Discovering History: A Journey Through Bratislava Castle

Fluent Fiction – Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Slnko príjemne svietilo nad Bratislavským hradom. En: The sun was pleasantly shining over Bratislava Castle. Sk: Jana, Marek a Zuzana stáli pred veľkými bránami. En: Jana, Marek, and Zuzana stood in front of the large gates. Sk: V ten deň bola ich trieda na výlete. En: That…

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Dramatic Health Scare in Stockholm’s Old Town: Friendship Tested

Fluent Fiction – Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Gamla Stan, Stockholm. En: Old Town, Stockholm. Sv: Det var en solig dag i november. En: It was a sunny day in November. Sv: Erik och Sofia promenerade tillsammans med sin vän Lars. En: Erik and Sofia were walking together with their friend Lars. Sv: De var…

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Miracle at Kyiv Pechersk Lavra: A Mother’s Faith Restored

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Анна і Микола прийшли до Києво-Печерської лаври. En: Anna and Mykola arrived at the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra. Uk: День був сонячний і теплий. En: The day was sunny and warm. Uk: Пілігрими йшли навколо, молилися, запалювали свічки. En: Pilgrims were walking around, praying, and lighting candles. Uk:…

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Exploring Borobudur: A Journey of Friendship and Discovery

Fluent Fiction – Indonesian Story Transcript: Id: Pada suatu hari yang cerah, Rani, Adi, dan Siti pergi ke Candi Borobudur. En: On a bright day, Rani, Adi, and Siti went to Borobudur Temple. Id: Mereka adalah teman baik yang suka petualangan. En: They were good friends who loved adventures. Id: Pagi itu, mereka sangat…

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Discovery at Jaffa Port: The Secret Green City Beneath

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew Story Transcript: He: ליאורה, יצחק ונועם עמדו על המזח בנמל יפו. En: Liora, Yitzhak, and Noam stood on the dock at the Jaffa port. He: השמש התחילה לשקוע, והאור הכתום צבע את הים בכחול עמוק. En: The sun began to set, and the orange light painted the sea a deep…

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Soaring Over Cappadocia: Ahmet’s Unforgettable Balloon Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: Ahmet heyecanlıydı. En: Ahmet was excited. Tr: Güneş daha doğmamıştı. En: The sun had not yet risen. Tr: Kapadokya soğuktu. En: Cappadocia was cold. Tr: Ahmet sıcak hava balonuyla uçacaktı. En: Ahmet was going to fly in a hot air balloon. Tr: Gün ağarmaya başladı. En: Dawn…

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Legends of Wawel: A Journey Through Polish History

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Jacek stał na moście prowadzącym do Zamku Wawelskiego. En: Jacek stood on the bridge leading to Wawel Castle. Pl: Był słoneczny dzień, a on czuł dreszcz emocji. En: It was a sunny day, and he felt a thrill of excitement. Pl: Przewodnik o imieniu Anna zaczęła opowiadać…

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Discovering Heritage: A Family’s Journey Through Dubrovnik

Fluent Fiction – Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: U srcu ljetne vrućine, sunce je sjalo nad Dubrovnikom, obasjavajući stare kamene ulice. En: In the heart of summer heat, the sun shone over Dubrovnik, illuminating the old stone streets. Hr: Ivan, Ana i Petar polako hodali su Stradunom, poznatom ulicom u Starom Gradu. En: Ivan, Ana,…

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Magical Memories: A Day at the Black Forest Summer Festival

Fluent Fiction – German Story Transcript: De: Der Morgen war kühl, und die Vögel sangen fröhlich. En: The morning was cool, and the birds sang cheerfully. De: Lena und Hans fuhren in den Schwarzwald. En: Lena and Hans drove to the Black Forest. De: Jedes Jahr fand dort das Sommerfest statt. En: The summer…

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Floating Gardens of Paris: A Vision for a Renewed City

Fluent Fiction – French Story Transcript: Fr: Sous le ciel bleu de Paris, la ville brillait d’un éclat particulier. En: Under the blue sky of Paris, the city shone with a peculiar brilliance. Fr: Au cœur des Champs-Élysées, Luc, Camille et Sophie marchaient ensemble. En: In the heart of the Champs-Élysées, Luc, Camille, and…

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