et: Leena…

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Reconciliation on the Bosphorus: A Sibling’s Journey to Peace

Fluent Fiction – Turkish www.FluentFiction.org/Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: Bosphorus, yaz akşamı. En: Bosphorus, summer evening. Tr: Aylin, İstanbul’a dönmüş. En: Aylin has returned to Istanbul. Tr: Kurban Bayramı için. En: For the Eid al-Adha. Tr: Ailesiyle. En: With her family. Tr: Boğaz’da bir teknede. En: On a boat in the strait. Tr: Rüzgar hafifçe esiyor.…

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Race Against Time: Relics and Revelations in the Summer Forest

Fluent Fiction – Greek www.FluentFiction.org/Greek Story Transcript: El: Στην καρδιά του καλοκαιριού, το δασικό μονοπάτι άνοιγε τον δρόμο προς έναν μυστικό υπόγειο χώρο. En: In the heart of summer, the forest trail opened the way to a secret underground space. El: Ο Αλέξης βρισκόταν εκεί, με τον φακό στο χέρι, αναζητώντας μια αρχαία κειμήλιο. En:…

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Matej’s Hidden Revelation: Discovering Postojna’s Secret Chamber

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian www.FluentFiction.org/Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Pod zemljo, kjer je svet miren in skrivnosten, deluje Matej kot vodič v Postojnski jami. En: Underground, where the world is peaceful and mysterious, Matej works as a guide in the Postojna Cave. Sl: Poleti je jama hladna in osvežilna, kar privablja številne obiskovalce. En: In the…

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Unveiling the Lost Secrets of the Ancient Synagogue

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew www.FluentFiction.org/Hebrew Story Transcript: He: בשיאה של קיץ אחד חם, איפה שהשמש עזבה צללים זעירים, איתן, אביבה ונועם הגיעו לחורבות בית כנסת עתיק. En: At the height of one hot summer, where the sun left tiny shadows, Ethan, Aviva, and Noam arrived at the ruins of an ancient synagogue. He: העצים סביב…

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