Unexpected Adventures on La Rambla: Friends and Gaudí’s Legacy

Fluent Fiction – Catalan www.FluentFiction.org/Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: Un matí assolellat a Barcelona, la ciutat vibrava amb vida. En: A sunny morning in Barcelona, the city was buzzing with life. Ca: La Rambla estava plena de gent: locals, turistes, venedors ambulants i artistes de carrer. En: La Rambla was full of people: locals, tourists, street…

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Discovering Community: A Journey Through Chatuchak Weekend Market

Fluent Fiction – Thai www.FluentFiction.org/Thai Story Transcript: Th: ณ ตลาดนัดจตุจักร ที่นี่มีของขายหลากหลาย ทั้งของกิน ของใช้ และของฝาก En: At Chatuchak Weekend Market, there is a wide variety of goods for sale, including food, household items, and souvenirs. Th: ที่ผู้ค้าจะมาขายของในทุกๆ สัปดาห์ En: Vendors come to sell their products every week. Th: วันหนึ่ง นักเรียนสามคนจากโรงเรียน คือ นภัทธ์ อริสา และ พลอย พวกเขามาที่ตลาดนัดจตุจักร…

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Mystery at Delphi: The Student Who Saved an Ancient Prophecy

Fluent Fiction – Greek www.FluentFiction.org/Greek Story Transcript: El: Ήταν μια ζεστή καλοκαιρινή μέρα. En: It was a warm summer day. El: Ο Νίκος περπατούσε στον αρχαίο χώρο του Μαντείου των Δελφών. En: Nikos was walking in the ancient site of the Oracle of Delphi. El: Τα βουνά γύρω του έκαναν τον τόπο μαγικό. En: The…

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Unveiling Hawa Mahal’s Hidden Treasures: A School Trip Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Hindi www.FluentFiction.org/Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: जयपुर का हवा महल अपने सौंदर्य के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। En: Hawa Mahal of Jaipur is famous for its beauty. Hi: एक दिन, रोहन, मीरा, और अमित अपनी स्कूल यात्रा पर वहां आए थे। En: One day, Rohan, Meera, and Amit came there on a school trip.…

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Amid Shibuya’s Bustle: A Day of Friendship and Homework

Fluent Fiction – Japanese www.FluentFiction.org/Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 午後三時、太陽がまだ空に高くあります。 En: At three in the afternoon, the sun is still high in the sky. Ja: 渋谷のスクランブル交差点は、人々であふれています。 En: The Shibuya scramble crossing is overflowing with people. Ja: ユキは友達を待っています。 En: Yuki is waiting for friends. Ja: ユキは青いシャツを着ています。学校の宿題について考えています。 En: She is wearing a blue shirt and thinking about her…

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Bergen’s Magical Christmas: A Family Reunion Rediscovered

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian www.FluentFiction.org/Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Snøen dalte sakte ned mot Bergens hustak. En: The snow was slowly falling onto the rooftops of Bergen. Nb: Luften var kald og frisk. En: The air was cold and fresh. Nb: Ingrid sto i kjøkkenvinduet og kikket ut. En: Ingrid stood in the kitchen window, looking…

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Heartfelt Moments: A Traditional Bulgarian Wedding at Rila

Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian www.FluentFiction.org/Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: Сутринта беше ясна и свежа. En: The morning was clear and fresh. Bg: Слънцето се отразяваше в снежните върхове на Рила планина. En: The sun reflected off the snowy peaks of the Rila Mountains. Bg: Иван, Мария и Георги се събраха пред огромните порти на Рилския манастир.…

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Discovering Trakai Castle: A Family’s Journey Through History

Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian www.FluentFiction.org/Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Trakų pilis yra graži ir sena. En: The Trakai Castle is beautiful and old. Lt: Eina trys žmonės: Gabija, Jonas ir Eglė. En: Three people are walking: Gabija, Jonas, and Eglė. Lt: Jie yra šeima. En: They are a family. Lt: Jie pirmą kartą lankosi šioje pilyje.…

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A Bite of Danger: Surviving an Allergy Scare at Budapest Market

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian www.FluentFiction.org/Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: A nap ragyogóan sütött Budapest Központi Vásárcsarnokára. En: The sun was shining brightly on Budapest’s Central Market Hall. Hu: Zsófia, István és Bence egy szombat délután böngésztek a piacon. En: Zsófia, István, and Bence were browsing the market on a Saturday afternoon. Hu: István szeme megakadt egy…

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Reuniting Hearts: A Family’s Pilgrimage in Snowdonia

Fluent Fiction – Welsh www.FluentFiction.org/Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Mae heulwen wan yn dawnsio ar y bryniau gosgeiddig. En: A weak sunlight dances on the graceful hills. Cy: Aneirin, Eira, ac Rhys yn cyfarfod yn y maes parcio ym Mharc Cenedlaethol Eryri. En: Aneirin, Eira, and Rhys meet in the parking lot at Snowdonia National Park.…

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