Rescue at the Golden Horn: A Festival Friendship Tested

Fluent Fiction – Russian Story Transcript: Ru: Каждую осень во Владивостоке проходит фестиваль “Золотой Рог”. En: Every autumn in Vladivostok, the “Golden Horn” festival takes place. Ru: Жители города и гости собираются у воды, чтобы насладиться музыкой, едой и друзьями. En: The city’s residents and visitors gather by the water to enjoy music, food,…

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Surviving the Mountain: A Tale of Friendship and Resilience

Fluent Fiction – Basque Story Transcript: Eu: Eguna urdina zen mendian, baina Iker, Unai eta Gorka sarri itzuli behar zuten mendi erreskate estaziora. En: The day was blue on the mountain, but Iker, Unai, and Gorka often had to return to the mountain rescue station. Eu: Igoerak zenbait desafio ekarri zien, baina Ikerrek bihotz-taupadak…

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Treasures of Marrakesh: A Day in the Bustling Traditional Market

Fluent Fiction – Arabic Story Transcript: Ar: وسط ألوان وأصوات سوق مراكش التقليدي، كانت لينا، عمار، وسارة يتمشون بين الأزقة المزدحمة. En: Amid the colors and sounds of Marrakesh’s traditional market, Lina, Ammar, and Sarah were walking through the crowded alleys. Ar: الشمس تشرق على السقف، وتضفي وهجًا ذهبيًا على البضائع المعروضة. En: The…

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Saving the Tulip Harvest: A Spectacle of Drones and Blooms

Fluent Fiction – Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: Vroeg in de ochtend, als de lucht nog koel is en de dauw op de bladeren ligt, stonden Sven, Marieke en Daan aan de rand van de tulpenvelden van Lisse. En: Early in the morning, when the air is still cool and dew lies on the leaves,…

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Forbidden City Mysteries: Adventures in Ancient Secrets

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 阳光明媚的早晨,故宫的红墙闪耀着光辉。 En: On a sunny morning, the red walls of the Forbidden City shone brightly. Zh: 小明、丽丽和王老师三人准备开始这一天的探索。 En: Xiao Ming, Lili, and Teacher Wang were prepared to start their day of exploration. Zh: 故宫里有无数珍贵的宝藏和历史。 En: The Forbidden City was filled with countless precious treasures and…

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Bonds of Friendship and Love at Hoàn Kiếm Lake’s Bustling Market

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Buổi sáng nơi Hồ Hoàn Kiếm thật nhộn nhịp và đông đúc. En: The morning at Hoàn Kiếm Lake is bustling and crowded. Vi: Tiếng cười nói, tiếng mời chào của các gánh hàng rong, và những tiếng bước chân hối hả hòa cùng nhau tạo nên…

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Epicurean Journey: A Paella Tradition Revived at La Boqueria

Fluent Fiction – Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: Montserrat caminava pel bulliciós Mercat de Sant Josep de la Boqueria. En: Montserrat walked through the bustling Mercat de Sant Josep de la Boqueria. Ca: Els colors i les olors la captivaven. En: The colors and smells captivated her. Ca: El seu objectiu: comprar marisc fresc per…

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Unveiling the Mysteries of Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar

Fluent Fiction – Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: İstanbul’un kalbinde, Kapalıçarşı’nın büyüleyici koridorlarında, Emre, Ayşe ve Cem adım adım ilerliyordu. En: In the heart of Istanbul, within the enchanting corridors of the Grand Bazaar, Emre, Ayşe, and Cem were advancing step by step. Tr: Hava sıcaktı ama Kapalıçarşı’nın gölgeleri serinletiyordu. En: The weather was hot,…

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Friendship and Courage at Tatralandia: A Thrilling Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Slnečný deň v Tatralandia Aquaparku bol plný radosti a smiechu. En: A sunny day at the Tatralandia Aquapark was full of joy and laughter. Sk: Jana a Peter, dvaja najlepší priatelia, sa rozhodli stráviť deň v bazénoch a na tobogánoch. En: Jana and Peter, two best friends,…

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Enchanting Family Adventures: Exploring the Charms of Prague

Fluent Fiction – Czech Story Transcript: Cs: Bylo krásné ráno a slunce svítilo nad Karlovým mostem v Praze. En: It was a beautiful morning and the sun was shining over the Charles Bridge in Prague. Cs: Jan, Eva a Petr, malá rodina, se rozhodli strávit svůj víkend na tomto historickém místě. En: Jan, Eva,…

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