Battling the Storm: A Lychee Farm’s Fight for Survival

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Mùa hè đến, trang trại vải thiều ở tỉnh Bắc Giang trở nên sôi động và đầy màu sắc. En: Summer arrives, and the lychee farm in Bac Giang province becomes lively and colorful. Vi: Những cây vải thiều nặng trĩu trái chín đỏ, tỏa hương thơm…

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Cappadocia’s Trials: A Family’s Battle with Nature & Healing

Fluent Fiction – Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: Kemal, sabahın ilk ışıkları ile uyandı. En: Kemal woke up with the first light of dawn. Tr: Gözleri tarladan gelecek seslerde, yüreği ise çiftliğin geleceğinde. En: His eyes were on the sounds coming from the field, while his heart was focused on the future of the farm.…

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Mysteries of Tanabata: The Night Hoshikage Village Found Peace

Fluent Fiction – Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 夏の夜、星が輝く空の下、村は賑やかだった。 En: On a summer night, under a sky sparkling with stars, the village was bustling with activity. Ja: 今日は七夕祭り。 En: Today was the Tanabata Festival. Ja: 色とりどりの短冊が竹に飾られ、村人たちは浴衣を着て神社に集まっていた。 En: Multicolored strips of paper hung on bamboo, and the villagers, dressed in yukata, gathered at the shrine. Ja:…

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Harmony in the Hills: Love and Labor on a Welsh Farm

Fluent Fiction – Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Am ben bore, pan oedd y haul yn codi dros fryniau gwyrdd Cymru, cerddodd Rhodri trwy ei gaeau. En: One fine morning, as the sun rose over the green hills of Wales, Rhodri walked through his fields. Cy: Roedd ei fferm yn hardd. En: His farm was…

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Secrets Beneath the Oak: Unraveling Mysteries at Lake Bled

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Tomaž je stal na obali Blejskega jezera. En: Tomaz stood on the shore of Lake Bled. Sl: Poletje je bilo v polnem razmahu. En: Summer was in full swing. Sl: Sonce je svetilo in turisti so se smejali. En: The sun was shining, and tourists were laughing.…

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Blending Traditions: A Market Adventure in Sofia

Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: На пазара в София, слънцето грее силно, а въздухът е наситен с аромати на пресни плодове и зеленчуци. En: At the market in Sofia, the sun shines brightly, and the air is filled with the scents of fresh fruits and vegetables. Bg: Смесят се гласове на продавачи…

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Frosty Bonds and Winter Triumphs: A Farmhouse Team’s Journey

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Op die plaas, onder ‘n dun lagie ryp en ‘n koue winterlug, was daar drie kinders met ‘n groot taak voor hulle. En: On the farm, under a thin layer of frost and a cold winter air, there were three children with a big task ahead of…

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Seeds of Change: Summer Dreams on the Slovak Farm

Fluent Fiction – Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Na farme na slovenskom vidieku bol nádherný letný deň. En: On a farm in the Slovak countryside, it was a beautiful summer day. Sk: Slnečné lúče zalievali polia, ktoré siahali až k obzoru. En: Sun rays bathed the fields that stretched to the horizon. Sk: Farma bola…

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Chaos and Camaraderie: Laughing Through Farm Life Fumbles

Fluent Fiction – Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Bhí an grian ag taitneamh go glórmhar ar an bhfeirm álainn i lár an tsamhraidh. En: The sun was gloriously shining on the beautiful farm in the middle of summer. Ga: Bhí Niamh, bean diongbháilte ach clumsy ina tríochaidí luatha, ag iarraidh a chruthú go bhféadfadh sí…

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How Neighbors Saved Our Harvest: A Tale of Health and Community

Fluent Fiction – Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Saulriets izplūda virs zemnieku saimniecības plašajiem laukiem. En: The sunset spread over the vast fields of the farm. Lv: Zeltainās labības svārstījās vējā, un debesis mirdzēja koši zilā krāsā. En: The golden crops swayed in the wind, and the sky gleamed a bright blue. Lv: Ilze ar…

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