Unveil Hidden Riches: The Magical Adventure in Retiro Park

Fluent Fiction – Spanish www.FluentFiction.org/Spanish Story Transcript: Es: El sonido de las hojas al caer era mágico en el Parque del Retiro en Madrid. En: The sound of leaves falling was magical in Retiro Park in Madrid. Es: Isabel, Javier, y María trabajaban juntos en una pequeña librería dentro del parque. En: Isabel, Javier, and…

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Fruit Follies at Ben Thanh: Minh’s Dragon Fruit Discovery

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese www.FluentFiction.org/Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Bên dưới trời Sài Gòn nắng gắt, Linh và Minh cùng nhau dạo chơi chợ Bến Thành. En: Under the scorching Saigon sun, Linh and Minh strolled through Ben Thanh Market together. Vi: Chợ Bến Thành rất náo nhiệt. En: The market was bustling with activity. Vi:…

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The Unexpected Sheep Court in Dyffryn Mymbyr Forest

Fluent Fiction – Welsh www.FluentFiction.org/Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Ymhell, ar fore glasurol yn y parc cenedlaethol rhywle, roedd yr heulwen yn torri drwy’r cymylau. En: Far away, on a crisp morning in some national park, the sunlight was breaking through the clouds. Cy: Gareth ac Eira oedd yn dringo’r llwybr trwm yng Nghoedwig Dyffryn Mymbyr.…

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Unveiling Gaudí: Secret Masterpieces Hidden in Park Güell

Fluent Fiction – Catalan www.FluentFiction.org/Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: La ciutat de Barcelona té molts secrets. En: The city of Barcelona holds many secrets. Ca: Un dia assolellat, Jordi, Montserrat i Sergi caminaven pel Parc Güell. En: On a sunny day, Jordi, Montserrat, and Sergi were walking through Park Güell. Ca: El parc estava ple de…

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A Timeless Reunion: Family Bonds and Memories at Lake Balaton

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian www.FluentFiction.org/Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: Balatonfüred partján minden annyira szép, mintha álomban lennénk. En: On the shore of Balatonfüred, everything is so beautiful, it’s as if we are in a dream. Hu: A Balaton csodás kék vize csillog a napfényben. En: The wonderful blue water of Lake Balaton glistens in the sunlight.…

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Spices and Bonds: Uniting at Tel Aviv’s Carmel Market

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew www.FluentFiction.org/Hebrew Story Transcript: He: העיר תל אביב התעוררה עם קרני השמש הראשונות. En: The city of Tel Aviv awoke with the first rays of sunlight. He: בשוק הכרמל, הקולות והצבעים התערבבו יחד. En: In the Carmel Market, sounds and colors mixed together. He: היה ריח חזק של טעמים ותבלינים באוויר. En:…

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From Tourist to Royalty: A Day as King and Queen at Prague Castle

Fluent Fiction – Czech www.FluentFiction.org/Czech Story Transcript: Cs: V Praze, na nádherném Pražském Hradě, se odehrál neobvyklý příběh. En: In Prague, at the magnificent Prague Castle, an unusual story took place. Cs: Bylo léto, slunce svítilo a všude kolem byli turisté. En: It was summer, the sun was shining, and tourists were everywhere. Cs: Petra…

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Magic in the Mountains: A Snowstorm Adventure in Zakopane

Fluent Fiction – Polish www.FluentFiction.org/Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Krzysztof i Zofia byli na wędrówce w górach. En: Krzysztof and Zofia were on a hike in the mountains. Pl: Zakopane było znane z pięknych widoków i świeżego powietrza. En: Zakopane was known for its beautiful views and fresh air. Pl: Uwielbiali chodzić po szlakach i podziwiać…

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Easter Traditions: A Heartwarming Family Celebration in Lviv

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian www.FluentFiction.org/Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: В гарній, старій квартирі на вулиці Грушевського у Львові, члени однієї родини зібрались для святкування Великодня. En: In a beautiful old apartment on Hrushevsky Street in Lviv, members of a family gathered to celebrate Easter. Uk: В ці святкові дні місто Лева наповнене пахоща свіжоспечених пасок, крашанок…

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Adventure on Table Mountain: Friendship Amidst Adversity

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans www.FluentFiction.org/Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Die son het vroegoggend oor Kaapstad opgekome, en die lug was helder en blou. En: The sun rose early over Cape Town, and the sky was clear and blue. Af: Johan, Annika, en Pieter het besluit om ‘n dag op Tafelberg deur te bring. En: Johan, Annika,…

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