First Day Back: Adventures and History at Rila Monastery School

Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: Когато слънцето изгря над планината, Рилският манастир блестеше в златно. En: When the sun rose over the mountain, the Rila Monastery shone in golden light. Bg: Иван, Мария и Георги стояха на двора с новите си раници. En: Ivan, Maria, and Georgi stood in the courtyard with…

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Sauna Surprise: Tuomas’s Hilarious First Whisk Mishap

Fluent Fiction – Finnish Story Transcript: Fi: Saunailta oli kylässä. En: Sauna evening was happening in the village. Fi: Miehet ja naiset valmistautuivat rentoutumaan kuuman löylyn alla. En: Men and women were preparing to relax under the hot steam. Fi: Tuomas oli vastuussa koivuvihdasta. En: Tuomas was responsible for the birch whisk. Fi: Se…

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Swan Lake Rescue: A Day Matej, Nina, and Borut Won’t Forget!

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Bledsko jezero je bilo tistega poletnega dne mirno in prosojno. En: Lake Bled was calm and transparent that summer day. Sl: Matej, Nina in Borut so se odpravili na izlet. En: Matej, Nina, and Borut set out on a trip. Sl: “Poglej, kako lepo je! En: “Look…

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Surprise Dance: Copenhagen Friends in an Unforgettable Flash Mob

Fluent Fiction – Danish Story Transcript: Da: Freja, Magnus og Malene gik langsomt gennem Tivoli Gardens. En: Freja, Magnus, and Malene walked slowly through Tivoli Gardens. Da: Solen skinnede, og blomsterne duftede dejligt. En: The sun was shining, and the flowers smelled delightful. Da: Børnene løb rundt, og der var smil overalt. En: Children…

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Discovering the Best Cinnamon Buns in Stockholm’s Gamla Stan

Fluent Fiction – Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Erik var i Gamla Stan, Stockholm. En: Erik was in Gamla Stan, Stockholm. Sv: Solen sken. En: The sun was shining. Sv: Han gick på de gamla kullerstensgatorna. En: He walked on the old cobblestone streets. Sv: Gatorna var smala och vackra. En: The streets were narrow…

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A Market Day Surprise: Jānis’ Unexpected Allergy Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Rīgas centrāltirgus bija pilns ar cilvēkiem. En: The Riga Central Market was full of people. Lv: Jānis mīlēja apmeklēt tirgus dienas. En: Jānis loved visiting market days. Lv: Viņš ieraudzīja dažus svaigus ābolus un nolēma nopirkt dažus. En: He saw some fresh apples and decided to buy…

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Magic in Marrakech: Friends’ Market Adventure for a Family Feast

Fluent Fiction – Arabic Story Transcript: Ar: في قلب مراكش النابض بالحياة، يوجد السوق الكبير. En: In the heart of lively Marrakech, there is the grand market. Ar: السوق مزدحم وصاخب بالألوان والروائح. En: The market is bustling and vibrant with colors and scents. Ar: تجتمع هناك رانيا، فيصل، وندين. En: Rania, Faisal, and…

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Rivals to Artisans: Collaboration Transformed a Craft Market

Fluent Fiction – Russian Story Transcript: Ru: На уютной улочке в центре города, под ярким солнцем, был ремесленный рынок. En: On a cozy little street in the city center, under the bright sun, there was a craft market. Ru: Здесь продавали свои творения многие мастера. En: Many artisans were selling their creations there. Ru:…

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Serendipity at the Flea Market: How Artisans Reignite Creativity

Fluent Fiction – Portuguese 🇵🇹 Story Transcript: Pt: No coração de uma pequena cidade, onde o tempo parecia parar, havia um mercado de pulgas. En: In the heart of a small town, where time seemed to stand still, there was a flea market. Pt: Um mercado cheio de vida e mistério. En: A market…

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Lost and Found in Olinda: Gustavinho’s Unforgettable Carnival

Fluent Fiction – Portuguese 🇧🇷 Story Transcript: Pt: Em um belo dia ensolarado, os sons vibrantes do Carnaval de Olinda enchiam o ar. En: On a beautiful sunny day, the vibrant sounds of the Olinda Carnival filled the air. Pt: A música animada e as cores vibrantes faziam com que tudo parecesse mágico. En:…

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