Helsinki’s High-Tech Tram: Riding into the Future

Fluent Fiction – Finnish Story Transcript: Fi: Aurinko nousi Helsingin taivaalle. En: The sun rose over Helsinki’s sky. Fi: Keskustan rautatieasema alkoi herätä eloon. En: The central train station began to come to life. Fi: Ihmiset kiirehtivät asemalle. En: People hurried to the station. Fi: Kello oli juuri lyönyt kahdeksan. En: The clock had…

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Chaos & Joy in Istanbul: A Day at the Grand Bazaar

Fluent Fiction – Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: İstanbul’un tarih kokan evinde, Kapalıçarşı’da, renkli ve canlı bir gün başlamıştı. En: In the history-filled house of Istanbul, in the Grand Bazaar, a colorful and lively day had begun. Tr: Ahmet, Leyla ve Mehmet çarşıda yürüyordu. En: Ahmet, Leyla, and Mehmet were walking through the bazaar. Tr:…

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Exploring Beijing’s Forbidden City: A Family’s Autumn Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 在一个太阳明媚的周末,整个北京都沉浸在秋天的美丽中。 En: On a sunny weekend, all of Beijing was immersed in the beauty of autumn. Zh: 小明和丽丽跟随家人一起去参观美丽的故宫。 En: Xiaoming and Lili went with their family to visit the beautiful Forbidden City. Zh: 他们一大早就出发了。 En: They set off early in the morning. Zh: 一路上,小明不停地问爸爸,“故宫有多大呀?” “故宫里有什么好看的呢?”…

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Heartwarming Chuseok Reunion at Gyeongbokgung Palace

Fluent Fiction – Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 햇살이 밝게 비치는 가을 날, 가족들이 서울의 경복궁에 모였다. En: On a bright, sunny autumn day, the family gathered at Gyeongbokgung Palace in Seoul. Ko: 추석을 맞아 긴 시간 동안 못 본 가족들이 만나는 날이었다. En: It was the day when family members who hadn’t seen each…

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Mysteries of the Rila Monastery: An Adventure in Bulgaria

Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: В ранната утрин слънцето се издигаше над планините, осветяващо покривите на Рилския манастир. En: In the early morning, the sun was rising over the mountains, illuminating the roofs of the Rila Monastery. Bg: Александър и Елена стояха пред манастира и очакваха първата група туристи за деня. En:…

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A Serene Escape: István and Zsófia’s Perfect Summer Day

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: István és Zsófia egy szép nyári napon elhatározta, hogy kirándulnak a Balatonra. En: István and Zsófia decided to take a trip to Lake Balaton on a beautiful summer day. Hu: Az ég kék volt, a nap ragyogott. En: The sky was blue, and the sun was shining.…

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Bargains and Smiles at Bangkok’s Chatuchak Market

Fluent Fiction – Thai Story Transcript: Th: ทุกวันเสาร์และวันอาทิตย์ จตุจักรที่กรุงเทพฯ เต็มไปด้วยคนมากมาย En: Every Saturday and Sunday, Chatuchak Market in Bangkok is filled with many people. Th: ตลาดนัดจตุจักรใหญ่ที่สุดในกรุงเทพฯ มีสินค้าหลายอย่างขาย ทั้งเสื้อผ้า ของใช้ และของแฮนด์เมด En: Chatuchak Market is the largest market in Bangkok, offering a variety of goods for sale, including clothes, household items, and handmade products. Th:…

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Connemara’s Magical Festival: Music, Dance, and Unforgettable Joy

Fluent Fiction – Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Lá breá grianmhar i gConamara a bhí ann. En: It was a fine sunny day in Connemara. Ga: Bhí an fhéile áitiúil ag tosú agus bhí gach duine ar bís. En: The local festival was starting and everyone was excited. Ga: Bhí Siobhán, Cian, agus Aoife ag…

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Martin’s Enchanting Day at Bratislava Castle

Fluent Fiction – Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Martin kráčal po starých uličkách Bratislavy. En: Martin walked through the old streets of Bratislava. Sk: Míňal staroveké kostoly a domy. En: He passed ancient churches and houses. Sk: Nad ním sa týčil majestátny Bratislavský hrad. En: Above him, the majestic Bratislava Castle towered. Sk: Dnes tam…

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Magical Moments at the Van Gogh Museum: A Day of Artistic Wonders

Fluent Fiction – Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: Het was een zonnige middag in Amsterdam. En: It was a sunny afternoon in Amsterdam. Nl: Sophie en Daan stonden voor het Van Gogh Museum. En: Sophie and Daan stood in front of the Van Gogh Museum. Nl: Ze hadden al vaak over het innovatieve museum gehoord.…

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