Adventure on Table Mountain: Friendship Amidst Adversity

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Die son het vroegoggend oor Kaapstad opgekome, en die lug was helder en blou. En: The sun rose early over Cape Town, and the sky was clear and blue. Af: Johan, Annika, en Pieter het besluit om ‘n dag op Tafelberg deur te bring. En: Johan, Annika,…

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Basil and Rain: A Culinary Love Story in Rome’s Heart

Fluent Fiction – Italian Story Transcript: It: Il sole splendeva alto nel cielo di Roma. En: The sun was shining high in the sky over Rome. It: Il mercato di Campo de’ Fiori era pieno di gente, colori e profumi. En: The Campo de’ Fiori market was full of people, colors, and aromas. It:…

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Oslo’s Vanishing Monolith: A Tale of Friendship and Mystery

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: En tidlig morgen våknet Oslo til en mystisk nyhet. En: Early one morning, Oslo woke up to a mysterious piece of news. Nb: I Vigelandsparken, midt i hjerte av byen, var noe veldig, veldig galt. En: In Vigeland Park, right in the heart of the city, something…

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Reviving Windmills: Friendship & Repair in Kinderdijk

Fluent Fiction – Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: De zon scheen helder boven de pittoreske molens van Kinderdijk. En: The sun shone brightly above the picturesque windmills of Kinderdijk. Nl: Sophie, Daan en Jasper stonden op het gravelpad en keken omhoog naar de grote wieken die gestopt waren met draaien. En: Sophie, Daan, and Jasper…

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Market Day Adventures in Brașov’s Council Square

Fluent Fiction – Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: Soarele răsărea încet peste Piața Sfatului din Brașov. En: The sun was slowly rising over the Council Square in Brașov. Ro: Aerul de dimineață era proaspăt. En: The morning air was fresh. Ro: Ion, Maria și Andrei pregăteau tarabele cu fructe și legume. En: Ion, Maria, and…

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Unearthed Secrets: A Treasure Hunt in Plitvice Lakes

Fluent Fiction – Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Sunce se lagano spuštalo iza horizonta. En: The sun was slowly setting behind the horizon. Hr: Njegova zlatna svjetlost obasjavala je Plitvička jezera. En: Its golden light illuminated the Plitvice Lakes. Hr: Ivana, Marko i Petra stajali su na stazi, gledajući kartu staru nekoliko stoljeća. En: Ivana,…

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Zeus vs. Athena: The Power Debate That Transformed a Classroom

Fluent Fiction – Greek Story Transcript: El: Στο κέντρο της Πλάκας, κοντά στον Παρθενώνα, υπήρχε ένα μικρό σχολείο. En: In the center of Plaka, near the Parthenon, there was a small school. El: Εκεί, η Ελένη ήταν δασκάλα. En: There, Eleni was a teacher. El: Μία μέρα, η Ελένη αποφάσισε να κάνει κάτι διαφορετικό…

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Unveiling Hidden Treasures: The Day that Changed Their Lives

Fluent Fiction – French Story Transcript: Fr: Le ciel de Montmartre se couvrait de nuages sombres et menaçants. En: The sky above Montmartre was covered in dark, threatening clouds. Fr: Des éclairs zébraient le ciel, illuminant la rue pavée où Élodie et Maxime se promenaient. En: Lightning streaked across the sky, illuminating the cobblestone…

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Discover Amer Fort: A Journey Through History and Friendship

Fluent Fiction – Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: जयपुर में एक सुनहली धूप खिली हुई थी। En: A golden sunlight was shining in Jaipur. Hi: राज, मीरा और अमित ने एक योजना बनाई थी, वे सब आज आमेर किला देखने जाएंगे। En: Raj, Meera, and Amit had made a plan; they would all go to…

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Friendship Reconnected: The Mystery Package at Shibuya Crossing

Fluent Fiction – Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 渋谷交差点は、未来の世界でもいつも賑やかです。 En: The Shibuya Crossing is always bustling, even in the future. Ja: 空には無数の自律型ドローンが飛び交い、メッセージや荷物を届けています。 En: Countless autonomous drones fly through the sky, delivering messages and packages. Ja: 今日は、サトシ、ユミ、ハルトが渋谷で待ち合わせをしました。 En: Today, Satoshi, Yumi, and Haruto were planning to meet in Shibuya. Ja: 午後三時、サトシは交差点のど真ん中に立っていました。 En: At 3 PM, Satoshi…

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