New Beginnings in the Heart of Tallinn: Mihkel’s First School Day

Fluent Fiction – Estonian Story Transcript: Et: *Tallinna vanalinn ärkas üheses* Mihkel ärkas varakult. En: *The Old Town of Tallinn Awoke in Harmony* Mihkel woke up early. Et: Oli esimene koolipäev uues gümnaasiumis. En: It was the first day of school at his new gymnasium. Et: Tema süda põksus kiiremini, kui ta jõi hommikukohvi.…

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A Day at the Market: Cooking the Perfect Family Paella

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: El sol brillaba intensamente sobre el Mercado Central. En: The sun was shining intensely over the Central Market. Es: Lucía, Martín y Sofía llegaron al mercado. En: Lucía, Martín, and Sofía arrived at the market. Es: Había mucha gente comprando. En: There were many people shopping. Es:…

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Lost and Found: A Magical Day at Tivoli Gardens

Fluent Fiction – Danish Story Transcript: Da: Solen skinnede. En: The sun was shining. Da: Blomsterne duftede sødt. En: The flowers smelled sweet. Da: Freja, Mikkel og Sofie var i Tivoli Gardens. En: Freja, Mikkel, and Sofie were at Tivoli Gardens. Da: De skulle have en dejlig dag. En: They were going to have…

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Discovering Wonders: A Hike Through Table Mountain’s Splendor

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Die son het helder geskyn oor Tafelberg. En: The sun shone brightly over Table Mountain. Af: Jan, Elmarie, en Thabo het besluit om ‘n staptog te maak. En: Jan, Elmarie, and Thabo decided to go for a hike. Af: Hulle was opgewonde oor die avontuur. En: They…

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Lost in Laughter: The Unexpected Tour of Montmartre’s Mime School

Fluent Fiction – French Story Transcript: Fr: Dans les rues étroites et pavées de Montmartre, Jean-Michel marchait avec assurance. En: In the narrow, cobblestone streets of Montmartre, Jean-Michel walked confidently. Fr: Il portait une écharpe rouge et un béret noir. En: He wore a red scarf and a black beret. Fr: Près du Sacré-Cœur,…

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Krakow’s Grand Festival: A Day of Dance, Culture, and Community

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Kiedy słońce wstało nad Krakowem, Anna i Krzysztof już byli na nogach. En: When the sun rose over Krakow, Anna and Krzysztof were already up. Pl: Był to dzień wielkiego święta na Rynku Głównym. En: It was the day of the grand celebration at the Main Market…

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Holi in Vrindavan: A Family’s Journey to Rediscover Their Roots

Fluent Fiction – Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: रंगों से भरी एक सुबह थी। En: It was a morning filled with colors. Hi: अरजुन, मीरा और रोहित ने सुना कि हर साल की तरह इस बार भी वृंदावन में होली की धूम मची है। En: Arjun, Meera, and Rohit heard that just like every year,…

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Unforgettable Heroes: A National Day in Frogner Park

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: På en solrik morgen, på 17. mai, gikk Lars og Ingrid sammen til Frogner Park. En: On a sunny morning, on May 17th, Lars and Ingrid walked together to Frogner Park. Nb: Parken var full av mennesker i bunader og norske flagg. En: The park was full…

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Mystery in Snowdonia: Breaking the Curse at Sunset Peak

Fluent Fiction – Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Mae’r gwynt yn chwythu drwy’r coed yn Eryri. En: The wind was blowing through the trees in Snowdonia. Cy: Mewn cornel anghysbell, roedd Eira, Gareth a Rhys yn crwydro. En: In a remote corner, Eira, Gareth, and Rhys were wandering. Cy: Maen nhw’n edrych am y creigiau.…

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Discovering Traditions at Riga Market: Jānis’s Culinary Journey

Fluent Fiction – Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Rīgas Centrāltirgū bija rosīga diena. En: It was a bustling day at the Riga Central Market. Lv: Jānis nolēma apmeklēt tirgu, lai iegādātu tradicionālos latviešu ēdiena sastāvdaļas. En: Jānis decided to visit the market to buy ingredients for traditional Latvian dishes. Lv: Saule spoži spīdēja, gaisā virmoja…

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